
Propagation methods of marigold

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Propagation methods of marigold

Marigold, which has an auspicious meaning, has long been regarded as a flower of respect for the elderly. it is originally from Mexico and has lax requirements on the soil. it is better to have a rich, well-drained sandy loam, like a warm, humid and sunny environment, and mainly breed seeds. It can also be propagated by cuttings. let's take a look!

Seed propagation of marigold

1. Spring sowing: sowing seeds in the open field seedbed from late March to early April. Because the seeds offer light, they should be covered with soil and watered after sowing. The optimum temperature for seed germination is 20: 25 ℃, and the seedling emerges one week after sowing. The germination rate is about 50%. When the seedling grows to 5 cm high, it is transplanting once, and then when the seedling grows 7-8 true leaves, it is planted.

2. Summer sowing: in order to control the plant height, it can also be sown in summer and blossom 60 days after summer sowing.

Cutting propagation of marigold

Marigold can be cut in summer, which is easy to root and grow into seedlings quickly. Cut 8cm twigs from the mother plant as cuttings, remove the lower leaves, insert them into the basin soil, insert 3 plants in each pot, pour enough water after insertion, slightly shade, and take root after 2 weeks. Then, gradually move to a sunny place for daily management, and it can blossom in about a month.

Growth conditions of marigold

1. Temperature: the suitable temperature for the growth of marigold is 15: 25 ℃, and the suitable temperature for flowering is 18: 20 ℃. The relative air temperature of the growing environment is required to be 60-70%, and the winter temperature is not lower than 5 ℃. When the high temperature in summer is more than 30 ℃, the plant is overgrown, the stem and leaf are loose, and the flowering is few. Below 10 ℃, the growth slows down.

2. Illumination: marigold is a light-loving plant, sufficient sunlight is very beneficial to the growth of marigold, the plant is short and strong, and the flowers are colorful. The sun is insufficient, the stems and leaves are soft and slender, and the flowers are few and small.

3. Soil: marigold is not strict on soil, and it is better to use sandy loam with fertile and good drainage.