
Clematis has a long flowering period in July.

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, In July, some varieties of Clematis are dormant, and some are still in flowering stage, so how do flower friends need to raise them well? Very simple, clematis "distinguishing cultivation", pay attention to different varieties of different methods, autumn can blossom, and flowering period is long.

In July, some varieties of Clematis are dormant, and some are still in flowering stage, so how do flower friends need to raise them well? Very simple, clematis "differentiated culture", pay attention to different varieties of different methods, autumn can blossom, and the flowering period is long.

So, how to distinguish the method of raising? In fact, it can be maintained and managed in July according to the category of clematis.

1. The management of clematis

Location of the basin: it is suitable to be placed in a cool and ventilated place with shade. It is best to put a brick under the basin to avoid direct contact with the hot ground. You can also use two-layer flowerpots filled with sand in the middle to cool down.

Watering: as soon as July arrives, evaporation intensifies, clematis is easy to lack water, so it is necessary to replenish water in time. Usually once a day. It is best to water it when it is cool in the morning. if you forget to water it until noon in the morning, put the tap water in the sun, let the temperature rise to about the same as room temperature, and then water it in a cool place.

Pruning, pruning and traction: there is no need for pruning, pruning and traction of clematis in July. Clematis clematis, which belongs to a class of clematis, has strong heat resistance and begins to blossom in autumn. its new branches need to be properly dragged and tied this month.

Diseases and insect pests: in July, the red spider disease of clematis will gradually disappear, but flower friends should not take it lightly. Clematis will have thrips this month. Pay attention to the black marks on the leaves, that is, thrips. In addition, just after the rainy season at the beginning of the month, Fusarium wilt is prone to occur. Once found, the withered part should be cut off immediately and disinfected by spraying chemicals.

2. Management of Class II Clematis

Location of potted plants: suitable for placing in a cool and ventilated place with cuteness.

Watering: hot weather, easy to lack of water, be sure to replenish water in time, usually once a day. Be sure to water it in the morning or dusk when it is cool.

Fertilization: for type II clematis, thin liquid fertilizer is needed after the second flowering. Florists can use organic liquid fertilizer commonly used in flowers to dilute the roots 500 times, once every 10 days.

Pruning, pruning, traction: cut off the residual flowers in time after the second flowering, and arrange the messy branches.

Diseases and insect pests: occasional thistles, notice black marks on the leaves, that is, grape damage. Thrips are generally nocturnal, and it is appropriate to spray at dusk after being found.

3. Three kinds of clematis

Pot location: three types of clematis are relatively heat-resistant and generally do not need special shade.

Watering: evaporation is intensified, and water should be replenished in time. Usually once or twice a day. In particular, the three types of clematis of large plants are heat-resistant, thrive in high temperature, easy to lack of water, and should be watered once in the cool morning and evening.

Fertilization: after the second flowering, add thin flower general organic liquid fertilizer, the concentration is the same as the second class clematis.

Pruning, pruning, traction: prune the residual flowers in time after the second flowering, and arrange the messy branches.

Diseases and insect pests: pay attention to the damage of thrips.

The picture is from the flower friend: yetus