
What are the nicknames for lotus?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, What are the nicknames for lotus?

Lotus is the general name of two kinds of lotus plants of the family Nelumbo nucifera. There are many kinds of perennial aquatic herbs, which are divided into ornamental and edible categories. They are native to tropical and temperate regions of Asia. China has cultivation records as early as Zhou Dynasty. It has always been one of the themes sung and painted by poets and Mohist through the ages. Let's take a look at the nicknames of lotus.

What are the nicknames for lotus?

Lotus, lotus, Fentoli, Ganoderma lucidum, Shuiyun, Shuimu, Ze Zhi, Shuihua, Shuimu, Shuidan, hibiscus, water hibiscus, jade ring, June spring, Chinese lotus, June flower god, lotus root, Ganoderma lucidum, jade ganoderma, water hibiscus, Shuigong fairy, gentleman flower, Tianxian flower, Hongzu, Xike, Bihuan whip rong, whip, golden hibiscus, grass hibiscus, Jingke, emerald money, red clothes, palace lotus, Buddha beard and so on.

Growth environment of lotus

Lotus is an aquatic plant. Calm shallow water, lakes, marshes and ponds that are relatively stable are its suitable growing places, and its water demand depends on its varieties. Large plant-shaped varieties such as ancient lotus and red thousand-leaf have a relatively deep water level, but can not exceed 1.7 meters. Small and medium-sized plants are only suitable for water depths of 20-60 cm. At the same time, the lotus is very sensitive to water loss, as long as there is no irrigation for 3 hours in summer, the lotus leaves planted in the water tank will languish. If the water stops for one day, the lotus leaves will be scorched and the buds will wither. Lotus is also very fond of light, the growth period needs full light environment, extremely intolerant to shade, growing in the semi-shade will show a strong phototaxis.

The origin of the nickname of lotus

1. Lotus: Li Shizhen's Compendium of Materia Medica explains: "the lotus stem is loaded with leaves, and the leaves are loaded with lotus flowers, hence the name." .

2. Hibiscus: also known as "husband". The Han dictionary "Erya" explained: "Furong contains the application of pu." In addition, "Shuowenjiezi" cloud: "it has not been issued as a lotus, but has been sent as hibiscus." Li Shizhen also said that hibiscus means "dressing for beauty". No wonder Sima Xiangru, a writer in the Han Dynasty, compared his wife Zhuo Wenjun to a hibiscus out of the water.

3. Ganoderma lucidum, Shuihua, Shuiyun, Shuidan, Shuimu and Zezhi: because the lotus is a perennial aquatic plant, the ancients classified it as aquatic plants, and most of them were named "water" at the beginning. Cao Zhi, a writer of the three Kingdoms, praised "the heroic lush of Lan Baihui and the single spirit of Wusihua" in his Furong Fu, and compared the lotus to Ganoderma lucidum in the water.

4. Gentleman Flower, Lingbo Fairy, Shuigong Fairy and Yuhuan: according to the Records of the Northern Dream, during the period of Tang Daiyuan and Su Changyuan (806-820), Su Changyuan lived in Wuzhong (present-day Suzhou). He met a girl with a pink face in plain clothes and gave him a jade ring. Soon, he found that the lotus was in full bloom in the pool in his courtyard, and there was the same jade ring in the stamens. But "the fold is unique", and later generations also called it the jade ring.

5. June Flower God: ancient Jiangnan custom, June 24 of the lunar calendar is the birthday of the lotus, so the lotus has the nickname of "June Flower God".

6. Golden hibiscus and grass hibiscus: in order to express the appreciation for the noble form of lotus, golden hibiscus and grass hibiscus are compared to the rare character of lotus.

7. Xi Ke, Jingke, Cui Qian, Red clothes, Palace Lotus, Buddha seat must: Xi Ke and Jing Ke emphasize the growth environment and quiet and elegant state of the lotus, Cui Qian is the elegant name of the new lotus, the red coat is the nickname of the lotus petal, the palace lotus is the laudatory name of the lotus petal, and the Buddha seat must be another name for the lotus stamens.