
Soilless cultivation techniques of Chinese chive

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Soilless cultivation techniques of Chinese chive

Leek is a perennial herb of Liliaceae, which is highly adaptable, cold-resistant and heat-resistant. It is cultivated all over the country. Leaves, scape and flowers are eaten as vegetables, and seeds can be used as medicine. Soilless cultivation of leek has the advantages of labor-saving management, high yield and great economic benefits. It is very suitable for urban families to grow. Let's take a look at the soilless cultivation techniques of leek.

Growth environmental conditions of leek

1. Temperature: leek likes cold and cool, cold-resistant and heat-resistant, the optimum temperature for seed germination is above 12 ℃, the growth temperature is 15 ℃ to 25 ℃, and the underground part can withstand lower temperature.

2. Light: leek needs medium light intensity for growth, strong shade tolerance, but too weak light, little photosynthate accumulation, few and weak tillers, low yield, easy premature senescence, strong light intensity, high temperature, too much fiber and poor quality.

3. Moisture: the suitable air relative humidity of leek is 60% 70%, and the soil moisture is 80% 90% of the maximum field capacity.

4: nutrition: it has strong adaptability to soil texture, and the suitable pH is 5.5-6.5. It needs a large amount of fertilizer and has strong fertilizer tolerance.

Soilless cultivation techniques of Chinese chive

1. Use a flowerpot (or wooden trough) with a depth of 18cm and 20cm and fill it with 1mm river sand with a particle size of 1mm. The river sand is washed with water to prevent it from carrying bacteria.

2. Select the roots of leek in the open field for more than two years, cut off the old roots and leaves, leave the shortened stems and roots, and plant them in a pot with a pinch of 3-4 plants, with a row spacing of about 3.3 cm.

4. water thoroughly once after planting, and then pour nutrient solution after the emergence of new roots, generally every other day, once every two days in spring, summer and autumn, and once in three or five days in winter. in rainy days, afternoon and evening, there is no nutrient solution, leaf yellow is watered more, leaves are black and less.

5. The formula of nutrient solution for soilless cultivation of leek is 15 grams of urea (or 22.5 grams of ammonium sand), 22.5 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate and 15 kilograms of water, which can be watered 1.5 square meters (about 30 pots).

6. Sand leek is suitable for bed temperature of 14 ℃, air temperature of 16 ℃, and can grow at bed temperature of 6 ℃ and air temperature of 10 ℃.

7. Frosts Descent has a natural dormancy period of 30 days before and after sand cultivation of leek. After the Beginning of Winter, the leek leaves can be cut off and continue to grow.

Control of diseases and insect pests of leek

1. At the initial stage of the onset of Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum of leek, 10% Sukeling smoke agent or 45% chlorothalonil smoke scavenger can be used in cloudy days, 250g per mu, ignited at 6-8 points, and closed for 3-4 hours. In the evening, 50% chlorothalonil dust can also be sprayed, or 10% carbendazim dust, or 6.5% carbendazim dust, 1 kg per mu. You can also use 1000 times of 50% prohydantoin wettable powder or 50% carbendazim 1000 times liquid powder spray for prevention and control.

3. At the initial stage of the onset of leek blight, 72.2% Pulike water agent 600,800 times liquid, or 72% Kelu wettable powder 700x liquid, or 1000 times ethyl phosphorus aluminum wettable powder liquid, or 25% metalaxyl wettable powder 800x liquid smoke agent and dust powder are the same as Botrytis cinerea, and the method of use is the same as Botrytis cinerea.

3. The root of leek white silk disease can be irrigated with 1000-fold solution of 15% triadimefon or 1200-fold solution of 20% methyl rifampicin at the initial stage.

4. Spray 15% triadimefon wettable powder 1500 times, or 20% triazolone EC 2000 times, or 97% sodium rust 1500 times in the early stage of leek rust.

5. At the initial stage of the onset of leek bacterial soft rot, 77% of the solution can be killed 500 times, or 1000 times of potassium permanganate, or 2500 times of agricultural streptomycin, or 3000 times of chloramphenicol.

6. At the initial stage of the onset of leek virus disease, the leaves were sprayed with 1:40 soybean milk water or 0.2% potassium dihydrogen phosphate, and the selected agents should be used alternately, usually once in about 7 days, for 2 or 3 times.

7. Leek maggots can be foliar sprayed with 48% Lesbon EC 2000 times, or 80% dichlorvos EC 800 times, or 2.5% kungfu EC 1500-2000 times during the peak emergence period of adults.