
Culture methods of Camellia

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Culture methods of Camellia

The cultivation history of camellias in China can be traced back to the period of Shuhan. At that time, people attached great importance to the status of camellias. Camellias were listed as "seven products and three lives" because of their beautiful plant shape, bright green leaves and colorful flowers. It is sought after by people. Let's take a look at the cultivation methods of camellias.

Growth habits of Camellia

Camellia is afraid of wind and sun, high and cool terrain, air circulation, warm and moist, well drained, loose and fertile sandy loam, loess or humus, pH5.5-6.5 is the best, the optimum temperature is between 20 and 32 ℃, stop growing above 29 ℃, leaves will be anxious at 35 ℃, require a certain temperature difference, environmental humidity more than 70%, most varieties can withstand-8 ℃ low temperature (natural overwintering, Yuncha is slightly not cold-tolerant) In the south of the Huaihe River, the acid soil can be naturally overwintered, and good air permeability is required. It can be cultivated with peat, sawn wood, red soil, humic soil, or above mixed substrate, which can be shaded in spring, autumn and winter, and 50% shading in summer.

Culture methods of Camellia

1. Place of placement: Camellia prefer semi-shade and avoid the scorching sun, so it is suitable to be placed in a warm, moist, ventilated and transparent place. Breed camellia in spring to have sufficient light, summer should pay attention to shade, avoid direct sunlight, if the camellia on the balcony, often accidentally it will be sunburned to death. Camellia in the process of storage and transportation, it is necessary to prevent high temperature and air drying, otherwise buds and flowers are easy to fall off, affecting the quality.

2. Temperature: Camellia likes warm climate, the suitable growth temperature is between 18 and 25 ℃, the initial flowering temperature is 2 ℃, it is slightly cold-tolerant, the general variety can withstand the low temperature of-10 ℃ and summer heat, but more than 36 ℃ will inhibit its growth. The cultivation of camellia requires a certain temperature difference, and the best environmental humidity is above 60%. It can generally survive the winter naturally in the south of the Huaihe River, while the varieties of Camellia are slightly less resistant to cold.

3. Watering: Camellia bonsai culture should keep the soil moist, but not stagnant water, so as not to affect the growth when dry and wet. In general, more water can be properly watered in spring, which is conducive to sprouting and sprouting; in summer, it is best to spray foliar water, so that the leaves are drenched thoroughly, not hot water should be watered, and the high temperature before and after noon should be avoided; proper amount of water should be watered in autumn; it is appropriate to water around noon in winter and spray water every two or three days.

4. Fertilization: Camellia likes fertilizer, so pay attention to put a layer of base fertilizer in the basin soil, mainly phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, and the best fertilization is the mixture of rotten bone powder, hair, chicken feathers, rice chaff ash, poultry dung and calcium superphosphate. Usually, it is not suitable to apply too much fertilizer, generally apply 2 or 3 times of thin fertilizer from April to May after flowering, and apply a slightly thicker water and fertilizer in autumn and November. Camellia fertilizer pay attention to the proportion of phosphate fertilizer should be slightly larger, in order to promote the flowers colorful.

5. Pruning: Camellia grows slowly and should not be overpruned. Generally, long branches, disease and insect branches and weak branches can be cut off. If there are too many buds on each branch, you can sparse the flowers, leaving only 1 or 2 buds and keeping a certain distance, and the rest should be picked as soon as possible so as not to consume too much nutrients. In addition, it is necessary to pick the withered flowers in time, which can also reduce the consumption of nutrients, so as to facilitate the robust growth of camellia and form new flower buds.

6. Turning the pot: it is best to turn the pot once every two years, and the new pot must be one size larger than the old pot, which is beneficial to the root system development of camellia. The best time for turning the pot of camellia is in April in spring, of course, it can also be carried out in autumn. When turning the basin, combined with soil replacement, properly remove part of the hardened old soil, replace it with fertile, loose, breathable new culture soil, and first place a layer of base fertilizer.

Florescence Management of Camellia

Generally speaking, after "the Beginning of Winter", camellias will bloom one after another. in order to make camellias big and colorful and improve their ornamental value, we must pay attention to the following technical points in flowering management.

1. Fertilizer and water management: after "the Beginning of Winter", the buds of most camellia varieties have been very inflated. At this time, mature organic fertilizers based on phosphate fertilizer must be applied every 7 days until the flowers crack. There are often several buds in a pot of camellias, and most varieties cannot bloom at the same time. After the first flowers have withered, fertilizers are still needed to make the later flowers bloom well and bloom. But after the flowers bloom, no more fertilizer can be applied, otherwise, they will suffer fertilizer damage and die. Camellia flowers in the flowering period, a large amount of water, as long as the pot soil is dry, you can water enough at noon, must not make the plant lack of water and cause the flowers to wither early.

2, to move less: camellias are very delicate during flowering, so they should be moved as little as possible, especially from indoor to outdoor. If you want to move from indoor to outdoor, remove the camellias that have been opened or are in bloom, and tie them up with nylon bags to prevent the attack of cold wind from freezing injury. Unopened buds have strong cold resistance and do not need to be bagged.

3. Pay attention to ventilation: camellias should not be kept in an unventilated room for a long time. Windows should be opened every day to facilitate the normal opening of buds.

4. supplementary application of thin fertilizer: for camellia varieties with larger potted plants, such as small peach red, golden prize peony, etc., if they bloom more at the same time, the florescence should be controlled for no more than 10 days, apply thin fertilizer in time after flowering, and pay attention to careful care, in order to restore "vitality".

Control of diseases and insect pests of camellia

1. Anthrax

[incidence characteristics] anthracnose is one of the common diseases of camellia, which usually occurs on the leaves of flowers and seedlings from June to July, and the disease spot starts from the leaf tip or leaf edge. At the beginning, water-stained green-brown disease spots appeared at the edge of the basal leaves, and then expanded into a layer of small black spots arranged in irregular large stripes to spread to the whole leaf, and finally caused the leaves to fall off.

[control methods] ① should strengthen cultivation management, pay attention to the application of organic fertilizer and phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, improve plant disease resistance, remove diseased leaves and burn them in time. After the spring shoot of ② grows, it is sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid to prevent bacterial infection. At the initial stage of the onset of ③ disease, 65% Dysen zinc wettable powder was sprayed with 600x aqueous solution, or 70% methyltolide wettable powder was sprayed with 1000-1500 times solution.

2. Soot disease

[incidence characteristics] soot disease can damage both branches and leaves, especially on leaves. At the initial stage of the disease, soot-like mildew spots appeared in the disease part, and then gradually expanded and connected to each other into pieces, so that most of the plants were covered by soot-like mildew layer. After parasitism, the pathogen not only absorbs the nutrients of flowers, but also seriously affects the photosynthesis and respiration of plants, resulting in a large number of fallen leaves.

[control methods] ① planting should not be too dense, keep the plants in good condition of ventilation and light transmission. ② does not make the humidity too high and controls the conditions for the growth of bacteria. During the onset of ③, Baumei 0.3 degree stone-sulfur mixture was sprayed every 10-15 days for a total of 3 times. ④ can also be sprayed with 50% tophan wettable powder, once in 7-10 days, 3 times, and the therapeutic effect can be obtained.

3. Root knot nematode disease

[characteristics of the disease] Root knot nematode disease harms the roots of camellia, making the roots turn dark brown and root nodules rot and break. The main root was enlarged, the new beard was not born, and the ground plant stopped growing, which gradually led to the death of the whole plant.

[control methods] ① should disinfect the cultured soil and kill the pathogenic insects before putting it into the pot. Immediately after ② found the patient, the sterilized culture soil was used as the basin soil to change the basin. Before changing the basin, ③ can use the basin soil in the scorching sun factory for 2-3 days. ④ can be disinfected by spraying soil with dibromochloropropane and 100,150x water, but the soil after using this drug must be stacked for 20 days before it can be planted in the pot. Otherwise, it will damage the root system.

4. Moire leaf blight

[disease characteristics] moire leaf blight harms twigs, leaves and buds. The disease spot on the leaf mostly occurs at the leaf tip and leaf edge. At the initial stage, the disease spot is semicircular or irregular, yellowish green, then gradually brown, and in the later stage, the disease spot is gray-white edge dark brown. In the later stage, the diseased leaves are brittle and easy to fall off; the disease spots on the shoots are striped dark brown, slightly concave, and the branches die when they are serious. The onset period is from May to August.

[control methods] in early summer in June, when the temperature rises suddenly and the leaves appear withered spots, it should be protected by spraying. In August, when the rainfall is more than 40 mm and the average relative humidity is more than 80%, spray immediately. Can choose 75% chlorothalonil 800 times liquid, 50% carbendazim 1000 times solution, or 50% carbendazim, 70% methyl topu 1500 times solution for prevention and control. After spraying carbendazim, carbendazim and methyl thiophanate, tea can be picked at an interval of 10 days, and the safe interval of chlorothalonil is 14 days. The non-picking tea garden can also spray 0.7% lime half-volume Bordeaux liquid.