
Culture methods and matters needing attention of Carnation

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture methods and matters needing attention of Carnation

The carnation has tall and straight branches, green leaves, beautiful flowers, elegant posture, rich colors, and pleasant fragrance. It blossoms in four seasons when the conditions are right. It is one of the best cut flower materials. With asparagus and other lining leaves in the vase, it is a good product in the decoration room. Let's take a look at the breeding methods and points for attention of carnations.

The breeding method of Carnation

Carnation can be propagated by cutting, sowing and tissue culture. in general, conventional propagation is mainly by cutting, which is mostly carried out in spring, and can also be carried out at other times except in hot summer. Perlite and peat or coke chaff can be used as the medium for cutting. the strong lateral branches in the middle of the plant should be selected for cutting. the internodes should be short, and the branches should be held by hand and pulled down when picking cuttings, so that there is a main stem cortex at the base of the cuttings, so it is easier to survive. It should be cut immediately after harvest, and the branches and leaves should not be wilted, otherwise the survival rate will be greatly reduced.

The Culture method of Carnation

1. Soil selection: soil or medium is the place where plant roots are active. It is very important for carnation cultivation to create a loose and breathable rhizosphere environment with a certain ability to preserve fertilizer and water. Carnation is a herbaceous flower with root system, and its roots like to grow in loose, fertile and well-ventilated soil or medium. The best soil for growing carnations is sandy loam. Soil ventilation gap accounts for about 30% of the most ideal, viscous and silted soil is not conducive to the growth of carnations, it needs to be improved, its core is to coordinate the relationship between solid, liquid and gas in the soil.

2. Temperature requirements: temperature has a qualitative and quantitative effect on the growth and development of carnations, such as the speed of growth, the shape and size of flowers, leaves and stems, the yield of cut flowers and the life span of cut flowers. Carnation is a cool plant, the optimum temperature for growth and development is 19-21 ℃, and the temperature difference between day and night should be kept within 10 ℃. When the temperature is too high in the daytime, the carnation has narrow leaves, small flowers and poor branching, while if the temperature is too high at night, there will be abnormal reactions with weak stems, small flowers and good flower color. When the summer temperature is higher than 350C and the winter temperature is lower than 9 ℃, the growth is slow or abnormal or even stops.

3. Lighting requirements: light is the source of energy for plant growth, and carnations have the highest requirements for light among known plants. There is no need to worry about any harmful effects of bright light on carnations except at the seedling or full flowering stage. Carnation is also a cumulative long sunshine plant. The longer the sunshine accumulates, the more it can promote the flower bud differentiation, and then blossom earlier, improve the flowering uniformity and cut flower yield. With the help of auxiliary light, it can not only promote the elongation of plant internodes and inhibit the growth of lateral branches, but also increase the diameter of Corolla and the brightness of flower color.

4. Watering method: carnations are shallow-rooted flowers, and the planting depth should not exceed 2 cm. Water should be watered once after planting, and then watered when the basin soil is dry. Carnation is not resistant to moisture, in addition to increasing the amount of water in the vigorous growth period, flowering period and midsummer, generally watering should not be too much, just keep the soil moist. Avoid too dry and wet soil during flowering.

5. Fertilization method: Carnation is a shallow root plant, and its roots are mainly distributed in the soil layer of 20 cm. Sufficient amount of base fertilizer should be applied during cultivation, and organic fertilizer such as stable manure, compost and bone powder should be used to improve the physical properties and fertility of the cultivated soil. make it a humus-rich, easy and fertile loam. The base fertilizer can only be used after composting and ripening. Due to the long growth period of carnations, soil and fertilizer need to be replenished constantly. Topdressing is based on the principle of diligent application of thin fertilizer. Topdressing can be applied every 25-30 days when planted in the open field. If the original fertility of the soil is not high, the interval between topdressing should be shortened. Potted plants can be topdressing every 7-10 days. The times of topdressing can be increased during the two growth peaks of the plant. Fertilizer can be used with cake fertilizer and chicken manure water, or compound fertilizer can be applied alternately.

Points for attention of carnations

1. During the vigorous growth period of spring and autumn, it is appropriate to keep the soil moist to meet the needs of growth and development. When the growth is inhibited during the high temperature period in summer, watering should be controlled to strengthen ventilation in order to keep the basin soil slightly dry.

2. In general, when "Frosts Descent" enters the greenhouse before and after, the most suitable temperature control is true 10-20 ℃. In order to prolong the florescence, the temperature can be increased or lowered appropriately. Efforts should be made to reduce the humidity in the greenhouse in order to reduce the occurrence of diseases.

3. Topdressing should be based on the principle of diligent application of thin fertilizer. Potted plants can be topdressing with thin mature liquid fertilizer every 7-10 days.

4. Enter the room in winter and train in places with plenty of sunshine and good ventilation. If the temperature is suitable, the florescence can be extended to March of the following year.

5. Coring should be carried out 1-2 times at seedling stage to promote branching, so that each plant has about 10 lateral branches. After picking the heart, the plant is graceful and blossoms. With the growth of branches, brackets should also be set up to prevent lodging. During the growth period, the lateral buds and small flower buds produced on each branch should be removed in time, and only one flower bud at the top of each branch should be retained, so that nutrients can be supplied to the top bud.