
What if the gentleman orchid has long spots and yellowing?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, What if the gentleman orchid has long spots and yellowing?

Clivia leaves appear leaf spots, yellow leaves, it may be sick, such as leaf spot disease, leaf yellow disease, under normal circumstances, Clivia leaves survive on the plant for about three years, and then the old leaves turn yellow and fall off naturally, this is the natural process of Clivia growth and metabolism normal, no side effects on the plant, but the new leaves, that is, the immature leaves appear leaf spots, yellow leaves is abnormal phenomenon, may have leaf spot disease, leaf yellow disease, The following is an introduction to Clivia leaves long spots and yellow reasons and treatment methods!

Common causes of clivia long spots

1, is the application of fertilizer without good fermentation. So that the bacteria in the pot soil in large numbers.

2. The basin soil has not been changed for a long time, and there are pathogenic bacteria in the old soil.

3, the new soil is relatively raw and not fully fermented, secondary fermentation in the basin.

4, fertilizer nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium imbalance, especially less potassium fertilizer or fertilizer direct contact with the roots caused.

Control method of Clivia long-spot

Clivia long spot to take different methods for specific reasons to prevent and cure. Fertilizer must be fully fermented, fertilizer concentration should be small, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium to balance. Regularly replace fully fermented nutrient soil twice a year in spring and autumn, without raw soil. This will prevent leaf spots from occurring.

Common causes of yellow clivia

1. Local yellowing of leaves and irregular yellow leaves are mainly caused by sun exposure and burns on the surface of leaves, cold wind blowing, local spread of germs bitten by slugs, snails and other pests or wound enlargement after trauma.

2. The leaf tip turns yellow first and gradually spreads to the pseudobulb. The main reason is that the rotten root interrupts the nutrient supply of the leaf, and the leaf tip starts to turn yellow from the pseudobulb, or the use of raw soil or poor soil can cause this phenomenon.

3. The false bulb turns yellow first and gradually spreads to the leaf end. The main reason is that the leaves of the false bulb are bitten by pests and gradually expand to the tip or the water in the false bulb in summer, and the bacteria breed here.

4, is the whole leaf from the bottom to the end at the same time yellow, this situation caused by more complex reasons, mainly due to improper management, such as poor summer ventilation water, excessive fertilization, root problems may make the leaf yellow as a whole.

How to control Clivia yellowing

First of all, we should prevent the rotten roots of plants, so that the leaves can get sufficient nutrition, and then we should put an end to trauma, prevent the spread of wounds, control the amount of fertilizer, avoid hypertrophy, do not water the adult flowers in summer to the false bulbs, pay attention to ventilation in summer, cool down and strengthen management. Regularly spray carbendazim, chlorothalonil, methyl toph, agricultural streptomycin and other sterilization drugs for prevention and control, that is, we can reduce and eliminate the occurrence of these symptoms.