
Several points for attention in the cultivation of Red Pepper

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Several points for attention in the cultivation of Red Pepper

I. Botanical characteristics

There are obvious main root and a lot of lateral root and root hair. after the injury of the main root, the lateral root occurs faster, so the survival rate of transplanting is higher. It is not easy to produce adventitious roots on the stem. From section 12 to 14, there are 2 branches in the first branch and 6 branches in the second branch. The leaves are oval or long oval, simple leaves are alternate, the veins are obvious, and the leaf surface is smooth. Corolla white, fruit is horn-shaped, long 8-15cm, green fresh pepper, red or dark red after maturity.

II. Requirements for environmental conditions

1. Temperature. The optimum temperature for germination is 25 ℃, but it is difficult to germinate below 15 ℃. During the plant growing period, the optimum temperature was 22 ℃ 28 ℃ in daytime and 15 ℃ 20 ℃ at night. When the temperature was lower than 15 ℃ or higher than 35 ℃, the flowering and pollination was abnormal, which often resulted in flower and fruit drop.

two。 Light. It is a short-day crop, which blossoms early and bears normal fruit under the light condition of 10m / d and 12h / day, but it can also adapt to longer sunshine. Require medium intensity of light, lack of light will reduce fruit setting rate; strong light direct light, plant growth slows down, fruit prone to sunburn.

3. Moisture. The root system is weak, neither drought nor waterlogging, so it needs to supply water regularly in order to grow well. But the field can not accumulate water, water in the field for a few hours, the plant will wilt, serious when a piece of death.

4. Soil. The requirements of Yidu red pepper on soil conditions are not very strict, sandy soil, loam, Shajiang black soil can be planted. Under the condition of not very fertile but rich in potassium, the cultivated pepper plants are small and compact, the fruit is few and concentrated, and the pepper fruit has strong color, high capsaicin content and good quality.

III. Key points of cultivation techniques

1. Raise seedlings and transplant. Spring planting time is from the Spring Equinox to Qingming Festival, and summer planting time is from Qingming Festival to Grain Rain. The seedlings were covered with plastic film and the seedling age was 45 ~ 60 days. The seedlings were planted once before and after 2 true leaves and 4 true leaves, and the standard of seedling retention was about 1 3-4cm, about 600 seedlings per square meter. After 6-7cm of seedling height, it is necessary to gradually ventilate and refine seedlings, reduce seedling height, improve stress resistance and ensure transplanting survival rate. The seedlings are 10-13 cm tall and have 7 true leaves, which begin to transplant when the buds appear, and from Grain Rain to the Beginning of Summer in spring; the transplanting time in summer should be early, and the yield should be high, and it is suitable to finish planting before June 20 in Shanxi Province. Before transplanting, the pepper field was deeply ploughed with 30cm, leveled and raked fine, and high quality barnyard manure 4000kg, calcium superphosphate 30-40kg and ternary compound fertilizer 50kg were applied every 667m2. Barnyard manure was evenly applied to the field, and phosphate fertilizer and compound fertilizer were concentrated in the transplanting ditch. According to the size of row trenching, large row spacing 80cm, small row spacing 60cm, plant spacing 20cm, every 667m 2 planting 45005000plants. Pepper seedlings are afraid of root damage, the seedling bed should be watered thoroughly before seedling emergence, and soil should be taken as much as possible. After planting, the pepper seedlings should be watered immediately, and then covered with plastic film or agricultural film.

two。 Field management. In the plot without plastic film or agricultural film, the pepper should be hoed continuously for 4 times after slowing down the seedlings, so as to increase the ground temperature and promote root rooting. Remove all the old leaves and bifurcations below the door pepper before and after flowering in order to facilitate ventilation and light in the field and prevent the following bifurcation of the pepper. Soil should be cultivated to support ridges before the rainy season to facilitate drainage. Timely watering according to soil moisture and timely drainage after rain. The well should be watered immediately after the rain to lower the temperature, which is called "waterlogging garden". The production and fertilization of Yidu red dried pepper is mainly based on base fertilizer. If the base fertilizer is insufficient, topdressing should be carried out before soil cultivation. Every 667m2, the soil fertilizer broken by 250kg is mixed with ternary compound fertilizer 25-30kg, and the small hole is applied on one side of the pepper to cover and compaction, but care should be taken not to hurt the root system as far as possible.

3. Pest control. The main diseases of pepper during the growth period are anthracnose and virus. Anthracnose can be prevented after the first anthesis with a Bordeaux solution of 1 Vol 1 / 1 Vol 160, sprayed every 7 Mel 10 days. After discovering the disease spot, 80% mancozeb 800 times solution or 70% thiophanate methyl 600 mol 800 times solution can be sprayed for prevention and treatment. Virus diseases should be mainly prevented. While controlling aphids, gray planthoppers and other viral vectors in time, 20% of virus A wettable powder 500 times or 20% of virus nemesis 400 cents 600 times should be sprayed in time at the seedling stage and after planting. Spray once every 5 days.

4. Harvest. The normal ripening time of Yidu red pepper is before Frosts Descent. In a dry year, the harvest time can be advanced to around the Autumn Equinox. The standard of harvest should be that 80% of chili peppers turn red. The harvest method is to dig out the roots, put them in the field and dry them for three days, then transport them to the village and put them in one piece. Pour the sun over and over again until the leaves are clear, then stack the pepper plants. The bottom of the stack is usually 1.2 m wide, which is higher than the 30-40cm of the ground, and the length depends on the number of chili peppers. The two pepper plants are opposite each other, with the root facing in and the tip facing outward, flat, with a height of about 2m, and the upper part is covered with rain protection. Air-dry naturally under well-ventilated conditions, and after the pepper fruit is dried, it is picked, graded, packaged and sold from the plant.