
Cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii: how to grow Pleurotus eryngii? What does apricot abalone mushroom look like

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of Pleurotus eryngii

Pleurotus eryngii, also known as Pleurotus ostreatus, is a new variety of rare edible fungi successfully developed and cultivated in recent years. Pleurotus eryngii is a low-temperature strain, which takes about 50 to 60 days from sowing to mushroom production. Cultivation bags can be made from October to November and mushroom can be produced from November to January in other areas. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of Pleurotus eryngii.

Planting raw materials

There are many matrix materials suitable for the growth of Pleurotus eryngii, such as miscellaneous sawdust, cotton seed shell, waste cotton, bagasse, wheat straw, bean straw and so on. In order to prevent breaking the cultivation bag and facilitate the bag (bottle), the sawdust must be screened and the straw must be crushed.

Auxiliary materials can be added to wheat bran, rice bran, corn flour, cottonseed cake powder, calcium carbonate, sugar, gypsum powder and so on.

Cultivation mode

The cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii has bottle cultivation, box cultivation and bag cultivation because of the different culture containers used, of which the most convenient and practical is bag cultivation.

The procedure of bag planting is the production of strain (including mother seed, original seed and cultivated species), → production of cultivated bacteria bag (including material preparation, ingredient, bagging and sterilization) → mushroom production management → harvest processing.

Cultivation season

Under natural conditions, according to the suitable growth temperature of Pleurotus eryngii, it is generally suitable to be cultivated in autumn, winter and spring, but in areas with high winter temperature, it is better to arrange to produce mushrooms from December to February, because the temperature is too high or too low to form primordium. it is not conducive to the growth and development of fruiting bodies. Pleurotus eryngii is different from other Pleurotus ostreatus, if the head tide mushroom is not formed normally, it will affect the occurrence of the second tide mushroom and will inevitably affect the total yield.

Therefore, the appropriate cultivation period should be arranged according to the suitable temperature for mushroom production in both the south and the north, and it is generally appropriate to make cultivation bags 50 days in advance when the local temperature drops below 18 degrees.

Strain production

1. Mother species

The commonly used medium is PDA or PSA. We can also use MGYA medium (1000ml: peptone 1g, maltose 20g, yeast 2g, Agar 20g), PDYA medium (1000ml: peptone or soy peptone 1g, potato 300g, Agar 20g, glucose 20g, yeast 2g), malt extract medium (1000ml: malt juice 20g, Agar 15g, peptone 5g). According to the conventional method to make the test tube slope and inoculation culture, it takes 8 days for the mycelium to grow full of the tube, and the mycelium growth rate can be accelerated by using the latter three kinds of medium.

2. Original species and cultivated species

The medium formula is the same, sawdust wheat bran medium can be used, the formula is sawdust 73%, wheat bran 25%, sugar 1%, calcium carbonate 1%. Wheat, barley, corn, sorghum and other grains can also be used as culture media. According to the conventional method of ingredient, treatment, bottling (bag), sterilization, inoculation and culture, it usually takes 30-35 days for the mycelium to grow full of the bottle (bag) with the first kind of medium, and with the latter several kinds of cereal medium, the mycelium grows more quickly, about 20 days.

Cultivation place

The cultivation place of Pleurotus eryngii is mainly the shelf cultivation of Pleurotus eryngii, the single-layer vertical discharge of the mushroom bag, the distance between the bed frame and the 50cm, the lowest floor 30cm from the ground, the general bed frame is 4-5 layers, and the practical area of the mushroom room is% 26Iuml. 60%%26Iuml . The number of bed frames, such as mushroom room 40m2%26Iuml. 60%%26Iuml . 4-layer shelf = 96m2, 100 bags can be discharged per 1m2, and 9600 bags can be cultivated in this mushroom.

Mushroom room should be equipped with ventilation windows, can be turned on and off, there is a certain degree of scattered light and can avoid direct sunlight. Mushroom farm should be close to water source, convenient transportation, north facing south, clean environment, no pollution sources.

Cultivation material formula

The formula of cultivation materials can be selected and prepared according to local conditions, and several formulations are listed for selection.

1. Miscellaneous sawdust 36%, cottonseed shell 38%, wheat bran 24%, sugar 1%, calcium carbonate 1%.

2. Miscellaneous sawdust 23%, cottonseed shell 23%, wheat bran 19%, corn meal 5%, bean stalk powder 28%, calcium carbonate 1%, white sugar 1%.

3. Miscellaneous sawdust 23%, cottonseed shell 38%, bean stalk powder 15%, wheat bran 17%, corn meal 5%, calcium carbonate 1%, sugar 1%.

4. Miscellaneous sawdust 37%, cottonseed shell 38%, bean stalk powder 15%, wheat bran 17%, corn meal 5%, calcium carbonate 1%, white sugar 1%, lime powder 0.05%.

Make cultivation bag

The cultivation bag production of Pleurotus eryngii is similar to that of Flammulina velutipes. The bag size is generally 17%26Iuml. 33~38%26Iuml . 0.05cm, polypropylene bags can be selected for cultivation in early autumn, and high density and low pressure polyethylene bags are suitable for low temperature in winter.

Mix the culture material according to the proportion of the formula, adjust the water content to about 68%, the height of the bag material is about 15cm, the wet weight is about 800g, hit the cave for inoculation and ventilation in the middle, and then put on the ring cotton plug, or fold the mouth of the bag, tie the rope. Steam sterilization under 1.5kg/m2 pressure for 2 hours or atmospheric steam sterilization at 100 degrees for 16 hours.

After the temperature of the material is reduced to room temperature, it is better to inoculate in the inoculation box (room) according to the aseptic operation rules, and it is better to pick up wheat grain bacteria or cottonseed shell bacteria. One bag of bacteria 40 bags, so that the bacteria of 1 big 3 fall into the cave, and 2 big 3 bacteria are spread on the material surface. After inoculation, it was placed upright on the bed frame of the bacteria room and cultured away from light, and the temperature was kept at about 25 degrees.

If the fungus bag is pierced. When the mycelium growth reaches more than 1 pound 2 of the material, the mouth of the bag should be loosened moderately and oxygen should be increased to promote mycelium growth.

Mushroom production management

After the mycelium grows full of bags, it can be moved into the mushroom room and discharged vertically on the bedstead. Pay attention to the fact that the bacterial bag is not too crowded, otherwise it will affect the yield.

1. Master the time to open the bag.

When the mycelium is irregular, the economic character of the mushroom body is poor; when the primordium is formed or the small mushroom bud appears, the primordium differentiation and the development of the mushroom are normal, the mushroom produces neatly, and the economic character of the mushroom body is good; if you open the bag when the fruiting body has grown, there will be deformed mushrooms in the bag, and in serious cases, the mushrooms will shrink and rot. Therefore, the opening time of Pleurotus eryngii in bag cultivation should be controlled when the mycelia kink to form primordia and small mushroom buds have appeared, unlock the mouth of the bag, roll the bag film outward and fold it to higher than the 2cm of the material surface.

2. Control the temperature of mushroom house.

The temperature of mushroom house directly responds to the formation of primordium and the growth and development of fruiting body. When the temperature is below 8 degrees, the primordium is difficult to form, and even the elongated mushrooms will stop growing, shrinking, yellowing and dying; when the temperature continues above 18 degrees, the differentiated fruiting bodies will suddenly grow rapidly, the quality will decline, and the small mushroom buds will begin to shrink and the primordium will stop differentiation; when the temperature reaches more than 21 degrees, there are few primordia, and the formed young mushrooms will shrink and die. therefore. During the mushroom production period, the temperature of the mushroom room should be controlled at 13mur15 degrees, so that it can produce mushrooms quickly, have more buds, produce mushrooms neatly and can be harvested in about 15 days.

3. Control the temperature of mushroom house.

The air temperature of the mushroom room should be kept at 85%-95%. If the humidity is too low, the fruiting body will shrink and the primordium can not be divided. In order to improve the air temperature, it is best to spray water head up with the sprayer, do not spray water on the mushroom body, otherwise the fruiting body will turn yellow and cause decay in serious cases.

4. Adjust the air in the mushroom room.

If the ventilation is poor during the mushroom emergence period, abnormal mushrooms will appear due to the high concentration of CO2, and the fruit body will rot if it encounters high temperature and high humidity. Therefore, good ventilation conditions must be maintained in the mushroom room during the mushroom emergence period, especially those covered with film, should be ventilated and ventilated once or twice a day, when a large number of mushroom buds occur, remove the plastic film in time, and straighten the mouth of the bacterial bag film to moisturize, and should also increase ventilation.

Harvest and processing

1. Harvest

It can be harvested about 15 days after budding. The suitable time for harvest is when the mushroom cover is about to spread and the spores have not yet ejected. The harvest standard should be determined according to the needs of the market: the foreign trade export mushroom requires the mushroom cap diameter 4~6CM, the handle length 60.08cm; the domestic trade market is not very strict on the mushroom body. After picking the first tide mushroom, the second tide mushroom can be picked after about 2 weeks of culture. the second tide mushroom has smaller blossoming shape, short stalk and low yield. Under normal circumstances, the yield of Touchao mushroom bag is 120Mu 150G. The total biological efficiency is 60% and 70%.

2. Fresh sales

Fresh mushrooms can be listed directly, or plastic boxes can be used to wrap cling film into the supermarket. The shelf life of Pleurotus eryngii is slightly longer than that of ordinary mushrooms, and it will not deteriorate if you leave it in a 4-degree refrigerator for 10 days. It can be stored for 6 days at 10 degrees Celsius and 2 or 3 days at 20 degrees 15 degrees Celsius.

3. Processing

Pleurotus eryngii can be processed into dried products or canned.