
What is the producing area distribution of Chinese cabbage?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the producing area distribution of Chinese cabbage?

Chinese cabbage is a leafy vegetable of Brassica cruciferae, which is native to China, also known as "heading Chinese cabbage", "cabbage", "yellow bud white", "glue cabbage" and so on. It is called "Shaocai" in Cantonese and is cultivated in all parts of our north and south. Let's take a look at the distribution of Chinese cabbage.

Distribution of producing areas of Chinese Cabbage

Chinese cabbage is widely cultivated in all parts of China, with North China and the south of the Yangtze River as the main producing areas, accounting for 40% and 60% of the sown area of autumn, winter and spring vegetables.

Chinese cabbage is classified by time.

According to the morphological characteristics, biological characteristics and cultivation characteristics, Chinese cabbage can be divided into autumn and winter cabbage, spring cabbage and summer cabbage, each including different types of varieties.

1. Autumn and winter cabbage: widely cultivated in southern China with many varieties. The plant type is erect or waist-tied, which is mainly cultivated in autumn and winter, and can be divided into white stem type and green stem type according to the color of petiole. The representative varieties of white stem type are Nanjing dwarf yellow, Changzhou Changbai stem, Guangdong dwarf black leaf, Hefei small leaf vegetable and so on. The representative varieties of green stem type are Shanghai short dustpan, Hangzhou early oil winter, Changzhou green stem vegetable and so on.

2. Spring cabbage: most of the plants are developed, and a few of them are erect or slightly girded. Strong winter, cold tolerance and high yield. According to bolting morning and evening and supply period, it can be divided into early spring dish and late spring dish. The representative varieties of early spring vegetables are Nanjing bright white leaves with white stalks, Wuxi March white and green stems, Hangzhou late oil winter, Shanghai March slow, and so on. The representative varieties of late spring vegetables are April white in Nanjing, silkworm cabbage in Hangzhou and slow in April and May in Shanghai with green stalks.

3. Summer cabbage: cultivated in high temperature season in summer and autumn, also known as "hot cabbage" and "summer cabbage". The representative varieties are Shanghai cabbage, Guangzhou cabbage, Nanjing Aiza No.1 and so on.

Classification of Chinese cabbage according to morphology

Chinese cabbage is divided into four varieties, of which the heading variety is divided into three ecotypes.

1. Loose leaf variety: loose leaf variety is the original type of heading Chinese cabbage, the leaf is stretched and does not form a leaf ball. Strong resistance, more fiber, poor quality, the edible part is divided into rosette leaves, has been gradually eliminated. The representative variety is Chinese cabbage in Laiwu, Shandong Province.

2. Semi-heading variety: the seed leaf ball changed by semi-heading ball is loose, and the top of the ball is open, showing a semi-heading state. The cold resistance is strong, and the requirements for fertilizer and water are not strict. Rosette leaves and leaf balls are both products. The representative varieties are Dazhi in Xingcheng, Liaoning, and Dabian in Yangcheng, Shanxi, etc.

3. The flower heart variety: the bulb of the flower heart variety is folded to synthesize a solid bulb, but the top of the ball is not closed, the leaf tip turns outward, and the curling part is yellow, yellowish or white. It has strong heat tolerance, short growth period and is not resistant to storage, so it is often used for early maturing cultivation in summer and autumn. The representative varieties are Beijing turn heart white, Shandong Jinan small white heart and so on.

4. Heading variety: heading variety is an advanced type of evolution of Chinese cabbage. The ball leaves clasp to form a solid leaf ball, the top of the ball is obtuse or round, closed or nearly closed. Cultivation is common, requiring high fertilizer and water conditions and fine management, high yield, good quality, storage resistance, divided into three basic ecotypes:

① oval type: also known as "marine climatic ecotype", the leaf globule is ovoid, and the globular index (the ratio of bulb height to cross-sectional diameter) is about 1.5. The foliar bulb is folded or embraced. There are a large number of globular leaves, which belongs to the "leaf number type". It requires a mild, humid and unchangeable environment. The representative varieties of Shandong Peninsula in China are Shandong Fushan Baotou, Jiaoxian cabbage, Liaoning induced big and small roots and so on.

② flat head type: also known as "continental climate ecotype", the leaf ball is obconical, the spherical index is close to 1, the ball top is flat, completely closed, overlapping. The globular leaves are larger and the number of leaves is less, which belongs to "heavy leaves". It requires an environment with mild climate, large temperature difference between day and night and sufficient sunshine, and has a certain adaptability to drastic changes in temperature and dry air. The central areas of cultivation are central Henan, western Shandong and southern Hebei. The representative varieties are Baotou, Luoyang, Henan, Baotou, Guanxian, Shandong, and Baotou, Taiyuan, Shanxi.

③ straight cylinder type: also known as "cross climate ecotype", the leaf ball is slender and cylindrical, the spherical index is about 4, and the ball top is obtuse, close to closed wrenching. The globule is long Obovate. The central area of cultivation is the eastern part of Hebei Province near Bohai Bay, which is basically marine climate, but because of its proximity to Inner Mongolia, it is often impacted by continental climate, which makes the ecotype have the characteristics of strong adaptability to climate. The representative varieties are Tianjin Qingma leaf, Hebei Yutian Baojian, Liaoning Hetou cabbage and so on. The three ecotypes hybridized with other varieties and derived secondary types, such as flat head straight cylinder type, flat head oval type, cylinder type, flower center straight cylinder type, flower center circle type and so on. China began to study the utilization of heterosis of Chinese cabbage in the mid-1960s, which was used in production in the mid-1970s. The hybrids with larger planting area were Qingza Zhongfeng, Shandong No. 4, Beijing 106 and so on.