
Planting Construction and Management of Pineapple Orchard

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting Construction and Management of Pineapple Orchard

Pineapple has short stems, many leaves, rosette arrangement, sword-shaped, top acuminate, entire or sharp teeth, green belly and green flour on the back. it is one of the famous tropical fruits. Pineapple is a perennial herb with special aroma, crisp and juicy pulp, sweet and sour palatability and rich nutrition, so it is deeply loved by people. So how do you grow pineapples?

(1) preparation before planting

Before planting, plant holes or ditches should be dug, and base fertilizer should be applied. 0.75 kg of green manure and 0.5 kg ~ 0.75 kg of compost and soil manure can be applied to each hole. The furrow planting can apply 1000 kg ~ 2000 kg green manure, 1250 kg ~ 2500 kg organic fertilizer and appropriate amount of lime per mu.

To select strong seedlings, the criteria for strong seedlings are: stem diameter, heart leaf development, broad and thick leaves, many and dense leaves, green color, glossy, no diseases, insects or other wounds, fresh shoots about 20 cm high. The selected strong seedlings should also be separated according to different types of buds. And the same kind of buds are classified according to large, medium, small and medium-sized buds, so as to facilitate planting and management, and make the results uniform. After grading, the basal 3-4 layers of foot leaves are peeled off, and the descendant buds are also removed to promote the germination of new roots. The seedlings can be planted after 1 or 2 days.

(2) planting time

It can be planted from April to September, and the most suitable planting period is from May to July, which is easy to grow and less rotten roots.

(3) planting density

According to the current management level, 2000 plants can be planted per mu for unprickly Caine species and 3000 million plants per mu for Balinese species. The mountains with larger slopes can be thinner, and the hills with low slopes can be denser. Generally speaking, after close planting, it is easy to get smaller fruit, absorb buds early, absorb buds weakly and so on. Therefore, after close planting, other management measures should keep up.

(4) planting methods and methods

There are three planting methods of pineapple: single-row single-plant, double-row single-plant and three-row single-plant. Double-row single-plant planting is superior, which not only makes full use of soil fertility and sunlight, but also is easy to manage. The large line spacing is generally 1.3 meters. The small row spacing and plant spacing vary from variety to breed. The small row spacing of Caine species is 33 cm ~ 40 cm, plant spacing is 26 cm ~ 33 cm, Bali species is 33 cm, plant spacing is 20 cm ~ 23 cm.

The planting method is based on the principle of deep ploughing and shallow seed compaction. Large sucking buds were buried in 3 cm ~ 7 cm, terminal buds and descendant buds 2.5 cm ~ 3.5 cm, and the soil around the base was slightly compacted with the seed.

The late management of pineapple orchard is also very important:

(1) promoting flowering

Artificial flowering can shorten the growth period of pineapple, harvest fruit ahead of time, and increase the yield per unit area; it can make pineapple bud consistent, facilitate management, harvest, storage, transportation and processing; it can also control the fruiting period of pineapple, adjust the harvest season and harvest in batches, so as to solve the contradiction between production, supply and marketing, and significantly improve the economic benefits of pineapple production. The commonly used agents for artificial flower induction are ethephon and calcium carbide.

1. Ethephon was perfused with ethephon solution of 250 ~ 500 μ l / l, 30 ml ~ 50 ml per plant. If 1%-2% urea and 0.5% potassium sulfate are added, there will be degradation and nutrition, and the effect will be better.

2. Calcium carbide put 0.8g ~ 1g calcium carbide powder into the trumpet at the top of the pineapple plant, then add water 30ml ~ 50ml; you can also mix calcium carbide water according to the dosage and start to infuse the heart when there are small bubbles. However, it must be used at the same time, otherwise it is easy to reduce the effect or even fail.

In addition, the heart can also be perfused with 5 ~ 10 μ l / l 2mae 4murD or 2Magne 4mae 5m T 50ml solution, but the effect is poor, and it is easy to cause drug damage, so it is less used now. Attention must be paid! The plant with artificial flowering should be more than 16 months old, the plant height should be more than 33 cm, the number of leaves of Bali seed should not be less than 25, the number of caine seed should be not less than 35, and the plant should grow healthily.

(2) promoting the enlargement of fruits

The application of plant hormone during flowering and fruit development can not only enlarge the fruit, but also promote the fruit ripening, which is a measure to increase yield. The commonly used agents are gibberellin and naphthylacetic acid.

1. Gibberellin (GA3, 920) is generally 50 ~ 70 μ l / l, or 50 μ l / l for the first time and 70 μ l / l for the second time.

2. Naphthylacetic acid is generally used at 100-200 μ l / l, and 0.5%-1% urea is best added to the agent to improve the effect of increasing production. The field production is generally sprayed 2 times for 3 times, the first time at the last flowering stage, the second time at 15-20 days, and also at the early flowering, full flowering and last flowering stage. The concentration is lower in the first time and thicker in the second time.

(3) sprouting

Some varieties, such as Cain, have few buds, especially after close planting, there is not enough fertilizer and water, not enough sunlight, often sucking buds not or late, and the bud position is high, which affects the high and stable yield of pineapple. If you use hormones to promote sprouting, you can make the sucking buds come out early, the bud position is low, and prevent premature senility.

Pineapple sprouting is generally about one month after flowering, using 25 ~ 75 μ l / l ethephon or 10 μ l / l 2 ~ 4Q D or 40 μ l / l naphthylacetic acid, two pieces of lower leaves are selected for each plant, and 10 ml of chemicals are injected into the base of the leaves. The budding effect is very good. (source: China Food Science and Technology Network)