
The lower the egg feed ratio, the higher the production performance. How to reduce the egg feed ratio of laying hens

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, The lower the egg feed ratio, the higher the production performance. How to reduce the egg feed ratio of laying hens

Feed-egg ratio is an important index to measure the production status of laying hens. The lower the feed-egg ratio is, the higher the production performance of laying hens is, the better the economic benefit of the chicken farm is. In order to achieve a better feed-egg ratio, there must be comprehensive measures such as nutritious and comprehensive formula feed, perfect management scheme, higher egg production, suitable environmental conditions, good epidemic control and other comprehensive measures.

Laying hens

Ensure a higher egg production

Under the same feed consumption condition, the higher the egg production, the lower the feed-egg ratio. To ensure that the flock has a higher egg production, we should pay attention to the following points:

1. The selection of raising good breeds and fine breeds has higher production performance, which is the premise to ensure that the flocks have higher egg production. We should choose to raise matching hybrid laying hens with high yield and purity, such as Roman, Yisha, Highland and so on.

two。 The quality of cultivating healthy and qualified breeding chickens directly affects the production performance of laying hens during the laying period, so it is necessary to strengthen the cultivation of breeding chickens so as to make them healthy, their body weight up to the standard and good evenness.

3. The quality of providing suitable environmental conditions directly affects the egg production of chickens. It is necessary to create a suitable living environment for chickens as far as possible, so that the temperature of chicken coop should be controlled below 28 ℃ in summer and above 5 ℃ in winter. It is warm in winter and cool in summer with good ventilation.

4. Modern chicken breeds have a high demand for nutrition. In order to give full play to their egg production potential, it is necessary to provide a comprehensive, balanced and stable diet. If the nutrition is incomplete or unbalanced, it will increase feed consumption, affect the performance of laying hens, and even cause diseases.

5. To ensure the health and disease-free of chickens, in order to maintain a high egg production, we must ensure that chickens are healthy and disease-free. Once a chicken has a disease, its egg production is bound to decrease, so it is necessary to do a good job in the prevention and control of the disease. Regular surveillance of chicken Newcastle disease antibody, timely immune prevention, strict sanitary disinfection measures, regular disinfection with chicken spray once a week with disinfectants such as peracetic acid and peracetic acid. The chickens with diseases shall be treated in isolation in time.

Reduce feed consumption

Under the condition of the same egg production, the lower the feed consumption, the lower the feed-egg ratio. In order to reduce feed consumption, we should pay attention to the following points:

1. The larger the weight of the hen, the more feed will be eaten, so the weight of the hen should be strictly controlled to make it conform to the standard weight as far as possible, especially after the peak egg laying period, the feed formula and feeding amount should be adjusted in time to prevent the hen from being overfed.

two。 Restricted feeding can not only save feed, but also improve its economic value. Restricted feeding is widely used in the breeding of meat breeders, which plays an important role in maintaining the suitable body weight of hens and increasing egg production. Light egg type chickens are not easy to gain weight, and there is generally no need to restrict their feeding. Proper feed restriction in the later stage of medium-sized egg-type hens (such as brown-shell laying hens) can prevent hens from being overfed and increase egg production. In principle, the eggs were fully fed in the early stage of laying and restricted after 6 months of laying. It is generally appropriate to limit feeding to 94% of the full feed.

3. To reduce feed waste, the nutrients of feed should be fully balanced, and the ratio of protein to energy should be reasonable. If the protein content in the diet is high and the energy is low, the chicken will inevitably ingest too much feed, resulting in a waste of protein feed; if the diet is high in energy and low in protein, it is easy to cause chicken body fat, egg weight reduction and even fatty liver syndrome. In order to reduce feed waste, we should also ensure the appropriate shape and height of the trough to prevent the feed from falling out of the trough. Feed less frequently, and the amount of feed should not exceed 1x3 of the height of the trough. The beak of the chick is cut off at the right time, and the beak is trimmed before the cage, which can effectively prevent the beak material from being hooked out of the trough. Chicken farms and feed banks should kill rats regularly to prevent rats and birds from stealing feed. In addition, it is better to use nipple drinking fountains in the way of drinking water, which can prevent chickens from gargling feed into drinking water to cause waste.

4. Timely elimination of low-quality chickens and low-production chickens will continue to appear weak chickens, sick and disabled chickens, stop-production chickens and other low-quality chickens and low-laying eggs, so they should be eliminated in time. Low-quality chickens not only consume feed but also do not lay eggs, which will affect the ratio of feed to egg and reduce economic benefits. A non-laying hen will consume the profits of 5-10 laying hens in vain; a low-production hen can consume the profits of 3-5 laying hens. Weak chickens and sick and disabled chickens should be often eliminated in breeding, chickens that have not yet been laid during the peak period of egg production should be eliminated, and chickens that stop laying and those with low laying rate should be eliminated in the middle and later stages of egg production. In this way, although the total number of chickens has been reduced, the feed consumption has been reduced, the feed-egg ratio has been reduced, and the economic benefit will be increased accordingly.