
The planting method of chopping melon

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, The planting method of chopping melon

Cut melon is a variety of pumpkin in China. It is a new variety of pumpkin genus of Cucurbitaceae that can be cut and regenerated quickly. It is distributed in Hubei, Hunan, Shandong, Henan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and other places in China. Its growth characteristics and planting techniques are basically the same as those of ordinary pumpkins. They do not have high requirements for natural environment and soil. They can be planted in spring and summer. Let's take a look at the planting methods of cutting melons.

The planting pattern of chopped melon

Cut melon can be planted in a large area in the field, can also be interplanted with cucumber or cabbage in spring greenhouse, or sporadically planted before and after the house. Cut melons grow and harvest for a long time, planting only one crop a year. Cut melon because the melon strips are slender, uniform and ornamental, and can be planted in pots. Potted plants should choose large flowerpots with a diameter of more than 1 meter.

The growth habit of chopped melon

1. Temperature condition: the suitable temperature for seed germination of cut melon is 2530 ℃. The germination was slow at 15 ℃ and the fastest at 30-35 ℃, but the bud was weak. The suitable temperature for stem and leaf growth is 23: 30 ℃ in daytime and 15: 18 ℃ at night, and the temperature is higher than 35 ℃ or lower than 15 ℃. The suitable temperature for young melon growth is 25: 30 ℃ in daytime and 15 ℃ at night.

2. light requirements: cut melon belongs to short-day crops, which is not very strict in light, and is most suitable for medium-intensity light conditions. it can still blossom and sit fruit under the condition of weak light in greenhouse in winter, and grow well. Under the condition of short day light less than 12 hours a day, it is beneficial to the early formation and number of female flowers, and the node position is reduced. Excessive light in late spring and summer is also not conducive to growth and development, which is easy to cause plant wilting and virus disease.

3. Water condition: cut melon has developed root system and strong drought resistance, but because of its large leaves and exuberant transpiration, it needs to absorb a lot of water, so it should be watered in time during the expansion period of young melon to meet the needs of growth and development. However, from the seedling stage to the first young melon sitting, if the soil moisture is too large, it is easy to cause stems and leaves to grow, resulting in falling flowers and fruits.

4. Soil nutrition: cut melon has strong adaptability to soil, and it is better to plant in loam soil with loose and fertile soil and good drainage and irrigation, which requires more fertilizer, and the combination of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and trace elements has high yield and good quality. In addition, we also need an appropriate amount of calcium, magnesium, sulfur, copper, iron, zinc, manganese and other trace elements supply. If too much nitrogen fertilizer is applied, it will lead to excessive growth of stems and leaves, poor quality of flowers, fruits and products, and easy to be infected with diseases and insect pests.

Seedling raising techniques of chopped melon

1. Soaking seeds to promote sprouting: direct seeding is generally used to cut melons, but for early listing, seedling cultivation and transplanting can also be used. Before soaking the seeds, dry the seeds for 2-3 hours, then blanch the seeds with 55 ℃ hot water for 2 minutes, stir the seeds continuously when the water temperature drops, soak the seeds in clean water for 8-10 hours, pick up and wash them once, change the water and soak the seeds again, and then put them in a 28-℃ incubator to accelerate germination and sow the seeds.

2. Nutritious soil: 5 parts of fertile pastoral soil without diseases and insect pests, 3 parts of fully mature compost, 2 parts of fine sand or peat were mixed evenly, 100 grams of Luheng 3 and 100 grams of trichlorfon were added in every cubic meter, and the plastic film was covered with 100 grams of trichlorfon for 2 days. After loading the bowl, pour thoroughly with water, place 1 germinated seed flat in each bowl, and cover the fine soil 0.8 cm thick.

3. Seedling stage management: the cutting melon seedling bed is covered with plastic film to keep warm and humid. The temperature before emergence should be kept at 25: 30 ℃. After emergence, the film should be removed according to the temperature. The temperature is 25: 30 ℃ during the day and 16: 18 ℃ at night. If the temperature is still low after emergence, a new film with good light transmittance should be replaced. When the temperature reaches the requirement during the day, the film should be removed to see the light, or both ends should be ventilated, and should be covered when the temperature is low at night.

4. disease prevention at seedling stage: cut melon seedlings are sprayed with 0.1% potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 0.05% dichlorvos when they grow true leaves, once every five days, the spraying concentration can be appropriately increased when the seedlings grow three true leaves, and 1000 times of 75% chlorothalonil wettable powder is added to control anthracnose and root rot, and the mulch can be removed after 2 true leaves. The seedlings can be planted with 3 leaves and 1 heart.

The planting method of chopping melon

1. Soil preparation and planting: before cutting and planting melons, apply sufficient base fertilizer, base fertilizer ditch application, 4000 kg of rotten organic fertilizer per mu, 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer and 30 kg of potassium sulfate per mu. Sporadic planting should be planted in large holes, and after applying base fertilizer, the planting density in the field is 100,120cm between rows and 60cm in the shed. 1000 plants per mu, according to soil fertility, many kinds of thin land, few kinds of fertile land, watering after planting.

2. Fertilizer and water management: apply one-time fertilizer to promote seedlings after planting slow seedlings, which can be used with dilute rotten manure or proper amount of cake fertilizer. After the first melon seat is stable, it is necessary to apply compound fertilizer, 30kg per mu, water after fertilization, and then apply fertilizer appropriately according to the growth potential. Always keep the soil moist during the fruit setting period.

3. Build a shelf on the shed: if chopping melons are cultivated on the ground, the shape of the melon is curved, and it is not convenient to harvest. It is necessary to set up a frame for high yield and high quality. Set up the scaffolding in time when the plant begins to shake the vine and set up the scaffolding when the melon vine grows to 0.5-0.8 meters. The height of the scaffolding is about 2 meters. The melons and vines are led onto the scaffolding and fixed with packaging belt to prevent falling down when the wind blows. The yield of the flat shed is high, the fruit shape is good, sporadic planting is good for the flat shed, and artificial pollination should be carried out when planting. Artificial pollination is carried out from 6 am to 07:30 every morning to ensure the rate of fruit setting.

4. Draw the vine to pick the heart: press the vine when the vine is 1 meter long, pick the side vine below 1 meter before pressing the vine to prevent the competition for nutrients, and then lead the vine to the shelf. The main vine is not heart-picking, the first ear melon after 5-8 leaves to pick the heart, each plant can leave two lateral vines. When binding vines, we should pay attention to evenly manage the leaves of the vines so as to make the melons droop naturally. The lateral vines that have borne melons are properly cut off to facilitate ventilation.

5, timely harvest: cut melons do not have to wait for melons to be ripe to pick and eat, in the growing period can be eaten at will, eat how much to eat, eat fresh melons every day. The first ear melon peel can be harvested when it turns golden, so as to facilitate the normal growth of the cut melon. Without damaging the melon peel, the cut melon can be preserved for a long time.

6. Pest control: there are few insect pests and mild diseases in chopped melons, so they should be actively controlled when they occur.

① disease: chopped melon has strong adaptability to external conditions, diseases and insect pests are mild, the common diseases are powdery mildew, virus disease, epidemic disease, anthrax and so on, among which virus disease is the most serious, which often leads to a large number of flowers and fruits. The disease can be prevented by spraying 500-600 times of chlorothalonil or 500-600 times of thunder mycin plus 500-600 times of carbendazim during the growth and development of cut melons.

② pests: the main pests of cutting melons are aphids, red spiders, grubs and so on. 1000 times liquid spray can be used for prevention and control of trichlorfon, and 90% trichlorfon mixed with fried incense bait can be used to kill underground pests. During the rainy season, Chlorothalonil or methyl topiramate was sprayed once every 7 days to prevent powdery mildew and downy mildew, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate was sprayed to protect leaves and promote melons, which is the key measure to increase yield.