
A brief discussion on the intercropping Model of Peanut and Pleurotus ostreatus with High yield and High benefit

Published: 2024-10-07 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/07, With the development of science and technology, the agricultural planting model has been constantly updated in recent years. At present, the hottest thing is crop interplanting or intercropping mode, which can make reasonable use of land resources and improve the interests of farmers.

With the development of science and technology, the agricultural planting model has been constantly updated in recent years. At present, the hottest thing is crop interplanting or intercropping, which can make rational use of land resources and improve the interests of farmers. The following editor will introduce the high-yield and high-benefit intercropping methods of peanut and Pleurotus ostreatus.

Peanuts were sown in late February and early March and harvested in late June. The seedlings of Pleurotus ostreatus were raised in March, transplanted in July, and harvested from January to February the following year.

High yield varieties such as Yueyou 13, Shanyou 188, Zhongkaihua 1 and Yueyou 45 which are suitable for planting in paddy field.

The voles were trapped and killed in the canals, roadsides and cross bases around the peanut fields to improve the emergence rate of peanuts. First plough and then rake, rake broken and raked flat, determine the direction of the border according to the principle conducive to drainage, and start the border according to the specification of 1.4 meters.

Apply farm manure 750kg and peanut compound fertilizer 40kg in the middle of the bed, spread them on the border surface, and then cover the fertilizer with soil to form the whole border.

Sow seeds from late February to early March. Sowing specifications: 1.4m furrow-wrapped border, 4 rows of species, in the form of wide row 40cm, narrow row 23cm on both sides, hole spacing 20cm; sowing seeds in holes and covering seeds with mud powder after sowing.

The herbicides before sprouting were treated with 95% Metolachlor 500 times 800 times or 50% Acetochlor 400 times 500 times 3-5 days after sowing, and 500 times with dry cover EC after peanut emergence.

The first application of strong seedling fertilizer, combined with seedling inspection, urea 4kg, potassium chloride 7.5 kg per mu after peanut seedling completion, needle fertilizer, compound fertilizer 15~20kg, borax 0.5 kg at the beginning of peanut flowering, and strong fruit fertilizer after peanut flowering, compound fertilizer 6 ~ 8kg per mu.

To control rust, 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder was applied at the initial stage of the disease; leaf spot disease was treated with 8000 times of methyl topiramate; Spodoptera litura often occurred in the lower needle stage of peanuts, and 40% dimethoate EC 100ml plus insecticidal double 200ml or 2000 times avermectin was used in the early stage of larvae, and aphids could be controlled at the same time.

Peanuts are more resistant to drought and afraid of waterlogging. after entering May-June, it is high temperature and rainy, so waterlogging should be eliminated in time to prevent rotten fruit and sprouting.

When the stems and branches turn yellowish green, the plants become tight and loose, and the upper leaves turn yellow, the peanut seedlings can be harvested in a sunny day and the peanut seedlings return to the field in time.

Before sowing, remove the terminal buds from the sand, remove the dried and rotten buds, and soak them with 58% nail cream. Manganese-zinc wettable powder 200: 250 times solution for 20 minutes, then remove it to dry.

Choose the paddy field with leeward to the sun, convenient drainage and irrigation, good fertility, one mu of nursery land can meet the needs of 8 mu and 10 mu of field. Irrigate and rake the field in advance and raise the low border according to the specification of 1.3m.

After "stinging", the temperature rises again, and when the temperature is stable above 15 ℃, choose the seed buds that will be prepared on a sunny day, and gently insert the seed buds into the mud according to the specification of 10x10cm, and the depth is suitable for just exposing the terminal buds.

After sowing for 15-20 days, new buds sprouted, and the irrigation was mainly day-dew and night irrigation. Keep shallow water after the emergence of new leaves, and do not advocate the use of chemical fertilizer as topdressing during seedling raising. Liquid fertilizer can be applied step by step for 2 or 3 times a month before transplantation. Artificial weeding is used when there are weeds. Pay attention to the control of aphids and other diseases and insect pests.

It is appropriate to choose fields with convenient drainage and irrigation, sunny, and tillage layer in clay, loam or sandy loam of 15~25cm.

Because of the previous planting of peanuts, all the peanut seedlings returned to the field. The basal fertilizer can be reduced appropriately, and the ash manure 750kg or organic compound fertilizer 40~50kg can be applied to the whole layer when raking the field the day before transplanting.

The seedlings of Pleurotus ostreatus can be transplanted to the field with 6 or 8 leaves. The schedule is mid-July and late July, no later than early August at the latest. Before transplanting, the seedlings of Pleurotus ostreatus were uprooted from the nursery, cut off the old roots, and peeled off about 2 pieces of basal old leaves. The specification of row spacing is 33 × 35cm or 30 × 33cm, which ensures that 5000 seedlings can be planted per mu, and 6000 seedlings can be planted in fields with poor fertility, leaving a row of 40cm every 2.5 × 3m.

5-7 days after transplanting, the first topdressing was formed, butachlor 100~125ml and urea 5~6kg were fully mixed and spread evenly, and the shallow water layer was kept in the field for more than 5 days.

During the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus in the field, there is a great demand for fertilizer, so it is necessary to topdressing in time. The first topdressing combined with chemical weeding could be carried out at the same time, the second topdressing of strong seedling fertilizer was carried out 25-30 days after transplanting, urea 7.5~10kg and potash fertilizer was applied per mu, and the third topdressing of mushroom fertilizer was carried out from late September to early October. During this period of time, the mushroom grows vigorously, and a kind of creeping branch will sprout at the base, which farmers call "mushroom load" or "mushroom birthday". This grape branch will stick down to the bottom of the plough layer and expand into a ball at the top. this is the mushroom we eat, which requires a large amount of fertilizer at this time. The mature chicken manure 500~750kg or sulfur-based compound fertilizer 20kg / mu was applied, and if the leaf color of Pleurotus ostreatus was obviously lightened in the first ten days of November, the fourth fertilizer could be applied, urea 3~5kg and sulfur-based compound fertilizer 8~10kg could be applied per mu.

Brown spot and spot disease are usually sprayed with 75% chlorothalonil 600 times 800 times or 28% Yi ban Jing 1200 times or 80% or Manganese Zinc 800 times. Powdery mildew can be sprayed with 1 ∶ 1 ∶ 250 Bordeaux solution or 25% powder powder 1000 times spray, once every 10 days, alternately, generally 2 times for 3 times can achieve good results. Aphids are mainly harmful to tender buds and heart leaves, which can be controlled with 2500 times of 40% dimethoate or 1.8% avermectin, and heart borer can be sprayed with 20 g of indenyl suspension.

Pleurotus ostreatus is an aquatic plant, which has a large demand for water in the whole growth period. Half a month after transplantation, it is mainly in shallow water, then gradually irrigated with 10~12cm in deep water, and then returned to shallow water in the next mushroom stage.

New Year's Day began digging until the end of February. The outward shipped mushrooms only need to gently wipe the soil on the surface of the mushrooms, and the mushrooms sold locally can be washed and listed on the market. For the mushrooms harvested after the Winter Solstice, the terminal buds can be broken off and placed in fine sand to keep the seeds, and the terminal buds can generally remain in fine sand for 45 days or more.

When it comes to planting, I think many of your growers do not know how to grow, and it is difficult to choose categories, because now the prices of all kinds of food crops are unstable, and the output is also difficult to increase. Xiaobian strongly recommends peanuts and mushrooms. They are at a low cost. And intercropping can make reasonable use of land resources. The above are detailed planting methods, you can take a look.