
The benefit of laying more eggs is good. How to prolong the peak period of laying eggs?

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The benefit of laying more eggs is good. How to prolong the peak period of laying eggs?


1. Full supply of protein. A chicken needs about 1215g of protein for every egg it lays. A diet containing 19% protein must be fed when the laying rate reaches 90%, and a diet containing 17% protein should be fed when the laying rate reaches 70%. In general, for every 10% increase in the laying rate, the dietary protein level should be increased by about 1%. In addition, when the egg production rate was expected to increase, the diet with higher protein level should be fed one week in advance, and when the egg production rate began to decline, the dietary protein level would be postponed to lower standard by one week.

two。 Control the energy. When the laying rate reaches 90%, the metabolic energy per kilogram of feed should be controlled at 2700-2750 kcal, so that increasing feed protein can promote the rapid arrival of the egg laying peak.

3. Make up the green. Green feed is rich in protein, vitamins, chlorophyll and many unknown nutritional factors. Proper feeding of some green feed can activate the reproductive function of chickens and increase egg production.

4. Calcium supplements. According to the study, the effect of calcium supplementation to laying hens is the best at 12: 18 every day. The content of calcium in the diet of laying hens is generally higher than 3%. During the peak laying period (the laying rate is more than 80%), the content of calcium in the diet can be increased to 3.5% and 4%. When the laying rate is 80% and 65%, the calcium in the diet should be kept at 3% and 3.25%. In addition to supplementing calcium in the feed, placing calcium basins containing shells and bone powder in the house or on the playground to allow chickens to eat freely also has good results.

5. Make up the light. Light has obvious stimulating effect on gonadal activity. Artificial light supplement generally starts from 21 weeks old, increases light by half an hour a week at 21-24 weeks, and increases light by half an hour every 2 weeks after 25 weeks, until the light time reaches 16 hours a day. In the last 4 weeks of laying, add another hour of light every day until the end of the first laying year. It is better to replenish the light from early morning to before dawn every day.

6. Skillful use of additives. Feeding baking soda can increase the laying rate and eggshell strength, reduce egg breaking; adding 0.15% choline chloride can maintain the laying rate of more than 79%.

7. Reduce stress. Laying hens are very sensitive to environmental changes, especially light laying hens are particularly neurotic. Any change in environmental conditions can cause stress response and lead to a sharp decrease in the peak of egg production. Therefore, in the critical period when the flock reaches the peak of egg production, all effective measures should be taken to reduce stress and keep the flock high and stable production.

8. Make sure the chickens are healthy. The hens in the peak period of egg production have the most vigorous reproductive function and the strongest metabolism, which is the period of the most protein synthesis. At this time, the chicken body is under huge production stress, the resistance is weak, easy to get sick, we must pay special attention to the environment and beverage hygiene, so that the chickens will not be infected by pathogens.