
The Propagation method of Cymbidium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The Propagation method of Cymbidium

Magnolia is native to the subtropical mountain forests of southern Africa. It is a perennial evergreen herb. It is often propagated by sowing and ramet methods, and can also be propagated by old roots. The following editor introduces these propagation methods of Cymbidium.

Method of sowing and breeding of Cymbidium

Cymbidium prefers slightly acidic soil, and the pH value is 6-6.5. The time requirement for the propagation of Cymbidium by sowing method is not strict. It can be sowed in spring, autumn and winter, but the air temperature is an important factor. It is best to sow under the condition of 20-25 ℃ to meet the temperature requirement of germination.

1, breeding substrate: use shavings, can also use wood chaff, or fine sand, some also use rotten leaves, it is best to use shavings, or wood chaff. Then look for a plastic basket, or you can use a breathable tile pan. Take shavings as matrix soil as an example, disinfect them first, then soak the disinfected shavings in water, put them in a basket, put pressure on them, and flatten them out.

2. Seed treatment: put the seeds in warm water, about 20-30 degrees, soak for 30 minutes, or an hour, and then put the small eyes of the seeds down, spaced and arranged one by one. After the arrangement, cover the seeds with 2-3 cm shavings and gently press them neatly. After the above process is completed, spray the water with water and put the basket in a ventilated place.

3. Daily management: breeding should be based on the principle of ventilation and moisture. If you are breeding for the first time, you will usually open the shavings and look at the seeds, so you should pay attention to washing your hands or flipping through them with clean sticks. The matrix should not be contaminated with oil stains. If there is an oil stain, the seed will be infected.

4, moisturizing: usually see shavings moist, do not need to water every day, too much water will make the seed moisture rotten. If it is too dry and then watered, there is no water, and the seeds are too dry to sprout.

5, heat preservation: generally between 15-30 degrees, do not put the seeds above 10 degrees, the north had better maintain more than 10 degrees, below 32 degrees, generally too cold in the lighting heat preservation, Lanyou in the south can move to the balcony where there is sunshine at noon to increase the temperature.

6. Water quality: tap water needs to be trapped for a day and then watered. Do not use tap water directly, because tap water has chlorine, which affects seed germination.

7. Sprouting: generally normal, good nursing, sprouting in half a month, some even earlier. After germination, it is best not to look at it all day long, because after germination, the buds will hold the shavings together and grow with benefit.

In about 45 days, the germinated seeds will become longer and longer, the roots will grow down, and there will be tender green trouser leaves next to the seeds, which will grow up naturally.

The method of ramet propagation of Cymbidium

The asexual reproduction of flowers has the methods of cutting, ramet, striping, grafting and so on, but the asexual reproduction of Cymbidium usually only uses the method of dividing plants, and this method is more common. If we use the method of dividing plants to propagate, we must first do some preparatory work:

1. Preparation for ramet propagation

① family potted plants to prepare flowerpots, flowerpots had better be earthen pots, do not buy porcelain, ceramic pots with beautiful surface, because their poor air permeability is not conducive to plant growth.

② prepares the medium soil, it is best to disinfect it. If humus soil is mixed with fine sand, humus soil should be disinfected with potassium permanganate 1000-2000 times aqueous solution. The fine river sand should also be washed and disinfected with boiling water to prevent the seedlings from being infected and rotted by germs.

③ prepare a little charcoal powder to smear the wound for moisture absorption to prevent decay.

④ sharpens the knife used for cutting, and finally quickly dry grinds (without adding water) dozens of times on the grindstone to make the blade highly hot to kill germs.

2. The operation method of ramet propagation.

1. First, bring the mother plant of Magnolia from the basin, get rid of the soil, and find out the buds that can be divided. If the daughter plant is born on the outer edge of the mother plant and the plant is small, you can hold the bulb part in one hand and the base of the child plant in the other hand and tear it off. If the seed plant is strong and not easy to break off, it should be cut off with a prepared sharp knife. Never break it by force, so as not to damage the young plants. After cutting off the offspring, you should immediately smear the wound with dried charcoal powder to absorb the fluid and prevent decay. Next, the seed plant is planted in a pot.

2. The planting depth is to bury the false bulb at the base of the seed plant, make it slightly higher on the part of the seedling plant, and cover it with sterilized sand. Immediately after planting, pour water once, and then cover with a layer of culture soil when the wound heals 2 weeks later. It usually takes 1-2 months to produce new roots and 1-2 years to blossom. The heredity of the magnolia propagated by the split method is relatively stable and can maintain various characteristics of the original species.

The old root breeding method of Cymbidium

The fleshy root of Cymbidium has a strong ability of regeneration. according to this characteristic, for those older plants, the old root can be broken off by turning the basin and changing soil in spring. after treatment, it can be forced to regenerate a new root, and it can become a new plant in the same year. The specific methods are as follows:

1. Choose the old root of Cymbidium, with a diameter of 1.2 cm to 1.5 cm. The seedlings that are too fine grow slowly and are too short to affect the growth of the plant. Insert a pin in the middle of the root or cut a 0.3 cm to 0.5 cm cut with a blade in the old root. Apply B12 solution to the wound to stimulate growth and promote germination.

2. Bury the treated old root in sterilized fine river sand or rotten leaf soil with a depth of 0.5 cm. Under the environment of 20 ℃ to 25 ℃, after 3 months, the green globular tumor was formed at the incision or needle insertion. After about 25 days of maintenance, the globular tumor gradually sprouted and became a new gentleman orchid.