
Culture method of night incense

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture method of night incense

Night incense, also known as night fragrance, night orchid, night clove, thousand li incense, etc., originated in South China, is now cultivated in various provinces and regions of South China for viewing, flowers and leaves can be used for medicinal purposes, and has the effect of clearing liver, eyesight and nebula. South China folk is used to treat conjunctivitis, accumulate ophthalmopathy and so on. Let's take a look at the breeding methods of night incense.

Growth habits of evening primrose

Nocturnal incense mainly grows in jungles, woodlands or bushes in subtropical and warm temperate regions, and likes warm and humid, sunny, well-ventilated, dry climate, good drainage and loose and fertile soil, drought and barren, not resistant to waterlogging, not resistant to cold, stop growing after defoliation in winter, branch and long leaves in spring, and bear fruit in winter. Higher requirements for temperature, the average annual temperature is controlled at about 20 degrees Celsius, like fertilizer, in its growth process to a small number of times to fertilize. Water requirements are also very high, in hot summer to more watering, winter to keep the soil moist but remember waterlogging, especially avoid frost, the Yangtze River basin can only be potted, resistant to pruning.

Cuttage propagation of Cinnamomum odoratum

1. Selection of cuttings: evening incense cuttings should choose branches with strong growth or no diseases and insect pests, and sunny branches in the middle and upper part of the year should be selected on the same plant, requiring short internodes, sturdy branches and full tips of buds. It is not suitable to choose branches and overgrown branches that are about to bloom.

2. Substrate selection: night incense substrate was prepared with peat soil, rotten leaf soil and Gaza at 3:3:4 respectively. The bed soil prepared in this way has the characteristics of increasing bed temperature, water retention, aeration, fertility, partial acidity and so on, so it is suitable for branches to take root and sprout.

3. Cutting treatment: before cutting, cuttings were treated with ABT rooting powder and other chemicals, which had the effect of promoting rooting. Cut the cuttings into a section of 8 cm to 12 cm, with 2 to 3 buds above. The cut in the lower part of the cuttings should be 0.5 cm below the node. The incision should be smooth, cut off the lower leaves, leaving only 2 to 3 leaves at the top, and the insertion depth is generally about 3 cm.

4. Rooting conditions: the suitable rooting temperature is 20 ℃ to 24 ℃, and the general soil temperature is 3 ℃ to 5 ℃ higher than the air temperature. The relative humidity of the bed air is 80% to 90%, which is favorable for rooting and requires light of about 30%. The moisture should be suitable, which is slightly higher at the initial stage of cutting and slightly dry at the later stage. The suitable period for local open-field cutting is from early May to mid-June, which is in a better climate, which can better meet the temperature and humidity conditions needed for cuttings to take root.

5. Post-planting management: after planting, evening incense should be watered thoroughly, covered with plastic film, placed in a shaded place, or scattered grass on the film to prevent direct sunlight, and increase light at night to help its cuttings survive. Air is released once or twice a day to replenish the oxygen needed and prevent diseases. To often spray water, keep the inserting bed moderately moist, but do not spray too much water, otherwise the inserting bed is too wet, often affecting the cuttings healing and rooting. When the new root grows to 2 cm to 3 cm, it can be transplanted into the basin at the right time. Nanjing area should be moved into indoor maintenance in winter after flowering.

Culture method of night incense

1. Potted soil: a slightly acidic soil with good drainage, loose and organic matter. The pot soil is generally made of peat soil or rotten leaf soil with 3 parts of coarse river mud and 2 parts of coarse river mud and a small amount of farm manure. When potted, the bottom is about 1 to 5 deeply filled with broken bricks in shape to facilitate basin drainage, and the upper part is cultivated with mixed basin soil.

2. Lighting: potted night incense requires well-ventilated environmental conditions. From the beginning of May to the end of September, it is appropriate to put sufficient sunshine in the hospital or maintenance on the balcony. Although it likes adequate sunshine, it should avoid hot sun exposure at noon in summer.

3. Fertilization: in the process of its growth, liquid fertilizer should be applied every 10 to 15 days, and thin liquid fertilizer should be applied every half a month since late April, so that it can blossom continuously from the middle of May. If you can apply high efficiency humic acid liquid fertilizer such as Chunquan 883 or Huimanfeng, the effect will be better.

4. Water diversion: summer is the peak growing season of night incense. Except for sufficient fertilizer, the basin soil must be kept moist and watered once a day if necessary. If it is a seedling, it should be sprayed to the leaves once or twice a day.

5. Suitable temperature: in the middle and last ten days of October every year, night incense should be moved into the greenhouse. The temperature of the greenhouse should be kept from 8 ℃ to 12 ℃. If the temperature is lower than 5 ℃, the leaves will wither and fall off until death.

6. change the basin: the change of the pot should be carried out before coming out of the room at the beginning of April. When changing the basin, part of the old soil and roots should be removed, replaced with new culture soil, and heavy cutting should be carried out to promote the development of new branches. After changing the basin, you should keep the soil moist, but there can be no stagnant water in the basin. If you find that the tender leaves droop slightly after changing the basin, you should water them in time.

7. Plant repair: scaffolding should be set up in the cultivation and management of night incense, the top of the plant should be topped in time to promote more branches, the residual pedicel should be cut off in time after blooming, and fertilizer should be added, and the withered branches and over-dense branches should be cut off after blossom. truncate the overgrown. The branches of pruning night incense grow faster, and if they are allowed to grow naturally, they can grow about 1 meter in a year, so they need to be pruned every year in order to sprout more lateral branches and blossom. Pruning is generally carried out in autumn, and each side branch remains 10-12 cm long. After the flowers fade, the withered branches and overdense branches should be cut off.

8. Harvest: 40% of the florets are budding, and a few flowers are picking the whole inflorescence when they are blooming. Generally pick once a day, blooming flowers should be removed, so as not to affect other buds and lose commodity value.

9. Disease prevention: the main pests of night incense are mites and shellfish, and the disease is Fusarium wilt. In order to control mites, we can use anti-mite 23 EC 800x solution, 73% mites 2000 times solution and so on. To control shell insects, 40% dimethoate emulsion 600-800 times can be used. Fusarium wilt can be controlled by 600-800 times of Fusarium wilt, 600 times of 50% carbendazim, and so on. If you find a wilted plant, you should remove it in time, take it outside the garden and burn it, and spread quicklime in the soil around the diseased plant, and replant it one month later.