
Industry actively develops fast charging mobile power supply

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, Memory module factory Weigang Technology and Guangying Dentsu simultaneously launched fast-charging mobile power supply, competing for business opportunities in the peripheral market of mobile devices. Wei Gang said that after in-depth understanding of consumer demand for mobile power, consumers found that in addition to the mobile power supply with charging function, but also...

Operators actively develop fast charging mobile power supply

业者积极开发 快充行动电源

Memory module factory Weigang Technology and Guangying Dentsu simultaneously launched fast charging mobile power supply to compete for market opportunities around the food mobile device.

Weigang said that after an in-depth understanding of consumers' demand for mobile power, it is found that consumers not only want mobile power to have the charging function, but also hope to quickly complete power supply.

Weigang pointed out that the newly launched mobile power product PV100 not only has a 4200 milliampere-hour (mAh) lithium battery, but also has 2.1A large-capacity output fast charging function, which is twice as fast as the common 1A mobile power supply in the market.

Guangying's new mobile power product Power P40 also carries 4400mAh lithium battery and has 2.1A high output current.

Weigang and Guangying agreed that the newly launched mobile power products also have safety protection mechanisms such as overcharge protection, overdischarge protection, overdischarge current protection, short circuit protection, input power protection and overcurrent protection, and have passed a number of international safety regulation tests.