
Legislator Weng Zhongjun's public welfare speech on "Hong Junpei Culture and Education Foundation"

Published: 2024-10-06 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/10/06, (Taiwan Business Daily News) people often feel that there are all kinds of problems and disadvantages in the government's budgeting. Have the legislators who have the power to cut the budget seriously guard the people's tax payment?. In addition, in the process of reviewing the budget of the Legislative Yuan, it will.

Legislator Weng Zhongjun's public welfare speech on "Hong Junpei Culture and Education Foundation"


(Taiwan Business Daily News) people often feel that there are all kinds of problems and disadvantages in the government's budgeting. Have the legislators who have the power to cut the budget seriously guard the people's tax payment?. In addition, what kind of exchange of interests will there be in the process of reviewing the budget of the Legislative Yuan?

On February 15, the Hong Junpei Culture and Education Foundation invited legislator Weng Zhongjun to give a lecture on "Budget Review, benefiting the people." among the so-called financial and economic legislators, Weng Chongjun of the Kuomintang is one of the few who have focused on the budget for a long time. Weng has served as legislator and convener of various committees for many years to talk about budget review, and the public has benefited a lot.

Legislator Weng Zhongjun's public welfare speech: budget review, benefit the country and benefit the people

If you look at the budget, you don't just look at the figures. the government has a policy address every year. If the focus of the policy is to improve the quality of the environment and to have supporting public policies, such as how to dispose of rubbish or make petrol cleaner, these policies are an expression of the philosophy of administration. However, if there is no budget allocation or no budget, in fact, there is no way to implement the whole policy concept, so the importance of the budget is not a figure. But from the budget structure to see the government's philosophy of governance, or whether public policies have been implemented in the end.

The budget is the foundation of the government's administration, and examining and deciding on the budget is the best way for the Legislative Yuan to supervise the government's administration. The General Budget of the Central Government is like a legal case. Every year before the end of August, the ministries will draw up the budget and send the budget to the committee members' offices on September 1. Therefore, legislators can only read the budget for a short period of three months a year, that is, from September 1 to December 31.

There are several important terms in budget review: the "budget" was sent to the Executive Yuan at the beginning and has not yet gone through the second or third readings, while those that have gone through the second or third readings are called "statutory budgets." In addition, during the budget review, some budgets are explicitly stipulated in the law to be allocated or made, and they are also "statutory budgets." these budget legislators have no way to delete them.

According to Article 6 of the "examination procedure of the Central General Budget," which is the legal procedure for examining the budget, the examination reports of various committees must be collected by the Finance Committee before they can proceed to the next hurdle (admission to the hospital); that is, all the committees are actually only part of the "one" case of examining the General Budget of the Central Government, so in the end, they have to be integrated so that this "one" case can be read for the second or third time.

Four months before the beginning of the fiscal year, the Executive Yuan shall submit the general budget for the next year to the Legislative Yuan for deliberation; the Legislative Yuan shall make a decision one month before the beginning of the fiscal year, and shall be announced by the President 15 days before the beginning of the fiscal year. With regard to the budget proposed by the Executive Yuan, the Legislative Yuan shall not propose to increase expenditure, nor shall it move between budget items. The audit report of the general accounts shall be submitted by the Auditor General.

The formal process is as follows:

1. To the procedural committee.

two。 The hospital meeting (first reading): recite the title, arrange the official report, and submit it to the committees for review (committee)

3. Joint committees of the whole hospital: decide on the grouping and review date

4. Review by committees and reports of officials: entering substantive review

5. The joint committees of the whole hospital: send the review results of each committee to the joint meeting for discussion, which is also the beginning of political party consultation.

6. Discussion (second Reading): read aloud, item-by-item discussion and amendment motion (P.S. If the Council decides to return the general budget, with the approval of the President, the Executive Yuan decides to accept or return the vote, if the second vote fails, according to the "usual practice", the Premier of the Executive Yuan will resign and step down).

7. The court will read the third time: only text changes can no longer be deleted for individual units, the total budget vote (P.S if rejected at this time, the result is the same as above)

Legislator Weng Zhongjun said that just examining such a case often takes a lot of time and painstaking effort before entering the second reading, and the complicated process and specialized knowledge are beyond the imagination of the outside world.

The Government's budget is not final after it has been examined by the Committee. If the budget deletion proposal is to be mentioned again, the party groups and committee members can still propose the proposal before the government and the public negotiate. If a committee member proposes a personal proposal, it will require 15 co-signatures (one-to-15-person proposal and 15-person co-signature), so they will probably choose to propose a proposal by the caucus (the caucus can send it out with a seal).

The time for each committee to submit budget proposals may not be certain. in the case of social welfare, it will be sent to the committee two days ago, and then the committee will do the printing, the preparation of meeting materials, and so on. Only the budget proposal finally adopted at the meeting will be included in the Hansard.

Budget common sense non-operating revolving fund

To supervise is in the non-business cycle, the largest non-operating fund in environmental protection, ─ air pollution charges, and resource recovery funds. The meaning of circulation is to cross the year. Originally, the budget is to be used this year. If it is not used up, it should be handed back and cannot be retained. The meaning of a revolving fund is to compile a fund that can retain some budget for cross-year use. When the surplus exceeds the statutory reserve, it should be paid to the treasury.

The budget law or the method of compilation and review both mentioned that non-operating revolving funds should be abolished when their functions or objectives have been achieved. This function was originally intended to allow flexibility in the use of the budget over the next year.

How to use the EPA air pollution charge fund? Do a lot of research projects? In order to supervise whether it should be used in this way or not, there are many problems with the non-operating revolving fund, which is the least part of the supervision of the Legislative Yuan. The first Legislative Yuan only allocates subsidies and does not know whether the fund is in operation or not. Second, it is usually in the final stage at this time, and the committee members are no longer strong. The special connections between legislators and ministries are all here, so this is a grey area.

In fact, when these funds are used, the control is not as strict as the government budget, and generally speaking, the reporting of accounts is not strict, so it is necessary to step up supervision over the reported cases.

Small files of legislator Weng Zhongjun

Member Weng Zhongjun holds a bachelor's degree in journalism from Culture University, a master's degree from the Institute of International Business Management of Culture University, and a master's degree from National Taiwan University's Institute of Accounting He has served as a member of the 10th and 11th Chiayi County Councillor, a legislator of the first to eighth sessions, a member of the National Defense, Finance, economy, Transportation and Budget Committee of the Legislative Yuan, a lecturer of Datong Institute of Technology and Daojiang School of Management, chairman of the Putuo Mountain religious Exchange Association in the South China Sea of Taiwan, founder of the Human Culture and Education Foundation, etc. He is now a legislator and has been rated as the second best budget review by the National Outlook Council as one of the top ten outstanding legislators, Chengshe and congressional journalists.

Hong Junpei Culture and Education Foundation 103 commonweal speech
