
Why do flowers bloom at night?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Why do flowers bloom at night?

Epiphyllum is a perennial evergreen fleshy herb of the cactus family, which likes a mild, humid and semi-shady environment. In a hot summer, when the breeze cool night falls, the epiphyllum, known as the fairy flower, will bloom. When it blossoms, it is fragrant and refreshing, and the white flowers and green stems set off each other for a while, but why do epiphyllum bloom at night? Let's take a look at it together.

Why do epiphyllum bloom at night?

Epiphyllum is native to the tropical deserts from America, Mexico to Brazil. The climate there is dry and hot, but it is much cooler in the evening. Blooming at night can avoid strong sun exposure, shorten flowering time, and greatly reduce the loss of water, which is conducive to its survival. To keep it alive. As a result, the characteristics of epiphyllum blooming in a short time at night gradually formed over a long period of time, and have been handed down from generation to generation to this day.

When does epiphyllum blossom?

Epiphyllum flowering season is generally from June to October, flowering time is generally after 8 o'clock in the evening, blooming time is only 5: 10 minutes, very short. When epiphyllum blossoms, the kaleidoscope slowly tilts up, slowly opens the purple coat, and then the snow-white flowers composed of more than 20 petals bloom. But only 3 or 4 hours later, the Corolla closed and the flowers withered quickly, which was really a flash in the pan.

How to breed epiphyllum best?

1. Soil: potted plants usually have good drainage, fertile rotten leaf soil, pot soil should not be too wet, and maintain high air humidity in summer. Avoid showers to avoid soaking the roots. During the growing period, fertilization was applied once a month, and phosphate fertilizer was applied once at the budding and flowering stage in early summer. Reasonable application of fertilizer and water can prolong flowering, too much fertilizer and water, excessive shade, easy to cause stem node to grow, on the contrary, affect flowering.

2. Light: like semi-overcast and warm environment. In summer, it should be maintained under the shade grid, or cultivated in a place where there is no direct light. The suitable temperature for growth in spring and summer is 21-24 ℃ in daytime and 16-18 ℃ at night. To enter the greenhouse in winter, put it in the sunny place, require sufficient light, and the overwintering temperature should be kept at 10-13 ℃.

3. Watering: keep the basin soil moist in summer, do not accumulate water, so as to avoid rotting roots. Put up shade to avoid direct sunlight. Water more in summer and spray water 1-2 times in the morning and evening to increase air humidity and avoid showers so as not to soak the roots. Watering should be reduced in spring and autumn, and watering should be strictly controlled in winter to keep the basin soil not too dry.

4. Fertilization

① can apply rotten liquid fertilizer in autumn, without enough nutrients, it is not easy to blossom or blossom less. Remove the shading equipment in autumn to enhance the light. Nitrogen fertilizer should be applied once a month in spring and autumn. In winter, people often drink water, stop fertilizing, and put it in a place with light to control its growth. When the room temperature is too high in winter, dense new buds often sprout from the base, which should be removed in time so as not to consume nutrients and affect flowering after spring. With the increase of air temperature in spring, it is not appropriate to water and fertilize too much, so as not to cause bud drop.

During the growing period of ②, the fertilizer and water of rotten cake can be applied once a month, or ferrous sulfate can be added at the same time. The bone powder or superphosphate was applied once at the bud and flowering stage. Proper application of fertilizer and water can prolong flowering time. Too much fertilizer and water and too much sunshade will cause stem nodes to grow and affect flowering. And exposure or the sun is too strong, it makes the abnormal stem atrophy and yellowing.

5. Cover: potted epiphyllum should be tied or propped up in time because the abnormal stem is weak. Epiphyllum is a negative plant, potted flowers can be placed under the shade or under the eaves in summer, but to avoid Rain Water dripping, so as not to cause plant root dumping, affecting growth. You need to move indoors in winter.

6. Florescence: in order to change the habit of blooming epiphyllum at night, the method of "day and night upside down" can be adopted to make epiphyllum bloom during the day. When the epiphyllum buds are enlarged, the epiphyllum is moved to a dark room or covered with a dark shade made of black plastic film during the day, without any light, but is illuminated by light from 8 o'clock in the evening to 6 o'clock in the next morning. Epiphyllum can bloom during the day according to people's wishes.