
How to raise potted gardenias?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to raise potted gardenias?

How to raise potted gardenias? Gardenia likes the warm, humid and sunny environment, more cold-resistant, semi-overcast, afraid of stagnant water, requires loose, fertile and acidic sandy loam, gardenia luxuriant branches and leaves, leaf color evergreen, flowers fragrant and elegant, for important garden ornamental plants, let's take a look at the cultivation methods of potted gardenia!

How to grow gardenia in potted plants

1. Choose suitable potted soil: gardenia is an acid-loving flower, and the suitable pH value is 5 to 6. If the soil acidity is not suitable, it will get twice the result with half the effort in the future management. Cultivation soil can choose rotten leaf soil, peat soil or retting sawdust plus half of the garden soil, avoid using old wall soil and cinder, with the market of gentleman orchid soil is more convenient and practical.

2. Rational fertilization: gardenia likes fertilizer. 3% rotten cake fertilizer can be added to the culture soil as base fertilizer. During the growing season, the alum fertilizer made by cake fertilizer and ferrous sulfate retting is watered once a week, or 0.1% humic acid total nutrient organic liquid fertilizer can be used. Watering 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate aqueous solution once or twice in the bud stage can make the flowers fat and fragrant. Fertilizer is stopped when the temperature is above 35 ℃ in hot summer and below 15 ℃ in autumn.

3. Scientific watering: gardenia likes moist soil and greater air humidity. Keep the soil moist during the growth period from April to September. The surface of the basin soil is watered when it is dry, and a spray can be used to pour water on the leaf surface at night. If it is dry and wilted, it will be bad for growth. If the growth is too prosperous and the internodes are longer, they will not be watered in the evening and will be watered again when the sun comes out in the morning. In the area of alkaline water in the north, tap water should be kept for two days before use. Every three or five days, add 0.5 grams of citric acid and 1 gram of ferrous sulfate to water once per liter to make the leaves oily and green.

4. Bask in the sun more: gardenia likes light and can grow in semi-shade for a long time, but the flower branches are longer and the flowers are less. In addition to the strong light from July to August noon need shade and winter dormancy period, generally need to be maintained in the sun in order to blossom and flourish.

5. Good dormancy in winter: gardenia can survive the winter in open field in Qinling Mountains of China, but the root system of potted gardenia will be damaged after severe winter and recover slowly in spring. In the indoor with heating, although it is not damaged by freezing, the light is insufficient and the growth is thin. Most of the young buds formed in autumn fall off and blossom late in the second year. The better way is to put the potted flowers in a cold room of about 5 ℃ to make them dormant, or wrap the flowerpots with foam and other thermal insulation materials to protect the roots, and put them in the leeward and sunny place to overwinter, which can recover quickly in spring and bloom early.

6, appropriate pruning: gardenia jasminoides seedlings in the trunk 20 cm high to hit the top, leaving 3 to 4 branches, branches 2 pairs of leaves and then hit the top, promote branches, and then allow its growth. Lobular gardenia does not need to be topped. Trim lightly after flowering every year, cut off the inner chamber branches, diseased and weak branches, and some only grow short branches. When the crown width of Gardenia jasminoides is too large after 4 to 5 years, it can be strongly pruned after flowering, generally leaving 2 pairs of leaves in the upper part of the branch. After budding, the inward growing buds and the lower buds of the trunk will be erased, and the plant shape will become more compact and beautiful. Remember that gardenia can not be cut short in spring, otherwise it will not blossom in that year.

7. Change the pot soil at the right time: the seedlings use small pots and gradually change into large pots. When the crown width is 2 to 3 times the caliber of the basin, it is time to change the basin. The growing season can be changed at any time. After pouring the basin, even the soil block is planted into the new basin, the caliber is about 5 centimeters larger than the original basin. Family potted plants when the pot reaches about 28 cm, generally no longer change the pot but only change the pot soil. It is better to change soil in March in spring. After pouring the basin, cut off part of the old roots, shake off half of the old soil, plant the new soil into the basin and pour water into the pot, put it in a warm semi-shady place, and keep it in the sun when new buds sprout.

Matters needing attention in potted gardenia

1. After gardenia planting, pour enough water and put it in a semi-shady place outside. usually pay attention to watering and foliar spraying, and after taking the basin for about 15 days, turn to normal maintenance.

Topdressing fertilizer in time in February and May, applying nitrogen and phosphorus integrated fertilizer for 1 and 2 times. At the same time, pay attention to the basin soil should not be too wet, avoid poor drainage or stagnant water after rain, otherwise it will cause leaves or buds rot and can not blossom.

3. Gardenia likes semi-shade, potted plants should be placed in semi-shade to maintain, avoid summer sun exposure.

4, winter should be appropriate anti-freezing to keep warm, placed in the south, shelter, warm balcony or greenhouse to survive the winter.

Overwintering maintenance of potted gardenia

According to the growth habits of gardenia, it will enter the dormant period in winter. It does not matter that the leaves of gardenia fall or stop growing during the dormancy period. When gardenia overwintered, it is best to put it in the coldest room where astigmatism can be seen. The temperature should not exceed 12 ℃, and 610 ℃ is the most appropriate. Gardenia overwintering period watering once a month, or according to the dry and wet condition of the home, the basin soil is thoroughly watered again. Be careful not to freeze the gardenia in winter.

In short, gardenia can not be put in a place where the temperature is too high, nor can it be frozen when it is overwintering. You can't put it in a sunny place, and you can't see the sun. You can neither overwater nor dry the flowers. If gardenia continues to grow in winter, it can only be a waste of nutrients, which will affect the flowering in the coming year. The correct way is to let the gardenia in a natural dormancy in winter, wait until April of the next year, cut off all the old branches 2 cm above the branch of the gardenia, and then move outside to let it be exposed to the wind and the sun. If there are no conditions for the gardenia room at home, keep it away from the window and keep it ventilated.