
Planting technology of ginger

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting technology of ginger

Ginger is the fresh rhizome of ginger, a perennial herb of Zingiberaceae, alias ginger root, hundred spicy clouds, hook finger, Indicum, hot and cool boy, fresh ginger, honey roasted ginger. The rhizome (dried ginger), cork (ginger skin) and leaf (ginger leaf) of ginger can be used as medicine. Ginger has the functions of divergence, antiemetic and antitussive in traditional Chinese medicine.

Growth environment of ginger

Ginger is native to the tropical region of Southeast Asia. It likes warm and humid climate, and its cold and drought resistance is weak. The plant can only grow in frost-free period. The most suitable temperature for growth is 25-28 ℃. When the temperature is below 20 ℃, the plant will sprout slowly, and the plant will wither when it is frosted, and the rhizome will lose its germination ability completely when frosted. The annual average temperature of most counties in the main producing areas of Guangxi is 18-19 ℃, the average temperature in July is 25.3 ℃, the extremely high temperature is 39 ℃, the average temperature in January is 10.2 ℃, the extreme low temperature is-4 ℃, and the annual frost-free period is more than 330 days. The annual rainfall is 90-1300 mm, and the relative humidity of the air is about 80%.

The root of ginger is underdeveloped, the number of roots is small and short, the longitudinal distribution is mainly in the soil with a depth of 30 cm, and the lateral expansion radius is 30 cm. The first seedling formed after germination of ginger is called the main stem, and then the first branch is formed on both sides of the main stem. secondary branching and tertiary branching. The lateral branches of ginger often grow symmetrically. Ginger is an asexual vegetable crop, and its whole growth process is basically a process of vegetative growth, which can be divided into germination stage, seedling stage, prosperous stage, dormant period and so on. Ginger likes temperature rather than cold and drought. When growing above 16 ℃, the buds can germinate, but germinate slowly under the condition of less than 20 ℃. The optimum temperature for fine bud germination was 22 ℃ 25 min. The suitable period of stem and leaf growth is 20 ℃ and 28 min.

Pre-planting preparation

1. Fine soil preparation and adequate base fertilizer. Select the land with fertile soil and good irrigation conditions, and carry out fine soil preparation in the first ten days of April. Combined with land preparation, 4 square of high-quality rotten chicken manure or 10000 kg of high-quality ring fertilizer will be used as base fertilizer. In the land with high fertilizer and water, ditch sowing was prepared according to the row spacing of 65 cm in 60mur. soybean cake, 50 kg of ternary compound fertilizer, 50 kg of potassium sulfate, 2 kg of zinc fertilizer and 1 kg of boron fertilizer were applied as seed fertilizer.

2. Select ginger species and cultivate strong buds. About 30 days before sowing, the ginger seeds were taken out, the soil on the ginger pieces was removed, and healthy ginger pieces with fat, plump, bright skin color, no drying, no decay, no freezing, no diseases and insect pests were selected as seeds. It is required that the weight of ginger per plant is more than 60 grams, and 500 kilograms of ginger is generally used per mu.

3. Dry ginger and trap ginger. On a sunny day in early March, at eight or nine o'clock at noon, put the selected ginger seeds on the sunny ground to dry, collect them into the house at night, and cover them with grass curtains to promote the decomposition of ginger nutrients. Sun dried ginger 3MUE for 4 days, trapped seeds for 10 days, and kept the temperature at 13MUR 15 ℃ to promote nutrient decomposition and bud differentiation.

4. Soaking seeds to accelerate germination. For selected and sun-dried ginger seeds, the seeds were soaked with 200-fold solution of pesticides such as Jiangqisan, Jiangbao, Lvba, etc., usually for 10 minutes, which could play the role of sterilization, sterilization, drying and budding after seed soaking. Hold ginger cubes in baskets, accelerate sprouting in greenhouse or sunny beds, keep air humidity 75 ℃ 85%, temperature 25 cm, wait for ginger buds to grow out of 0.5cm, sow seeds in batches according to the size of ginger buds.

Sowing and seedling management

1. Film mulching and early sowing. Sow seeds on April 15th. Before covering the film, 150 grams per mu of special herbicide was used to spray water to remove weeds under the film. The mulch can be made of 0.005murmur0.006mm in thickness and 120mm in width.

2. Sparse planting and enlarging ginger pieces. The suitable planting density of high-yield plot is 7000 plants / mu, row spacing is 50-55 cm, plant spacing is 25 cm. The amount of seed used is generally about 500 kilograms per mu.

3. Shading and promoting growth. Ginger seedlings up to more than 50%, timely shading ginger field, in order to promote the healthy growth of ginger seedlings. The specific methods are as follows: the sunshade net is made into a banner and pulled between the ginger rows, and the two ends are fixed with bamboo poles, with a width of 60 Murray 65 cm, and a sunshade net with a shading rate of 40% can be selected.

Fertilizer and water management in growing period

On the basis of fine soil preparation, sufficient application of bottom fertilizer, selection of ginger seeds and scientific sowing, in order to achieve high yield, we must do a good job in the middle and later stage management. the main technical points are as follows:

The main results are as follows: 1. light application of seedling fertilizer and heavy application of combined branch fertilizer. Combined with watering in the first and middle of June, urea 25MUR / mu was applied 30 kg per mu to promote the growth of ginger seedlings. The plastic film was removed in the first and middle of July and 60 kg of ternary compound fertilizer was applied per mu. By August 20, 35 kilograms of potassium sulfate per mu should be applied and watered in time after topdressing. In the middle of September, according to the growth of ginger seedlings, appropriate amount of potassium fertilizer or nitrogen fertilizer should be applied, and foliar fertilizer should be applied to the aboveground parts. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate should be sprayed once every 7 days for 4 times.

2. Scientific watering. Because ginger likes wet environment, there must be plenty of water in the field. In order to ensure the smooth emergence of ginger seedlings, on the basis of pouring through the bottom water before sowing, we generally do not water the ginger seedlings before emergence, but wait until 70% of the ginger seedlings are unearthed before watering, which should be flexibly controlled according to the weather, soil quality and soil moisture conditions. If the first water is watered late, the ginger seedlings will suffer from drought and the bud heads will easily dry up. Because the plastic film has a good effect on preserving soil moisture, it is not suitable to water too frequently at the seedling stage, and it is appropriate to pour small water under the plastic film. It is better to water in the morning and evening in summer, not at noon. At the same time, pay attention to timely drainage after rain. Before and after the Beginning of Autumn, the water demand of ginger increased when it entered the vigorous growth period. at this time, it is generally necessary to water it every 5 days to keep the soil moist all the time. In order to ensure that the ginger is less clingy and easy to store after harvest, the last water can be poured 5 days before harvest. After applying branch fertilizer, the soil should be cultivated for 3 times according to the growth of ginger, so as to ensure that the ginger is not exposed to the ground and promote the rapid growth of ginger.

Control of diseases and insect pests of ginger

1. Ginger blast. Is a devastating disease. Comprehensive prevention and control measures should be given priority to, specifically digging drainage ditches to prevent waterlogging, combined with chemical control, chemical control can be soaked with 1500mur2000 times medicine solution, such as ginger treasure, ginger distemper powder, green bully, etc., such as once diseased plants are found to be pulled out in time and treated with the above solution, but also to make a mark, after the ginger harvest, take away the soil here for deep burial treatment.

2. Insect pests. The main pests of ginger are ginger borer, beet armyworm, ginger thrips and so on. It can be sprayed with Kuaishaling and imidacloprid, and it can be prevented and treated every 10 days.

Timely harvest and preservation

When the temperature at the end of autumn is 8 ℃, the air is crisp, the light is sufficient, and the temperature difference between day and night is large, which is the key period for the formation of yield. Properly prolonging the growing period can greatly increase the yield of ginger. The best harvest time for ginger harvested in the field in western Hebei should be October 25-30, when harvesting ginger will not frostbite ginger pieces, but also increase the yield of ginger. Therefore, must grasp the best harvest time, must not harvest prematurely. In order to facilitate storage and nutrient reflux, ginger should leave a stalk of about 2mm / cm when harvested.

Ginger is usually stored in a cellar or in a shady place in a sand storage room.