
Overcast and rain are easy to cause diseases this year. The management of river crabs in early summer can not be ignored.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Overcast and rain are easy to cause diseases this year. The management of river crabs in early summer can not be ignored.

Just entered the the Beginning of Summer season, the temperature is gradually rising, the water temperature is suitable, for the river crab culture, began to enter the golden period of the growth of river crabs, when the river crabs increased appetite, strong activity, conducive to digestion and absorption, fast growth rate, but at the same time, due to frequent rain this year, the temperature gap and other factors, but also easy to induce bacteria and diseases. For this reason, five instructors of fishery science and technology in Huagang Town have recently frequently visited Tangkou for guidance, requiring demonstration households to realize the importance of pond management at present, and mainly do a good job in the following points:

River crab culture

1. Water quality control: due to the influence of the weather, the temperature varies greatly, the water quality is extremely unstable, the water quality is easy to deteriorate, and the toxic and harmful substances increase. In order to regulate the water quality and make use of the sunny weather, depending on the fat and thinness of the water quality, some organic or biological fertilizers are properly applied to reduce the formation of moss, and at the same time, microbial preparations are used regularly to improve water quality, improve sediment and maintain a stable and good ecological environment. To achieve the water quality of fat, live, tender, cool, to promote the healthy growth of river crabs.

Second, bait reasonably. At present, the water temperature is suitable, it is necessary to adjust the proportion of animal bait and pellet bait, observe frequently, grasp flexibly according to the weather conditions and the feeding situation of river crabs, too much bait leads to waste of bait and spoil the water quality of residual bait, according to the actual situation of feeding in the pond, supplement and put live screws to ensure the nutritional needs of river crabs, so that river crabs can eat well and grow quickly.

Third, maintenance of aquatic plants. Aquatic plants are plant bait for river crabs, and they are also places for river crabs to perch, molt and hide. They can also shade and cool down. The coverage rate of aquatic plants is controlled at about 60%. The over-dense pond mouth adopts manual cutting to open grass ditches, which is conducive to the flow of water bodies, increase the dissolved oxygen of water bodies, timely catch the floating matter of water plants under the tuyere, keep the pond mouth clean, prevent the water plants from rotting, and worsen the water quality.

Fourth, disease prevention and control: the disease should be dominated by prevention, supplemented by treatment, and the principle of combination of prevention and treatment should be adopted. It is necessary to patrol the pond frequently, observe carefully, regularly use water disinfectants and biological agents to sprinkle the whole pool, properly add allicin and jiedu Huganling to the bait, effectively prevent the occurrence of crab disease by means of external elimination and internal administration, and control ciliates in early May.

Fifth, scientific management: patrol the pond in the morning and evening, observe the trend and feeding of river crabs, check whether the block is damaged, and comprehensively inspect and debug the microporous aeration facilities to ensure the normal operation of the high temperature season.