
What is the difference between Lentinus edodes and winter mushrooms?

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What is the difference between Lentinus edodes and winter mushrooms?

Many people can't tell what is mushroom, what is mushroom, and what is the common mushroom on the market? These kinds of food look similar, but the name really makes people stupid and confused what is going on. What is the difference between mushrooms and mushrooms? Are mushrooms? Let's find out together.

The difference between mushrooms and mushrooms

There is no obvious difference between mushrooms and mushrooms from the outside, but in fact the difference between the two is not big. If you want to distinguish between the two, then mushrooms are collectively referred to, and mushrooms are only one kind of mushrooms. In many places, mushrooms are also called winter mushrooms. So if winter mushroom is a kind of mushroom, what about mushrooms and those?

Mushrooms include three common mushrooms: flower mushroom, winter mushroom and fragrant Qin. They are similar in appearance and nutritional value, but different in quality. Flower mushroom is also made of mushroom after special processing, while Xiangqin is the leftover after selecting flower mushroom and winter mushroom, the quality is inferior.

1. Flower mushroom: Flower mushroom is a kind of variety among mushroom fungi, which is the star of fungi. Mushrooms are named after patterns on the top surface. The top surface of mushroom is light black, the mushroom pattern explodes flowers, white, and the pleats at the bottom of mushroom are light yellow by processing charcoal fire baking. Mushrooms grow fast in winter. The colder the weather, especially in snowy days, the higher their yield, the better their quality, and the thicker their meat. Mushrooms can be cooked with fish and meat, or stewed in chicken oil and soup.

2. Mushroom: The quality of mushroom is second only to flower mushroom. The top surface of winter mushroom is black, the pleats at the bottom of mushroom are also light yellow, the meat is thicker, like copper Luo edge, the meat is more tender, the food is crispy mouth, delicious, usage is slightly the same as flower mushroom.

3. Xiangqin: Xiangqin is the lowest grade variety of mushroom. Fragrance is all scattered, or mostly scattered, not so tender, not too crisp mouth, quality than flowers, mushrooms much worse. Fragrance Qin if processing fine words, pale yellow, but also very thin, so some people call it yellow thin. Fragrant Qin is very thin, lighter after drying, cheaper than flower mushroom and winter mushroom.

The nutritional value of mushrooms and mushrooms

Above we know that winter mushrooms are actually one of the mushrooms, and the nutritional value of both is the same. So below we understand the nutritional value of mushrooms, but also understand the nutritional value of winter mushrooms.

And for the dried mushrooms we often eat, what nutrients do they have? 72% of dried mushroom edible part, 13g of water, 1.8g of fat, 54g of carbohydrates, 7.8g of crude fiber, 4.9g of ash, 124mg of calcium, 415mg of phosphorus, 25.3mg of iron, 0.07mg of vitamin B1, 1.13mg of vitamin B2 and 18.9mg of nicotinic acid per 100g edible part. In addition to 85-90% water content, fresh mushrooms contained 19.9% crude protein, 4% crude fat, 67% soluble nitrogen-free substances, 7% crude fiber and 3% ash in solid matter.

Mushrooms are rich in vitamin D, but vitamin C is very little, and vitamin A and A are lacking. Lentinan contained in Lentinus edodes can enhance the activity of helper T cells and enhance humoral immune function of human body. A large number of practices have proved that winter mushrooms have a wide range of cancer prevention and treatment, and have been used in clinical treatment. Mushrooms also contain a variety of vitamins, minerals, to promote human metabolism, improve the adaptability of the body has a great role. Mushrooms also play a therapeutic role in diabetes, tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, neuritis, etc., and can be used for indigestion, constipation, weight loss, etc. Lentinus edodes contains water-soluble umami substances, which can be used as food condiments. Its main components are nucleic acid components such as 5 -uronic acid.

The therapeutic effect of mushrooms and mushrooms

The nutrients and ingredients of mushrooms and mushrooms are the same, and we can also say that they are the same thing, so we can think that the therapeutic effects of both are the same. So what are the therapeutic effects of eating mushrooms or mushrooms on the human body?

1. Many ancient books record mushrooms as "replenishing qi without hunger, treating wind and breaking blood and benefiting stomach and helping food". Folk use to help reduce acne, measles induced, headache, dizziness.

2. Regular consumption of mushrooms is beneficial to prevent rickets caused by blood phosphorus and calcium metabolism disorders caused by vitamin D deficiency in human body, especially infants, and can prevent various mucous membranes and skin inflammation diseases of human body.

3. Lentinan in Lentinus edodes can improve the production of T lymphocytes, improve the killing activity of T lymphocytes and improve the immune function of the body.

4. The water extract of shiitake mushroom has a scavenging effect on hydrogen peroxide, has a certain elimination effect on hydrogen peroxide in the body, and can slow down aging.

5. Mushrooms contain purine, choline, tyrosine, oxidase and certain nucleic acid substances, which can lower blood pressure, cholesterol and blood fat, and prevent arteriosclerosis, liver cirrhosis and other diseases.

6. The mushroom cap part contains double-stranded ribonucleic acid, which will produce interferon with anti-cancer effect after entering the human body, which can prevent cancer.

7. Mushrooms also have therapeutic effects on diabetes, tuberculosis, infectious hepatitis, neuritis, etc., and can be used for indigestion, constipation, etc.

Taboo of mushroom and mushroom

Whether we say winter mushroom or mushroom, from the above we can understand that the nutritional content of both is very rich, after eating has a certain health effect on the human body. However, when eating mushrooms or mushrooms, you should pay attention to the following taboos.

1. Mushrooms are wind-moving foods, and patients with intractable skin pruritus should not eat them. Spleen and stomach cold dampness qi stagnation or skin itching patients do not eat.

2, mushrooms are rich in biochemical substances, and tomatoes containing carotenoids with food, will destroy the carotenoids contained in tomatoes, so that the nutritional value is reduced.

3, mushrooms contain vitamin D, crab is also rich in vitamin D, both eaten together, will make the vitamin D content in the human body too high, resulting in increased calcium, long-term consumption is easy to cause stone symptoms.

4. Mushroom + donkey meat = easy to cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

5. Mushrooms + quail meat, quail eggs = face prone to black spots.

6, mushroom + crab = easy to cause stone symptoms.

7, mushrooms contain vitamin D, crab is also rich in vitamin D, both eaten together, will make the vitamin D content in the human body too high, resulting in increased calcium, long-term consumption is easy to cause stone symptoms.

8, mushroom + tomato = destruction of carotenoids, reduce nutritional value.