
Planting technique of monkey leg vegetable

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting technique of monkey leg vegetable

Monkey leg vegetable is one of the famous edible and medicinal wild vegetables, also known as bracken green stem vegetable, porphyra yezoensis, etc., is a perennial herb of Pteridaceae, contains a variety of nutrients, is more nutritious than cultivated vegetables, its taste is delicious and unique, and its medicinal value is similar to bracken. It has the effects of heat-clearing and detoxification, moistening the lungs and regulating qi, tonifying deficiency and relaxing collaterals, hemostasis and insecticidal. Let's take a look at the planting technology of monkey leg vegetables.

Apply sufficient base fertilizer

Monkey leg vegetable native land is rich in humus under the forest, naturally like fertilizer, suitable for soil loose zone growth, so before making the bed to apply sufficient base fertilizer, it is best to use rotten pig manure, followed by horse manure, 75000 kg per hectare, turned into the bed 20 cm deep. If the dung source is insufficient, it can also cover the fallen leaves, and it also has a certain effect.

Rhizome transplantation

The rhizome of monkey leg vegetable can be collected after its aboveground part withered for a month, digging about 20 cm deep, that is, the root of monkey leg is dug into a lump, and the damage to the root of the plant should be minimized and transported to the greenhouse for backup. After thawing in spring, the rhizome is removed from the greenhouse and can be planted in a bed made at the back of the greenhouse. Because monkey leg vegetables like fertilizer and water, and most of them grow under the forest, they have the habit of enjoying shade, so after planting the rhizome, they should be covered with straw to shade and moisturize.

Temperature management

Artemisia angustifolia is a temperature-loving plant, but it is not tolerant to high temperature. It can germinate when the air temperature and ground temperature reach 8 ℃. When the air temperature is 15 ℃ and the ground temperature is above 12 ℃, the leaves grow rapidly. The suitable temperature for germination is about 20 ℃, and the suitable temperature for the growth of tender leaves is 17-20 ℃. The growth stops when the air temperature exceeds 30 ℃, and the tender leaves suffer frost damage when the temperature is lower than 5 ℃.

Light management

Light is an important factor in the growth and development of monkey leg vegetable. When the light is strong, the cell growth is blocked, the petiole is short, and the edible value is low. When the light is weak, the photosynthesis is poor, the accumulation of photosynthates is insufficient, and the quality is poor. The suitable light intensity is 10000 ~ 13000 lux. If the light is strong, you can hang a sunshade net.

Water management

Monkey leg vegetables should often be sprayed with a spray can after planting and during harvest to ensure that they are watered every other day to keep the soil moist, especially when the air is dry in winter in the north. Drainage should be strengthened in the rainy season so as not to cause root decay. Watering and topdressing should be made in time before germination in early spring to promote stem and leaf germination.

Timely harvest

The tender leaves of monkey leg vegetables were unearthed for 6 ~ 10 days, and the first crop was harvested in good time. After 7 ~ 10 days, when the tender leaves of the second crop were unearthed, they grew to about 20 cm, and the leaflets could be harvested when they were not unfolded and fist-shaped. Harvest should be as close to the ground as possible, pinched by hand or cut with a knife. It can be harvested 23 times in the protected land, but the growth is slightly weaker in the later stage. By controlling the time of planting in the greenhouse, the harvest time can be controlled around the Spring Festival, and considerable economic benefits can be obtained.