
High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Allium

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, High-yield Cultivation Techniques of Allium

Shallots are perennial herbs of the genus Alliaceae, also known as spring onions, scallions, scallions, and so on. They are a variety of scallions. They are native to western China, western Asia and Syria, and are now widely cultivated in various parts of our country. As a kind of table seasoning vegetable, it has very high cultivation value. Let's take a look at the high-yield cultivation techniques of shallots.

Growth habits of shallots

Onions like cold and cool, strong cold resistance, and do not require high light intensity. The suitable temperature for growth is 12-23 ℃. Under the high temperature and strong light of more than 25 ℃, the aging rate is accelerated, the yield is low, and the quality is decreased. At the low temperature below-5 ℃, the growth is slow. The plant grows luxuriantly and leaves flourish in spring and autumn. It can grow normally in clay and sandy soil, and the soil has wide adaptability. The root system is shallow in the soil and is not resistant to drought and waterlogging, so it requires moist soil, good irrigation and drainage conditions, and adequate application of organic fertilizer, heavy application of nitrogen fertilizer and increased application of potassium fertilizer.

The Propagation technique of Onion

The main results are as follows: 1. Ramet propagation: the time of spliting is from the beginning of April to the end of June in spring and autumn from early August to the end of December, but not in high temperature and cold season. Before the split, the old plants were dug up from the field and placed for a few days, and then divided into clusters of 7-8 plants in each clump. They were planted in the field according to row spacing of 22 cm and plant spacing of 12 cm. After planting, they were watered continuously for 2 times (once a day) to promote living trees.

2. Sowing and raising seedlings: although the varieties that can bear seeds can also be propagated separately, the seeds are generally first raised into seedlings and then planted in the field, waiting for full growth, and then split. Spring sowing begins in late March, can be sown in batches to late June, autumn sowing begins in mid-August, and can be sown in batches to late October. The soil should be carefully prepared before sowing, then sowed, suppressed after sowing, and then covered with straw to prevent Rain Water from causing soil consolidation and affecting seedling emergence. The sowing rate is 5 kg per mu and can be planted when the seedlings grow to 15-18 cm.

Planting techniques of shallots

1. Soil preparation and fertilization: shallots require deep, loose and fertile sandy loam, ploughing the land deeply, applying 4000 kilograms of high-quality farm manure per mu as base fertilizer and mixing it with the soil to make a 2-meter-wide border, raking the border surface, opening ditches in the border, with a depth of 6 cm to 7 cm, 20 cm to 25 cm for precocious cultivation and 40 cm for common cultivation.

2. Timely planting: bulbs should be prepared before onions are planted, bulbs should be separated one by one, and the bulbs should be dried in the sun for one day. About 50kg bulbs should be prepared per mu. In precocious cultivation, 2 or 3 kinds of bulbs were planted in each hole, with a distance of about 15 cm. There are 3-4 kinds of bulbs planted in each hole of common cultivation, and the distance between holes is 20-25 cm. Plant in the ditch, cover the soil after planting, the distance between the bulb and the soil surface is 6-7 cm, and water after covering the soil.

3. Field management: the field management of shallots mainly includes topdressing, weeding, watering, soil softening and so on. Forced fertilizer is mainly available nitrogen fertilizer. From the plant growth to 1213 cm, topdressing once a month, topdressing 3 times 4 times. Water one day a month, and the watering times can be increased appropriately in case of drought. After 2 times of topdressing, the soil should be cultivated for 2 times and co-cultivated for 2 times. The general work of soil cultivation should be combined with topdressing, that is to say, the soil should be cultivated after topdressing, and the depth of soil cultivation should not be too deep.

4. Timely harvest: except in hot summer, shallots can be harvested in early summer, autumn and early winter. The specific harvest time varies with varieties and cultivation forms. Only leaves can be harvested and fertilized once after each harvest. It can also be pulled out, washed away, tied up into small bundles and sold on the market.

Control of diseases and insect pests of shallot

1. Downy mildew: 300 grams of "New High Lipid membrane" emulsion per mu, 230-250 kg of water, evenly sprayed, 7-10 days apart, a total of 2-3 times.

2. Black mildew: spray with 0.1% copper sulfate or 1% lime water or 0.1% potassium permanganate solution 50 kg.

3. Purple spot: spray with 80% Dyson zinc 0.5% aqueous solution or with 50% thyroid 0.1% aqueous solution or copper sulfate, quicklime and water, spray Bordeaux solution according to the ratio of 1 to 1, and spray Bordeaux solution with 50 kg per mu.

4. Root maggots: 5 kg methamidophos powder or 2.5% trichlorfon powder 3.5 kg ~ 4.5 kg per mu or 2.5 kg phoxim granules were applied to the soil.

5. Red spider: it can be controlled by 3000 ~ 3500 times of mite Guangling or 2500 ~ 3000 times of red and white mites.