
How to manage pig farms after floods in many parts of South China

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, How to manage pig farms after floods in many parts of South China

Recently, there has been heavy rain in many places in the south, and many pig farms have been located in low-lying areas, resulting in a large number of stagnant water and even flooding pig farms, resulting in the death of a large number of pigs, all kinds of dirt and garbage flowing with the flood, resulting in serious pollution of pig houses, water sources, and the environment. Bacteria, viruses and parasite eggs in the soil are washed out by the flood, which also become the source of infection, which is very easy to cause pig disease. After the flood, in order to cut off the source of infection, eliminate pathogens, prevent and control the epidemic, it is necessary to strictly disinfect pig houses, environment, water sources, appliances, vehicles, etc., and treat their corpses innocuously. preventive vaccination in pig farms, prevention of feed mildew and other work.

Pig disinfection

I. the harm to pig farms after the flood

1. Infectious diseases are easy to occur after floods. Due to large changes in temperature, it is most likely to cause infectious diseases, such as classical swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, pig lung disease, colibacillosis, salmonellosis, pasteurellosis and so on. Aspergillosis is caused by mildew of feed and bedding grass. Therefore, after the flood, the food trough, sink and its utensils should be cleaned and disinfected in time, the stock of feed should be carefully checked, and those with mildew should be dealt with in time. If it is serious, it should be prohibited to continue to use. Enclosures with accumulated dung should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after the flood. After the flood, the quality of well water becomes worse, and some pollution can not be used. In order to prevent the occurrence of epidemic disease caused by drinking water pollution, we should pay close attention to the change of well water quality. For wells with shallow water sources, it is best to draw well water for disinfection before giving it to pigs. For well water that may be contaminated by pig manure, sewage, garbage and stolen goods, it is not only necessary to rinse the well water, after putting in disinfectant, it should also be suspended for a period of time and reused later.

2. Insect-borne diseases should be prevented after floods. After the flood, flies, mosquitoes, gnats and other insects breed in large numbers, and the incidence of many diseases increases, which is transmitted by blood-sucking insects such as mosquitoes and ticks. Such as spirochetes, toxoplasmosis, eperythrozoon, can be transmitted by blood-sucking insects such as midges, gnats, mosquitoes and ticks. Spread a variety of parasitic diseases in vivo and in vitro. After the flood, the weeds inside and outside the pig farm should be removed in time, and the drainage system should be dredged as soon as possible to avoid stagnant water and feces in the farm after the flood. To prevent the breeding of harmful insects, insecticides with high efficiency, low toxicity and safety can be selected and sprayed.

3. Prevent stress sickness after flood. After the flood, the weather is still hot and windless, the air quality in the pigsty is generally poor, the humidity is too high, and the air pressure is very low, which often brings discomfort to the pig farm. Under such environmental conditions, it is very easy to cause stress reaction in pigs, resulting in decreased appetite, shortness of breath, depression in spirit, and even skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis, especially at noon after the flood. The sunshine is very strong, the evaporation is very large, the air is extremely muggy, and heatstroke often occurs. It is necessary to improve the nutritional composition of feed and increase the content of protein to ensure the supply of protein in pig feed. In order to cool and relieve the summer heat, some fresh vegetables and watermelon peels can be added to the feed to avoid excessive drinking water leading to body fluid metabolism disorder. Feed less frequently when feeding, in case the leftovers become moldy after overnight. Pigs should be provided with adequate, clean and hygienic drinking water, and 0.5% of Oldman An and vitamin C should be added to the drinking water to reduce stress and enhance the body's resistance.

2. Disinfection of the environment and pig houses

1. Disinfection of the environment. First of all, thorough cleaning and cleaning should be carried out. It is necessary to remove silted soil, sand, feces, garbage and all kinds of dirt from the flooded piggery. According to a certain order of cleaning and cleaning, first from the roof, back walls, and then the ground, from the far end of the piggery to the door, indoor and then outdoor step by step, leaving no dead corner. After careful and thorough cleaning and cleaning, it can not only remove most of the pathogens, but also greatly reduce the amount of organic matter such as feces and garbage, which is conducive to the role of chemical disinfectants. Chemical disinfection can be carried out after thorough cleaning. Generally required to use 2 ~ 3 different types of disinfectants for 2 ~ 3 times of disinfection. After environmental disinfection, the microecological environment improver-Huasean was sprayed to cover a large number of probiotics on the inner and outer surface of the livestock house, inhibit the growth of harmful microorganisms and protect the environmental health after disinfection.

2. Disinfection of pig body. The spray disinfection of pigs is more comprehensive and thorough, which can not only directly kill the pathogenic microorganisms hidden in the environment of the pig house, including the air, but also directly kill the pathogens retained on the body surface and respiratory tract of pigs. It has a good preventive effect on classical swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease and bacterial diseases, such as Staphylococcus suis, Eperythrozoon, Escherichia coli and so on. After spraying disinfection, spraying Huishe an again in the barn can not only improve the micro-ecological environment, but also settle dust, prevent heat and cool down, provide humidity, purify the air and improve the air quality of the pig house.

3. Disinfection of all kinds of utensils in pig farm. There are many kinds of appliances and supplies in pig farms, and the materials and uses of these appliances and supplies are different, so the methods of disinfection are not the same. Tools can be fumigated with potassium permanganate, feed troughs, sinks, buckets and pots, etc., should be scrubbed with 2% caustic soda, and then washed with clean water; vehicles (including cars, four-wheelers, trolleys, etc.) should be sprayed, and overalls can be sterilized after cleaning or exposed to ultraviolet light. After the flood, we should do a good job in disinfection. 4. Innocuous treatment of dead and drowned pigs. After the flood, many pigs were dispersed by the flood, which caused disease and a large number of deaths. There are a large number of pathogenic microorganisms in dead pigs. If it is not treated innocuously in time, allowing it to rot, mildew and give off a foul smell, the bacteria will flow with the water and spread everywhere with the air, which will not only pollute the environment, but also easily lead to a pandemic of human and animal diseases. The easiest way to dispose of dead pigs is to bury them deep. The Gaogang area should be selected for deep burial, and the pit depth should be more than 2 M. after the body is put into the pit, it should be sprinkled with lime or disinfectant to cover a thick layer of soil. It can be burned if there are conditions. It is forbidden to eat or sell the carcasses of pigs who died in the flood.

Pig epidemic prevention

III. Vaccination and drug prevention

For flooded pig farms, vaccination should be carried out, such as classical swine fever, foot-and-mouth disease, anthrax, pig lung disease, porcine erysipelas, piglet paratyphoid, etc., to prevent the occurrence of infectious diseases. After the flood, pig farms and farmers have a particularly heavy task of epidemic prevention, so they should be ideologically prepared to prevent serious diseases after the flood and do a good job in epidemic prevention work in an all-round way. 0.5% Oldman A was added to the diet and used continuously for half a month to improve the immune effect of the vaccine and enhance the body's resistance.

Fourth, prevent feed from mildew and deterioration.

After the flood, the humidity is very high and the temperature is also high, which is the suitable environment for mold breeding. For pig farm feed, if it is not well prevented, it will become moldy, and pigs will be poisoned if they eat it. The storeroom where the feed is stored must not be wet. The feed should be stacked higher from the ground and can be padded with red bricks or pallets. For suspected moldy feed, and not too serious, mildew remover can be added to the feed, such as 0.1-0.2% nanomontrin, if mildew is very serious, it can not be used as feed to feed pigs to prevent mold poisoning.

In short, after the flood, the harm to the pig farm is very great, resulting in environmental pollution of the pig farm, dirty water, garbage, dirt, water long-term immersion, issued a pungent stench. If it is not cleared in time, it will be a great harm to the pig farm. Therefore, it is necessary to clean the pig house in time, discharge stagnant water, disinfect thoroughly, do a good job in the harmless treatment of dead pig carcasses, and conscientiously do a good job in vaccination, drug prevention and prevention of feed mildew, so as to ensure that pig farms tide over the difficulties. to create a good and healthy living environment for pigs.