
Culture method of longevity flower in palace lantern

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Culture method of longevity flower in palace lantern

Palace lantern longevity flower is a perennial herb belonging to the genus Kalanthias of Crassulaceae, also known as red lantern, vine hanging bell begonia, etc., stem lignification, multi-branched, new branches soft and often drooping, leaves opposite, long oval, slightly fleshy, red flower, tubular, apex 4 petals slightly separated, its shape resembles small lantern, so it is named Palace lantern longevity flower. Let's take a look at the cultivation method of Palace lantern longevity flower!

Cultivation of Kalendra miyamanensis

1, purify the air: Palace lamp longevity flower is CAM plant, the stoma is closed during the day, at night the stoma opens to release oxygen, while absorbing carbon dioxide, has a good role in purifying the air, especially at night, can make the closed indoor air fresh.

2, beautify the home: Gongdeng longevity flower compact plant type, crystal clear leaves, flowers dense and gorgeous, excellent viewing effect. The flowering period of the palace lantern longevity flower coincides with Christmas, New Year's Day and Spring Festival. It can be used to decorate windowsills, desks and desks. It is very suitable for flower troughs, window displays and halls. Its overall viewing effect is excellent. It is an ideal potted flower in winter and can beautify the home.

3. Feng Shui value: The name of the palace lantern longevity flower is longevity. Therefore, the festival presents friends and relatives, meaning good luck and longevity. It is very suitable and likable. Add a pot of palace lanterns and longevity flowers to your home during the Spring Festival, which can set off a good omen of happiness and longevity, bring good meaning and good feng shui.

Propagation method of Longevity of palace lantern

1, stem cutting: after flowering wither, apply a nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer to promote its rejuvenation. In May, June cut 4 cm to 6 cm long, there are 5 to 7 leaves of the stem section, to be cut to dry, directly inserted in a small pot containing soil, three plants per pot into a "pin" shape. Place half shade place, take root after half a month hair new leaf explanation already survived, pick the heart 1 to 2 times, promote its much branch much flower. July temperature is not suitable for cuttings, late August to early September can also be cuttings, the next spring can also bloom, but not as much as May, June cuttings bloom more.

2. Leaf cuttage: cut the robust and full leaves from the petioles, insert them obliquely or lay them flat on the sand bed after the incision is slightly dry, keep the humidity for about 10~15 days, root from the base of the leaves, and grow new plants.

3, plant propagation: old plants after summer, in late August to early September to turn the pot for soil, otherwise the growth will decline, at the same time will be larger plant clusters, with a sharp knife cut into several stumps can be planted, after survival should also be picked 1 to 2 times, promote its multiple branches and flowers.

Cultivation method of alondias miyamensis

1. Soil: Although the longevity flower of Gongdeng does not choose soil very much, it is easy to rot roots in heavy clay, and grows best in loose fertile slightly acidic sandy loam. For home potted plants, a mixture of decayed leaf soil and vegetable topsoil in equal amounts, followed by 5% to 8% sand, is recommended. When planting, add some bone meal or nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer as base fertilizer.

2. Watering: Gongdeng longevity flower is a fleshy animal, which contains more water in its body, is more drought-resistant and afraid of waterlogging, and grows well under the dry air conditions of high-rise buildings. Do not water too much, water every 2-3 days 1 time, pot soil to wet dry as well. If the pot soil is too warm, it is easy to cause root rot. Watering grasp "see dry see wet, irrigation is irrigation thoroughly" winter should increase watering, stop fertilization. Spring and autumn two seasons 3 days or so see basin soil dry after pouring a permeable water, often keep a little moist can. Summer should be less watering, 5 days to 7 days watering once is good, placed outdoors longevity flowers, rainy season to avoid rain, water more easy to rot roots and leaves or even death.

3, light: palace lamp longevity flower light requirements are not strict, full sunlight, half sunlight and scattered light conditions can grow well. Longevity flowers like sunny environment, except midsummer noon should be slightly shaded, the rest of the time should be placed in the sun, at least 4 hours a day to see direct light to grow healthily. The balcony of the building should rotate the flowerpot 180 degrees every half month to make it receive light evenly, avoid partial crown and reduce the ornamental value. Although the semi-shade can also grow, but thin leaves and flowers less pale, far less luxuriant than the sun. If the shade is not only easy to lose leaves without flowers, that is, the flowering plants placed in the shade, but also the color will become dim, and then the flowers will fall and wither.

4. Temperature: The most suitable temperature for the growth of Longevity Flower is 15℃ to 25℃, higher than 30℃, the growth is slow, and it enters the semi-dormant state, that is to say, the longevity in summer is basically not long, the growth is stagnant below 10℃, the leaf color is red below 8℃, the flowering period is delayed, and it is easy to freeze to death below 0℃. In winter, when it is extremely hot, pay attention to ventilation and shade to prevent direct sunlight. Winter enters greenhouse or put outdoor sunny place, temperature insists 10℃ above, lowest temperature cannot be lower than 5℃, when temperature is low, leaf is easy aglow. Therefore, in order to cultivate longevity flowers, we must create a small environment with warm winter and cool summer. At noon in midsummer, we should avoid strong light exposure and place them in a semi-shady place with sufficient scattered light, such as under trees, eaves or north-facing balconies. Special attention should be paid to ventilation and cooling. Sprinkle water on the nearby ground, but not on the plants. After the beginning of autumn, from late August to early September, sunshine can be gradually seen, and more sunshine should be seen from October to promote its transformation from vegetative growth to reproductive growth. When the lowest temperature drops to about 10℃, move indoors and place it in front of the south or west windowsill, so that it can see more sunshine, keep it at 10℃ at night, 15℃ to 18℃ during the day, and bloom in December.

5. Fertilization: Longevity flowers like fertilizer. After half a month of seedling planting or half a month of old plant division, nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer can be applied twice to three times to promote the growth of stems and leaves. After flowering, nitrogen-based liquid fertilizer can be applied once to promote rejuvenation. In addition to stopping application in summer, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer can only be applied in the rest of the time. When applying fertilizer, do not apply fertilizer to the leaves, otherwise the leaves are easy to rot. If you are not careful, you should wash them off with water. Longevity flower flowering long, to break the flowering period without fertilization commandments, once a month to apply thin nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizer or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate solution, so that the late flowers will not become small due to lack of fertilizer and pale.

6, support: when the palace lamp longevity flower plant grows tall, should set up bamboo pole support. For ground planting, a flower net should be set up to prevent branches from breaking.

7. Disease and pest control: mainly powdery mildew and leaf blight, which can be sprayed with 65% zinc wettable powder 600 times solution. Insect pests have scale insects and aphids harm leaves and tender shoots, available 40% dimethoate EC 1000 times spray control. Soil disinfection is necessary before planting tubers, whether in the field or in pots, to prevent soil-borne diseases.

8. Harvest and storage: When the palace lantern longevity flower is cut, it should be harvested when the lowest three flowers of the stem are completely blooming and golden yellow. After the stems are dried and yellow, the tubers are dug up and stored in a cold room at 3~5℃. Digged tubers after washing, with carbendazim or chlorothalonil and other chemicals disinfection, can reduce the occurrence of disease.