
Growth habits of chrysanthemum

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, Growth habits of chrysanthemum

The chrysanthemum withered its branches and stems in winter, overwintered with persistent roots, and the rhizome still developed underground. After the beginning of spring, the stem node in the rhizosphere germinates, and with the elongation of the stem node, there are many fibrous roots at the base. The growth of the seedling stage is slow, after the seedling stage is 10 cm high, the growth accelerates, the height begins to branch after 50 cm, the plant develops to the middle of September, it no longer increases and branches, budding in late September, flowering in the middle and late October, flowering in the first and middle of November, the flowering period is 30-40 days, after winter, the aboveground stems and leaves die, and the roots in the soil take root. In the following spring, new buds sprouted and grew into new plants. Generally, the mother plant can live for 3-4 years.

Chrysanthemums like cool sandy loam with deep humus and good drainage. The pH is neutral or slightly acidic. It is not suitable to be cultivated in low-lying saline-alkali land. Avoid continuous cropping, the planted soil can not be used continuously. Chrysanthemum sex waterlogging, commonly known as "dry orchid wet chrysanthemum", only shows that chrysanthemum likes to moisten the soil, not that it is not afraid of waterlogging. Chrysanthemums are resistant to drought, but too much drought is not conducive to growth. Like warmth, the suitable temperature for growth is 10 degrees. Hardy, can survive the winter at 5-10 low temperature. In the south of our country, we can overwinter in the open field, and in the area north of the Huaihe River, we can spend the winter in the form of pot or indoors.

Chrysanthemum is a short-day plant. Flower bud differentiation can only be promoted when the sunshine hours are less than 12 hours and the night temperature drops to about 10 ℃. In Beijing, only vegetative growth can be carried out in spring and summer, but flower buds can not be formed. In mid-late August, the number of sunshine hours decreased to 1. 5%. When the minimum temperature dropped to about 15 ℃, the flower buds began to differentiate, and the sunshine continued to shorten to 12.5 hours. When the minimum temperature dropped to about 10 ℃, the flower buds gradually elongated. This is the exuberant period of growth and development of autumn chrysanthemum, and the buds bloom one after another in mid-October. Making use of this characteristic, shading or prolonging the light of autumn chrysanthemum can control the flowering period and make it bloom earlier or later.

Chrysanthemums like sunshine, but they should be properly shaded in summer under strong sunlight. The light requirements of chrysanthemum often vary with the growth and development of varieties and individual plants. In general, the sun is sufficient, air circulation, the growth is strong, otherwise, such as insufficient light, especially for thin tubes, long tubes and other varieties, it is easy to make branches grow. The intensity of light is also closely related to the flowering period and color. The general varieties are slightly shaded during the flowering period, which can appropriately prolong the flowering period, while some varieties, such as "green peony", can be given appropriate shade when blooming, which can keep delicate and fresh green and enhance the ornamental effect.