
Growth habits of marigold

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Growth habits of marigold

Marigold is native to Mexico and prefers warm, moist and sunny environments. Marigold growth temperature 15~20℃, winter temperature is not lower than 5℃. Summer high temperature above 30℃, plant excessive growth, loose stems and leaves, flowering less. Below 10℃, it can grow but the speed slows down and the growth cycle elongates.

Marigold wet and drought tolerance, especially in summer too much water, stem and leaf growth exuberant, affecting plant shape and flowering. Cultivation of marigold in high temperature period should strictly control water content, and it is better to be slightly dry.

Marigold is a light-loving plant. Sufficient sunlight is very beneficial to marigold growth. The plant is short and strong, and the color is gorgeous. Sunlight is insufficient, stems and leaves are soft and slender, flowers are few and small. Marigold is sensitive to the length of day, and can flower earlier through short day treatment (9 hours).

Marigold on the soil requirements are not strict, to fertile, good drainage sandy loam as well.