
The watering method of the rich tree

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The watering method of the rich tree

The rich tree is resistant to drought, but it does not mean that it does not need watering. When raising the rich tree, how often it is watered directly affects the growth of the rich tree. So how to water the rich tree? Today, the editor will introduce to you how often the rich tree is watered and how to water it.

The growth habits of the rich tree

Rich trees like to grow in high temperature and semi-shade environment, the stem can store a lot of water and nutrients, with strong stress resistance and drought tolerance. Rich trees are easy to grow and like to grow in fertile, well-drained sandy loam. The optimum growth temperature of the rich tree is 20-30 ℃, and the temperature below 5 ℃ is easy to be damaged by freezing.

How often is the rich tree watered?

The rich tree has strong drought resistance, so it is not necessary to water the rich tree too much, and the times of watering the rich tree is generally limited to once a week. When the summer temperature is high, the transpiration effect is greater, which can properly water the rich tree; in winter, the temperature is lower and the growth of the rich tree is slow, which can appropriately reduce the frequency and amount of water.

In addition, plants of different sizes were watered differently. Large and medium-sized plants with exuberant growth should be watered more, while small plants newly planted in pots should be watered less. If the amount of watering is too large, it is easy to make the roots of the plant rotten, causing the leaves of the rich tree to sag, lose luster, and even fall off. At this time, it should be moved to a cool place immediately, the amount of water should be reduced to a minimum, as long as the basin soil is not dry, spray water on the leaves many times with a spray can every day, stop fertilizing water, about 15 to 20 days can gradually slow down.

How to water the rich tree?

In the process of rich tree maintenance, too little watering will lead to stagnant development of branches and leaves; too much watering may lead to the death of rotten roots of the plant, and only in the case of moderate watering to the rich tree, it can enlarge the branches and leaves. The watering of the rich tree should follow two principles: it is better to be wet than dry, and "two more and two less", that is, the principle of keeping the pot soil dry when raising the rich tree. It should be watered more in summer high temperature season and less in winter low temperature season; large and medium-sized plants with vigorous growth should be watered more, and small plants newly planted in pots should be watered less. And the basin soil should be kept dry in summer, and water should often be sprayed to the branches, and the amount of water should be wet to the branches without dripping into the soil. In addition, make sure that every watering is thoroughly watered, but do not cause stagnant water. The rich tree likes to be moist, and two forms of wetting branches and leaves and moist fertile soil can be used to protect the moisture.

1. Moist branches and leaves means spraying water on the leaves and branches with a spray can sooner or later, which can not only clean the leaves to ensure the photosynthesis of the rich trees, but also play a role in moisturizing.

2. The moist fertile soil is the growth law of the rich tree. When the rich tree is in the growth period in spring and summer, it should replenish water and fertilizer accordingly. The transpiration effect is obvious in summer, and the rich tree has a strong demand for water. Under the condition of ensuring the permeability of the soil, the amount of water can be increased accordingly. Especially in continuous high temperature and sunny weather, it is more appropriate to water once every 2-4 days.