
Cultivation techniques of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation techniques of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a kind of shrub with high economic value, which is an important woody oil and spice tree species. Because of its strong adaptability, wide distribution and large income, it is deeply welcomed by the masses, but Zanthoxylum bungeanum is not resistant to waterlogging and afraid of storm, so the seedling land should not be planted in the mountain top, tuyere, alpine and cold areas.

Seedling raising technique

1. Seed collection. There are many varieties of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. When collecting seeds, plants over 10 years old with strong growth, early fruit, high yield and good quality should be selected as the mother tree. The seeds should be dried and can not be exposed to the sun to prevent high temperature damage and loss of germination power.

2. Seed treatment. After the seeds are dry, remove the blighted seeds with a wind separator. Soak in lye or washing powder water (50 grams of 5kg seed with alkali or washing powder) for two days, scrub by hand to remove fat, and then rinse with clean water.

3. the arrangement of the nursery. The nursery land is best selected in the yellow loam or sandy soil with drainage and irrigation conditions, first ploughing, combined with ploughing mu application of accumulated fertilizer 3000kg or ammonia hydrogen phosphate 50kg, and then rake flat ridge or border.

4. Sowing time and method. It is generally carried out in winter and spring and before the Beginning of Spring, and the sowing method can be border sowing or semi-high bed; the sowing rate is 20kg per mu for selected seeds and about 40kg per mu for unselected seeds.

5. Nursery management. After sowing, it is necessary to keep the seedling bed moist. When the seedlings are unearthed and grow to 4cm-5cm, the seedlings can be interspersed, and the suitable distance between seedlings is 10cm-12cm. Pepper seedlings when young, to use artificial or chemical weeding, can not use hoe hoe, so as not to hurt the roots of the seedlings. Urea can be applied 3-4 times from June to July, each time at an interval of about 15 days, 5-7.5kg per mu each time, or about 300kg in feces and urine of acquaintances. When the seedlings grow above 60cm, they can go out of the nursery for afforestation.

Land preparation and afforestation

Different methods of land preparation are used in different types of afforestation land. Generally, the large pit is used for afforestation, and when the slope is steep, the horizontal ditch is used for afforestation. The specification of the pit should be more than 30 × 30 × 30cm. Farm manure and calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer should be used as base fertilizer in the pit.

1. Afforestation specification. The row spacing is 3 × 4 m, 56 plants per mu.

2. Afforestation time. It is usually carried out in winter and spring before the Beginning of Spring. Areas that are too dry in winter and spring can also be carried out in the rainy season, but they should be completed before the Beginning of Autumn, and some leaves should be subtracted when planting to reduce evaporation so as to improve the survival rate.

Production management

The main results are as follows: 1. After planting, loosen the soil and weed 2-3 times in that year, start every autumn, dig shallowly in the crown of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, dig deeply outside the crown and fertilize, do not hurt the root, and focus on phosphorus and potassium fertilizer in order to maintain exuberant growth.

2. Cultivate soil, store water and preserve soil moisture. When ploughing and weeding, we should pay attention to cultivate the soil at the root of the prickly ash tree and pile the soil high at the neck of the root, which can not only keep warm and prevent freezing, but also prevent too much water from accumulating in the root.

3. Shaping and pruning

Shaping and pruning can not only make the pruning tree form a reasonable skeleton, but also remove the branches of diseases and insect pests in time, make full use of light energy and air, promote root growth, facilitate early fruiting and increase fruit yield.

① pruning time. The young trees are well pruned in autumn, while the old trees are good in spring and summer. Prune immediately after harvest every year, which is the best time.

② pruning method. Pruning can be divided into two types: sparse pruning and short pruning, which can promote flowering and fruiting, and short cutting is beneficial to the emergence of strong shoots. Sparse shearing is cut off from the stem of branches, mainly cutting off dense branches, cross branches, overlapping branches, slender branches, dry and withered branches and diseased weak branches; short cutting is mainly to cut off part of the branches, cutting off exuberant vegetative branches, overgrown branches, senile branches and unnecessary side branches.

③ plastic surgery. The ideal tree trunk should be low or no trunk, and each backbone branch should be evenly distributed. There are mainly "happy shape" and "multi-branch cluster shape" two kinds of tree shape.

Harvesting and storage

1. Picking. At present, the method of picking fruit is still picked by hand, not with leaves and branches.

2. Dry in the sun. In addition to seed use can not be exposed to the sun, generally good weather, one or two days can be dried. Remove impurities during the drying process.

3. Storage. Put the sun-dried pepper (do not separate the seeds) into a jar or plastic bag, seal it, and keep it for a long time.

Development and utilization

1. Economic value. Pepper products have a wide range of uses. It is not only an indispensable condiment for people, but also the raw material for making paint and soap. The extracted essence can be used as a flavoring agent for high-grade cosmetics and food.

2. Afforestation and beautification. Zanthoxylum bungeanum is resistant to drought, barren and adaptable. It can not only afforest and conserve soil and water on the mountain, but also plant in the courtyard to beautify the environment and suffer the consequences. Because of its own thorns, it can also be planted on the edge of the field, the ridge of the ground and around the orchard to develop the economy of the ridge and cultivate a green fence.

3. Processing and utilization. In order to expand the benefits and broaden the access to wealth in rural areas, we must do a good job in the processing and production of pepper products. At present, the main products developed are prickly ash powder, spicy powder, prickly ash oil, sesame oil and so on.

Pest control of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

There are many species of prickly ash pests in China, and about 132 species are known. Such as beetles, prickly ash jumping beetles, prickly ash butterflies, prickly ash moths, big bag moths, black grasshoppers, pepper aphids, pepper scale insects, pepper red spiders, pepper gall midges, pepper tiger longicorn beetles and so on. Now mainly introduce pepper tiger longicorn beetle, pepper shell beetle, pepper red spider.

1. Pepper tiger longicorn beetle

[morphological characteristics] the adult has long 19~24mm, black body and yellow villi all over the body. The head is densely carved with 11 antennae, which is about 1 / 3 of the length of the body. The foot is the same as the body color. There are two black spots in the middle of the sheath wing and a nearly round black spot on the wing surface. The egg is long oval, 1 mm long and wide 0.5cm, white at birth and yellowish brown before hatching. The head of the newly hatched larvae is yellowish, the body is milky white, the head is yellowish brown after the 2nd-3rd instar, the body of the older larvae is yellow-white, and the internodes are bluish white. The pupa is milky white at the beginning of the pupa, and then gradually changes to yellow.

[living habits] the prickly ash tiger longicorn beetle has a generation every two years, mostly overwintering with larvae. In May, adults emerged one after another, and in late June, adults climbed out of the trunk and ate healthy branches and leaves. Adults are active in sunny days and muggy before rain. In the middle of July, they mate at the height of 1m of the trunk and lay eggs in the depths of the bark cracks, with 1-2 eggs in each place. A female can lay 20-30 eggs in her lifetime. The eggs usually hatch from August to October and the larvae survive the winter in the tree trunk. In April of the following year, the larvae fed on the bark, and yellowish-brown mucus, commonly known as "prickly ash oil", flowed out of the insect path. In May, the larvae drilled into the xylem and excreted the feces out of the worm path. The decay path is generally 0.7 cm × 1m, flat and round, tilting upward at an angle of 45 °with the trunk. The larvae are 5 instar, and the mature larvae pupate in the decay tract. In June, the injured pepper trees began to wither.

[prevention and control methods]

① to eliminate insect source: collect withered and dead plants in time and burn them centrally.

② artificial hunting: artificial capture of adults on sunny mornings and afternoons in July.

③ biological control: Sichuan hard-skinned swollen-legged wasp is the natural enemy of longicorn beetles. On a sunny day in July, the natural enemy was placed on the damaged plant according to the standard of 5-10 Sichuan hard-skinned swollen-legged wasps per injured plant. The practice has proved that the application of Sichuan hard-skinned swollen leg wasp has a good effect on the control of longicorn beetles.

2. Xanthoxylum bungeanum

The scale insect of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is a kind of scale that is harmful to Zanthoxylum bungeanum in Homoptera, including Ceroplastes, mulberry scale, poplar white scale, pear orchard scale and so on. They are characterized by their unique piercing mouthparts, sucking the sap of plant buds, leaves and twigs. It causes withered shoots, yellow leaves, weak trees and death in serious cases.

[morphological characteristics] most of them are small and hermaphroditic. Females are fixed on leaves and branches, and their body surfaces are covered with waxy secretions or shells. Generally, shell insects lay eggs under the shell, but the newly hatched nymphs are not covered with wax or shell and crawl on the leaves and branches to find a suitable feeding position. After 2 years old, it was fixed and began to secrete wax or shell.

[living habits] Zanthoxylum bungeanum scale occurs one or several generations a year, and a large number of nymphs and adults can be seen in May and September.

[control method] because the body surface of scale adults is covered with wax or shell, the chemical is difficult to infiltrate, and the control effect is not good. Therefore, the focus of scale control is in the nymph stage.

Physical control of ①: kill the overwintering female insects and male pupae in the cocoon with grass handles or brushes in winter and spring.

② chemical control: you can choose internal inhalation insecticides, such as omethoate 1000 times; especially 40% speed culling 800mm 1000 times good effect.

③ biological control. Shell insects have many natural enemies in nature, such as some parasitic wasps, ladybugs, lacewings and so on.

3. Chinese prickly ash red spider (Hawthorn spider mite, Hawthorn red spider)

[morphological characteristics] the female adult is oval, long 0.55mm, protuberant on the back, fine wrinkles and bristles, divided into 6 rows. Females can be divided into overwintering type and non-overwintering type, the former bright red and the latter dark red. The male adult is smaller than the female adult, about 0.4mm. Ovoid, translucent, smooth, glossy, orange-red. The color of the postpartum period is getting lighter. The larvae hatched milky white, round, with 3 pairs of light green. The nymph is nearly oval, with 4 pairs, emerald green.

[living habits] 6-9 generations a year, overwintering with fertilized female adults. The harm begins when pepper sprouts. The first generation of larvae began to appear at the inflorescence extension stage, and the damage was the most serious at the full flowering stage. After mating, eggs are laid on both sides of the main vein on the back of the leaf. The red spider of Zanthoxylum bungeanum can also be parthenogenetic, and its offspring are males. The severity of annual occurrence has a lot to do with the temperature and humidity in this area, and high temperature and drought is conducive to the occurrence.

[prevention and control methods]

Chemical control of ①: we must seize the critical period, in April to May, the incubation period and high incidence period of harmful mites should be controlled with 25,500 times of mites and 73% of 3000 times of propargite, or 1000 times of omethoate, an internal insecticide.

② biological control: harmful mites have many natural enemies, such as some predatory mites, ladybugs, etc., try to use broad-spectrum pesticides in the field as little as possible to protect natural enemies.

4. Prickly ash gall midge

Prickly ash gall midge is also known as dried pepper gall midge. The injured twigs can cause tissue proliferation due to stimulation, form columnar galls, hinder the growth of the injured branches, wither in the later stage, and often cause the tree to age and die.

[prevention and control methods]

① cut off insect pest branches, and timely apply wound healing and anti-decay film at the pruning mouth to protect wounds, prevent bacteria from invading, timely collect disease and insect branches, burn or bury them deeply, and cooperate with tree protection general to prevent germs from landing in the tree, so as to reduce the survival rate of germs.

② has sufficient fertilizer and water to eradicate weeds. Zanthoxylum bungeanum Zhuangtieling is sprayed once in the bud stage, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, so as to improve the disease resistance of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. At the same time, it can make pepper thick skin, strong fruit, colorful color and strong natural taste.

③ chemical control. After prickly ash harvest, timely spraying targeted agents plus new high-fat film to enhance efficacy, prevent the invasion of airborne bacteria, and use cotton dipped in medicine on the tumor, spray tree protection generals in the whole garden for disinfection.

Disease control of Zanthoxylum bungeanum

In the process of growth and development of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, due to environmental discomfort or damage by pathogens, there are often some diseases that affect the growth, fruit and product quality of pepper trees. The common diseases are Zanthoxylum dodder, Zanthoxylum bungeanum rust, Zanthoxylum bungeanum root rot, Zanthoxylum bungeanum fallen leaf, Zanthracnose, Zanthoxylum canker, Zanthoxylum bungeanum shoot blight, Zanthoxylum bungeanum leaf spot, Zanthoxylum bungeanum plaster and so on. Now mainly introduce Zanthoxylum bungeanum root rot, pepper rust and pepper ointment disease.

1. Prickly ash root rot

Zanthoxylum bungeanum root rot often occurs in nurseries and adult pepper orchards. It is a soil-borne disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum. The roots of the damaged plants were discolored and rotten, with a strange smell, the root bark was detached from the xylem, and the xylem was black. The aboveground part of the leaves are small and yellow, the branches are underdeveloped, and the whole plant dies in severe cases.

[prevention and control measures]

① reasonably adjusts the layout to improve the pepper garden with poor drainage and wet environment to make it ventilated and dry.

② did a good job in seedling management, strictly selected the nursery and disinfected the soil with 15% trimethoprim 500,800 times solution. High bed and deep ditch, heavy application of base fertilizer. Pull out the diseased seedlings in time.

When ③ moved the seedlings, the roots were soaked in 500x solution of 50% methyl topiramate for 24 hours. Disinfect the soil with quicklime. And the root was irrigated with 500-800 times solution of thiophanate methyl or 500-800 times solution of 15% strychnine.

In April, ④ irrigated the roots of adult trees with 15% trimethoprim 300,800 times solution, which could effectively prevent the disease. Root irrigation in summer can slow down the severity of the disease, while root irrigation in winter can reduce the overwintering structure of pathogens.

⑤ in time to dig up dead roots, dead trees, and burn, eliminate the disease pathogen.

2. Prickly ash rust

Zanthoxylum bungeanum rust is one of the most important leaf diseases of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Widely distributed in Shaanxi, Sichuan, Hebei, Gansu and other provinces of pepper cultivation areas. In serious cases, the leaves of Zanthoxylum bungeanum fall early, directly affecting the hanging fruit of the following year. In the early stage of the disease, 2-3mm water-stained chlorotic spots appeared on the front of the leaves, and yellow-orange blister appeared on the back of the leaves opposite to the disease spots, which was a pile of summer spores. The disease is caused by Rust of Zanthoxylum bungeanum. Summer spores and winter spores occur on Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees. The occurrence of prickly ash rust is mainly related to climate. If there is a large amount of rainfall, especially under the condition of more rainfall and more days of rainfall in the third quarter, the harm is very easy to occur.

[prevention and control measures]

① medicament prevention: spray Bordeaux liquid or 0.1-0.2% Baume lime-sulfur mixture when not sick, or spray Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees with 200-400 times liquid verapamil from early June to late July.

② chemical control: 15% of the powdered powder can be sprayed 1000 times to control the production of summer spores. During the peak period of the disease, you can spray 1V 2v 200 times Bordeaux solution, or 0.1-0.2 Bordeaux-sulfur mixture, or 1000-1500 times wettable powder.

③ strengthens fertilizer and water management, weeds eradication and reasonable pruning. In late autumn, litter weeds were cleared and burned.

The disease-resistant varieties cultivated by ④ can be mixed with the varieties with strong disease resistance.

3. Prickly ash plaster disease

Zanthoxylum bungeanum plaster disease is a common disease of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, and its pathogen is the ear of basidiomycete subphylum. The basidium fruit is like a plaster, clinging to the trunk of the prickly ash tree. The light ones make the branches grow poorly and hang less fruit, while the heavy ones cause the branches to die. In many areas, the branches and the whole plant of Zanthoxylum bungeanum are withered, the fruit is few, and the small results are related to plaster disease. The occurrence of plaster disease is related to tree age, humidity and variety. According to the investigation, the plaster disease of Zanthoxylum bungeanum mainly occurs in the shady and moist adult pepper garden; in addition, the occurrence of the disease is related to the harm of the scale insect, and the plaster disease is nourished by the honeydew secreted by the shell insect, so the plaster disease is seriously harmful to the pepper orchard.

[prevention and control measures]

① should strengthen management, prune properly, remove dead branches and leaves, and reduce the humidity of pepper garden.

② controls the planting density, especially in the mature pepper orchard at full fruiting stage, and thinning should be appropriate if it is too shady.

③ smeared the plaque with Baume 4-5 degree stone sulfur mixture.

④ strengthens the control of scale insects.

4. Gum disease of prickly ash

The gum disease of Zanthoxylum bungeanum is caused by fungi, which can quickly cause phloem necrosis, decay and glue flow at the base of the trunk, resulting in leaf yellowing and branch blight.

[prevention and control measures]

① cleaning garden disinfection, in winter cleaning should be thorough, disease and insect branches and leaves will be burned or buried deeply, while spraying tree protection general to disinfect the whole garden.

② should be sprayed timely, prevention should be done, organic fertilizer should be applied in time, and fungicides should be sprayed in the early stage of the disease. Timely application of tree protection at the glue mouth to control the gum disease of Zanthoxylum bungeanum can smooth the tube and improve the inverse resistance of the plant.

③ has sufficient fertilizer and water to eradicate weeds. Zanthoxylum bungeanum Zhuangtieling is sprayed once in the bud stage, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage of Zanthoxylum bungeanum, so as to improve the disease resistance of Zanthoxylum bungeanum trees. At the same time, it can make pepper skin thick, pepper fruit strong, colorful and natural taste strong.

④ chemical control. Gummy disease (dry rot disease) often occurs with longicorn beetles and bugs, so we should timely control the occurrence of longicorn beetles and other diseases and insect pests, and spray targeted agents plus new high-fat film to enhance efficacy, prevent the invasion of airborne bacteria, and spray tree protection generals in the whole garden for disinfection.