
How to plant evening primrose seeds?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to plant evening primrose seeds?

Nelumbo nucifera is a perennial rattan-like twining herb of the genus Nelumbo nucifera. It is native to South China. The flowers are yellowish green with fresh aroma and stronger fragrance at night, so they are known as nocturnal and nocturnal flowers. They are often propagated by cuttings, but they can also be propagated by seeds. Let's take a look at how the seeds are planted.

Preparation for sowing of evening primrose

The sowing time of night incense seeds can be sowed in spring or autumn in warm areas. before sowing, the seedling bed should be leveled and raked fine, and then a small amount of calcium superphosphate should be applied to make the seedling root strong, and then pour water on the seedling bed to keep it moist all the time. wait for the water to seep into the seedling bed before sowing.

Sowing method of evening primrose

When the seedbed is ready, you can sow the seeds, do not cover the soil too thick, just cover the seeds is the most appropriate. After sowing, spread a layer of straw evenly on the seedbed to reduce water evaporation. And always pay attention to the soil moisture, if the soil is found to be dry, water can be directly poured on rice straw, the temperature of seedling should be kept at 15: 25 ℃, generally in a week or so, the seeds can grow seedlings.

The method of potted night incense

When evening incense seedlings grow 2-3 true leaves, separate seedlings and transplant once to achieve the effect of strong seedlings, and then plant in pots when they grow to 6-7 true leaves. Because it is a seedling, it should be transplanted into the pot immediately after rising the seedling, be careful not to damage the root system, and cultivate the soil while planting, and then plant all the roots into the soil, do not expose part of the rhizome.

Pay attention to sowing nocturnal incense

1. Autumn sowing should be carried out in October, and attention should be paid to solving the problem of cold prevention of seedlings after winter. It can be transplanted to the pot in the next spring.

2. Nocturnal incense should maintain a temperature of not less than 5 ℃ when it overwinters indoors, otherwise, it is prone to frost injury. If you encounter a cold day, as long as covered with plastic bags, put in the south window in direct sunlight, you can safely survive the winter. Don't leave the room until the temperature is stable at about 10 ℃ next spring.