
Prevention and treatment of retinoid deficiency in infertile female rabbits with corneal leukoplakia

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Prevention and treatment of retinoid deficiency in infertile female rabbits with corneal leukoplakia

Vitamin An is one of the important vitamins to ensure the eugenics and rearing of farmed animals. if the female rabbit lacks vitamin A, it will not only suffer, but also damage the health of the offspring and reduce the quality of the offspring. Symptoms of vitamin A deficiency in female rabbits:

Female rabbit

The main results are as follows: 1. there are fuzzy leukoplakia or leucorrhea in the cornea, usually in the middle or slightly on the side of the cornea, the cornea is cloudy, rough and dry, dry scabs or purulent secretions accumulate around the eyes, and there is pigmentation at the edge of the bulbar conjunctiva. If you do not supplement vitamin An at this time, the disease will further worsen, with complete keratitis, iridocyclitis, empyema in the anterior chamber, resulting in permanent blindness. if you examine the fundus with a magnifying microscope, you can see white spots on the retina.

2. if the female rabbit is infertile or unable to reproduce, even if it can be fertilized and pregnant, there will be early fetal death or absorption, easy abortion, easy to give birth to stillbirth or malformation.

3. Newborn rabbits are prone to hydrocephalus, which is caused by the increase of brain and bone marrow hydraulic pressure caused by lack of vitamin An in female rabbits. Even if there is no hydrocephalus, the baby rabbits still grow slowly, lose weight, reduce spontaneous movement in the later stage, and even do not want to move. There are similar neurological symptoms as parasitic otitis media, such as turning in circles, turning head to one side, swinging left and right, head retraction, limb paralysis, sometimes convulsions, severe cases, falling and turning back. Out of control.

Second, prevention and control measures:

1. Prevention: starting from the source, mainly supply adequate vitamin An or carrots to female rabbits to ensure their own health, normal estrus, timely conception, normal fetal development and production of healthy offspring. The source of feed supply should be rich in carotene, and feeding feed such as high-quality forage grass, yellow corn, carrots, old pumpkin, yellow heart sweet potato and so on is the most simple and reliable way to prevent vitamin A deficiency. Carotene or carotenoids (such as cryptoxanthin, phycoxanthin, etc.) can be converted into vitamin A by carotenase in female rabbits.

2. Drug treatment: ⑴ oral administration of vitamin A capsule, each pill contains vitamin A 25000 units, each female rabbit takes 600-3000 units, once a day for 7 days, as a course of treatment. Stop taking it for 7 days and then take it for another 7 days until the female rabbit is in normal health. ⑵ oral administration of cod liver oil, 1-2 ml each time, if mixed with feed, can be added at 0.2ml / kg. ⑶ was injected intramuscularly with vitamin A, and 1 ml containing vitamin A 50, 000 units and vitamin D 5, 000 units were combined or mixed for intramuscular injection. Each female rabbit or rabbit deficient in vitamin A took a dose of 0.25ml once and played once every other day for 7 days.