
Hydroponic Culture method of Gardenia jasminoides

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Hydroponic Culture method of Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia white flowers, green leaves, strong flower fragrance, in early summer is the most attractive flowers and plants. Gardenia is a common courtyard, bedroom decoration flowers, that gardenia in addition to soil culture, can hydroponic culture? Next, the editor will introduce the cultivation method of hydroponic gardenia.

Can gardenia be hydroponically cultivated?

Gardenia can be hydroponically cultured. Gardenia likes warm, moist, well-ventilated and well-lit environment, and avoid strong light exposure. Gardenia is suitable for living in a slightly shaded place, resistant to semi-shade, afraid of stagnant water, gardenia is very suitable for hydroponic culture, hydroponic gardenia flower rooting is very fast, strong adaptability.

Growth habits of Gardenia jasminoides

Gardenia likes moist air and adequate light and well-ventilated growth environment, summer should avoid direct sunlight, suitable to live in a slightly shaded place, resistant to semi-shaded water is more cold-resistant, the most suitable growth temperature is about 16 degrees, the winter temperature should not be lower than 0 degrees, too low will be dormant in the northeast, North China, Northwest can only be used as greenhouse potted flowers.

Gardenia flower is suitable to be planted in light clayey acidic soil with loose, fertile and good drainage. It is a typical acidic flower.

Hydroponic Culture method of Gardenia jasminoides

The main results are as follows: 1. Select the robust branches, the quality of the branches directly determines the growth of the plant, the branches selected by the hydroponic gardenia can choose the main stem, and there are more than three twigs on the trunk, so the gardenia hydroponics is easy to survive and the plant shape is beautiful. Because the branches of gardenia may have eggs, in order to avoid hydroponic insects, the branches of gardenia should be cleaned first and be careful not to damage the epidermis. Hydroponic branches need to be trimmed off too dense branches and leaves bitten by insects, and more than half of the larger leaves are cut across to prevent the water from evaporating too quickly, making the gardenia leaves wilt and wilt.

2. Cut the tip of Gardenia jasminoides into horseear shape, soak it in 0.1% potassium permanganate solution for 4-6 hours, take it out and insert it into clean water. The length of the water is 1x3 of the total length of the cuttings.

3. Hydroponic gardenia flowers need to use brown bottles as containers and change water every 1-2 days. Small holes can also be drilled on wood or foam boards, cuttings can be inserted into holes, and then float on the water surface. After the hydroponic gardenia flower grows new roots, it needs to be moved from the dark to a bright place, the root length is 1.5-2 cm, and the number of roots per plant is 6-7, then it can be transplanted to the pot or on the ground.