
Artificial culture of sea sausage in Yantai has become the core link of successful seedling breeding.

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Artificial culture of sea sausage in Yantai has become the core link of successful seedling breeding.

[hint]: the artificial culture of Yantai sea sausage has been around for a long time, until the first half of this year, experts from Yantai Fisheries Research Institute said that seedling breeding, which is the core link of industrialization, has been successful. this year, Yantai will carry out extension technology research, break culture technical regulations, and determine suitable breeding areas, which will soon allow citizens to enjoy affordable delicacies.

* the medicinal value of sea sausage:

Single-ring thorn, common name: sea intestines, sea intestines, is a long cylindrical mollusk, soft peristaltic, no burr, light yellow. Sea sausage not only looks like a naked sea cucumber, its nutritional value is not inferior to that of sea cucumbers.

Pharmacological studies have shown that the polypeptides extracted from single ring thorn have a certain effect on anti-tumor and improving the immune function of mice. Some people have also studied the isolation, purification and pharmacodynamics of the antithrombotic components of Fructus thunbergii. Therefore, single ring thorn is also a good material for the study of marine bioactive substances.

However, due to the excessive fishing intensity in recent years, wild resources have been insufficient. At present, productive studies on artificial cultivation of seedlings have been carried out in our country one after another.

* the price of sea sausage has become an "aristocratic dish"

In the seafood market, crawling shrimp, Spanish mackerel, sea cucumber and other seafood products dazzling, but rarely can find the figure of sea sausage. "the output of this thing is so small that it is usually supplied directly to star hotels. You need to try your luck if you sell it separately." A seafood owner in the dividend market said that sea sausages are occasionally sold, but the price is too high and no one is interested, so over time few people buy or sell them.

The sea sausage is delicious and the price is high. According to the introduction, since 2012, the price of Yantai sea sausage has gone up all the way, reaching a sky-high price of 300 yuan per kilogram at peak, exceeding the price of abalone, prawns, sea cucumbers and crabs, and has become a genuine "aristocratic dish". The price of raw materials for sea sausage is high, so do well-cooked dishes. At present, the prices of restaurants selling fried leeks with sea sausage are all above 100 yuan, and some star hotels reach the price of 200 yuan!

* success of artificial nursery technology

The price and output of seafood are twin brothers, and the main reason for the high price of sea intestines is the sharp decline in local production.

In 2012, noticing the sharp decline in the number of sea intestines and recognizing the importance of sea intestines protection, our city successfully applied for sea intestines as national geographical indication products, strengthened species protection, and made sea intestines a product with Yantai characteristics. At the same time, the Municipal Fisheries Research Institute carried out research in order to achieve mass production, so that they not only become delicacies on the dinner table, but also suitable for proliferation and release and large-scale artificial breeding.

"after tackling key problems in scientific research, we successfully bred sea intestine seedlings in 2014. at present, artificial breeding technology has been successful, laying the foundation for follow-up large-scale breeding." Wang Liyong, a senior engineer at the Municipal Fisheries Research Institute, said that according to the previous experience in cultivating new varieties, seedling breeding is the core link. "it has broken through the link of seedling breeding." in the future, it will be much easier to breed, how to reduce costs, how to prevent diseases, and so on. "

* breaking the topic this year to promote the technology of sea sausage

After the success of artificial breeding technology, Yantai City immediately carried out more in-depth experiments. last year, Yantai City successively proliferated and released 1.2 million sea sausage seedlings in the sea areas such as the Siliwan of Laishan District and the Golden Beach of the Development Zone, in order to expand the sea intestine population and obtain detailed research information to lay a good foundation for the development of industrialization.

"this year, we will break the topic of promoting the technology of sea sausage." Wang Liyong said that the difficult problems in the promotion of sea sausages mainly include two aspects: first, the lack of breeding technology, immature procedures, and too many limiting factors that enterprises are interested in but do not dare to raise them; second, sea sausage varieties have unique living habits, and the areas suitable for the varieties need to be further studied and determined, and cannot be selected blindly.

According to the plan, Yantai Fisheries Research Institute will refine the technical means of sea sausage culture this year, carry out various comparative experiments, solve technical difficulties and achieve the purpose of large-scale aquaculture. "We will adopt the way of combining independent research and development with enterprise cooperation, jointly carry out research on the production technology of sea sausage culture by providing seedling and technical guidance, and by adopting a variety of culture methods in factories, ponds and sea areas. sea sausage culture experimental sites have been set up in various places, including factory, pond and sea area models." Wang Liyong said.

There is no experience to learn from the industrialization path of sea sausage at home and abroad. Wang Liyong said bluntly that it is necessary for all parties to cooperate to carry out a number of experiments in order to achieve the goal, but with the success of artificial breeding technology and the appearance of the effect of proliferation and release, as well as the development of indoor culture experiments, it can be said that there is only "the last kilometer" from the industrialization development. I believe that in the near future, cheap sea sausages will return to the common people's dining table. Citizens will be expected to eat delicious, fresh and affordable sea sausage! (reporter Jiang Qian)