
High-yield cultivation techniques of carrot

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, High-yield cultivation techniques of carrot

Carrot is a biennial herb of Umbelliferae. Fleshy roots are rich in sucrose, glucose, starch, carotene, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and so on. It contains 1.67-12.1 mg carotene per 100 grams of fresh weight, which is 5-7 times higher than that of tomatoes. After eating, it is digested and decomposed into vitamin A, which can prevent night blindness and respiratory diseases. Can be fried, cooked, pickled, pickled and so on. Resistant to storage. It is distributed all over the world, and it is cultivated in both the south and north of China, and its output ranks second in root vegetables.

Biological characteristics of carrot

The root system of carrot is straight root, the main root system is distributed in 20-90 cm soil layer, 180-250 cm deep, the upper part of straight root includes a small part of Hypocotyl hypertrophy, forming fleshy roots, on which there are four rows of slender lateral roots. The leaf cluster is born on the shortened stem, three-pinnate compound leaves, petiole slender, color dark green, small area, dense pilose. After storage and overwintering, the fleshy root bolts and blossoms, first the main moss, then the lateral branches and compound umbels. The seed embryo is very small, often stunted or embryless, the soil yield is poor, and the germination rate is as low as 70%.

Carrot stage development belongs to the green vernalization type, sowing too early in spring, when the seedling age reaches a certain size, it will bolt in advance due to the acceptance of longer low temperature. The vegetative growth period is 90-140 days, the germination period is about 10-15 days, the seedling stage is about 25 days, the leaf growth period is about 30 days, followed by the fleshy root growth period of 30-70 days. The seeds can germinate at 4-6 degrees, and the optimum germination temperature is 20-25 degrees. The leaf growth has strong adaptability. The taproot expansion period requires 13-23 degrees and night temperature 13-18 degrees. The soil requires sandy soil, PH5-8, and soil moisture of 60-80% of the field capacity.

Variety characteristics

1. Han Hong six inch ginseng. Introduced to South Korea, strong disease resistance, wide adaptability, easy to cultivate, both in spring and autumn. The fleshy root is nearly cylindrical, with a good ending, good merchandise and high yield. Skin, meat, core three red, crisp and tender texture, sweet and juicy, excellent quality, suitable for fresh food and dehydration processing. The root length is 20-26 cm, the root diameter is 4-4.8 cm, the root weight is about 280-300 grams, and the yield is high.

2. Japanese Gang Red Seven inch Ginseng. Introduced from Japan, strong disease resistance, wide adaptability, easy to cultivate, both in spring and autumn. Through several years of demonstration and promotion, it has become the first choice for farmers in the Central Plains. The fleshy root is nearly cylindrical, with a good ending, good merchandise and high yield. Skin, meat, core three red, crisp and tender texture, sweet and juicy, excellent quality, suitable for fresh food and dehydration processing. The root length is 20-26 cm, the root diameter is 4-4.8 cm, the root weight is about 280-300 grams, and the yield is high.

3. Baimu Tian improved five inches. Introduced from South Korea, varieties in spring and autumn. Its main characteristics are: fast and neat seedling emergence, rapid root growth, strong self-resistance, can quickly avoid disasters in Rain Water's big year, its forked roots and split roots are few, and the commodity rate is very high. The root of this variety is not exposed, that is, the root is not green, the root is cylindrical, it is close to the top and bottom, the bottom ends are good, and the root shape is beautiful, so it is the best choice for listing. Skin, meat, core three red, integrated, smooth skin, crisp and tender texture, sweet and juicy, crystal clear, suitable for fresh food and dehydration processing. It can be planted early or sowed late, with strong disease resistance and no premature senescence, with a general yield of 4000-5000 kg per mu.

4. Hongxing improved five inches. Introduced to Korea, it can be cultivated in both spring and autumn. The fleshy root is cylindrical, 20-25 cm long, about 5 cm in diameter, a single root weighs about 300 grams, with a maximum of more than 750 grams; three red skin, smooth epidermis, crisp and tender texture, sweet and juicy taste, suitable for fresh food and dehydration processing. It has strong disease resistance, no premature senescence, good ending, high commodity rate and high yield. the yield per mu can reach 4000-5500 kg in autumn, with a maximum of more than 6000 kg.

5. Huiyuan Xin Kuroda five inches. It has strong heat resistance and fast growth rate, and it begins to harvest 100-110 days after sowing, which is suitable for cultivation in early summer and midsummer. The root shape is good, easy to enlarge, neat and consistent, and the merchandise is excellent. The skin is orange-red, smooth and shiny, the flesh is bright red, and the core is small. The root length is 18-22 cm, the rhizome is 4.2-4.8 cm, the root weight is 280 g, the yield is high and the cultivation is easy.

6. East Asia improved five inches of new Kuroda. The production of Shitian Company in Japan has not only excellent performance but also stable promotion performance in China for many years. Root cylindrical, three red, good processing quality, available in spring and autumn.

7. Super red crown. Produced by Musano Co., Ltd., Japan, long cylindrical, three red, good ending, good commodity, long root shape, good quality and good comprehensive characters. It is available in spring and autumn.

8. Red songs. Produced by Dongfang Zhengda Company. Dark green leaves, strong standing, can withstand short-term high temperature and drought. Strong disease resistance, neat root type, columnar, root length 20-24 cm, thick 4.5 cm, weight about 300 grams. Smooth skin, crisp texture, three red, good finish. It can be harvested about 100 days after sowing. It is used both in spring and autumn.

9. Red Song No. 2. Dongfang Zhengda Co., Ltd. launched an excellent variety of imported carrots after Red songs. The root is 20-24 cm long, weighs about 300 grams and has high yield. The end is good, the rate of finished products is more than 90%, and the growth rate is fast. Wide adaptability and strong disease resistance. It is used both in spring and autumn.

High-yield cultivation techniques of carrots in summer and autumn

1. Soil preparation and ridging

Turn the soil deeply in time after the previous harvest, with a depth of 23-30 cm. Combined with soil preparation, 3000-5000 kg of mature organic fertilizer, 30 kg of diammonium phosphate and 15 kg of potassium sulfate were applied per mu. Organic fertilizer and soil particles must be broken. Remove sundries, rake flat ground according to 50 cm line ridging, ridge width 27 cm, height 10-15 cm, ridge top is obtuse circle. If the border cultivation is adopted, it can be made into a high border with a width of 60-80 cm and a height of 10-15 cm, and the ridge and furrow between the border is 20 cm wide, that is, the cultivation of high border and deep furrow. We advocate ridge planting, and the cultivation techniques in this section are described by taking autumn ridge planting as an example.

2. Sowing at the right time

The suitable sowing time for autumn cultivation in Central Plains is from mid-July to mid-August, and it is suitable to sow before the Beginning of Autumn. Sowing at the top of the ridge according to 10 cm row spacing double trench, ditch depth of about 1 cm, first watering, and then sowing, covering soil, can be covered with wheat straw, hay and so on. Remove the mulch when the buds are white (preferably in the evening), and then spray the border with a sprayer, once a day for 3-4 days.

3. Scientific management

① was sprayed with herbicides. Spraying 33% of the field EC 100-150 ml / mu before sowing, adding 40-50 kg of water to evenly spray the surface, the weeding effect can reach more than 90%, greatly saving labor and reducing the difficulty of management. It is also possible to spray 100 ml of herbicide EC to 50 kg of water before sowing.

② was watered reasonably. Continuous watering of seedlings for 2-3 times after sowing, always keep the ridge surface moist to prevent sudden dry and wet, in order to ensure neat emergence of seedlings, generally 5-7 days after sowing. As long as there is no drought in the seedling stage, water as little as possible to promote the downward growth of fleshy roots. During the fleshy root expansion period, the water demand is the largest, so we must ensure that there is enough water and fertilizer. During the whole growth period of carrots, watering must be moderate, no flooding, strict control of stagnant water in the field, and timely drainage after heavy rain, otherwise it will easily lead to fleshy root bifurcation, lateral root development, skin order or convex or concave, or even root nodule protuberance, seriously affecting the commercial character of fleshy root.

The seedlings were fixed between ③. It will take time for the seedlings to be completed. When the seedlings were divided into 2 true leaves, the distance between the seedlings was about 3 cm, the seedlings were divided into 4 true leaves for the second time, and the seedlings were fixed when 6 true leaves were used. The plant spacing was about 10 cm, and the number of seedlings per mu was about 30000. Seedlings with too many leaves, thick and short leaves, and seedlings with dark leaves and dense leaf petiole should be pulled out, because these seedlings are easy to form bifurcated roots, thick core (well-developed xylem) or fine fleshy roots.

④ topdressing. Topdressing 2-3 times from fixed seedling to harvest. If the base fertilizer is insufficient, topdressing can be carried out immediately after the seedling is fixed, and 15 kg of urea will be applied per mu. When the fleshy root began to expand, 30 kg / mu of compound fertilizer was applied. During the peak period of fleshy root expansion, 30 kg compound fertilizer was applied per mu.

⑤ ploughing and cultivating soil. Ploughing in time after each watering, keep the soil loose, breathable, and preserve soil moisture, so as to facilitate the growth of seedlings and the expansion of fleshy roots. In the fleshy root expansion period, soil should be cultivated properly to prevent the occurrence of green shoulders of carrots and improve the appearance quality.

⑥ is used to control diseases and pests. The general diseases are black leaf blight and spoilage, the former is mostly caused by drought and can be sprayed with 800 times of methyl topiramate wettable powder to prevent spread, while the latter mostly occurs in the high temperature and rainy season, so the diseased plants should be pulled out in time and soil disinfection treatment with quicklime. Pests include aphids and root-knot nematodes. Aphids can be controlled by aldicarb and omethoate. It is difficult to control nematodes, and comprehensive control techniques should be used: rotation, rotation with Gramineae crops and leek crops, which can obviously reduce the disease; deep ploughing, taking advantage of the characteristics of nematode aerobicity and inactivity, turn the soil more than 25 cm deep, and a large number of eggs turn from the surface to the lower layer after deep ploughing, which can eliminate some overwintering insect sources. The deeper the soil layer is, the worse the air permeability is, the more disadvantageous to the nematode life. Thoroughly remove the residual plants after harvest and burn them centrally; disinfect the soil, make use of the high temperature in summer and the sun, sprinkle 100kg lime per mu on the border, turn the ground, water once, cover the film, and use the high temperature under the film to effectively kill nematodes; chemical control, 3 kg of 3 kg Milol granules per mu, 50 kg of fine soil, and 1000 times of dichlorvos EC.

4. Harvest

The harvest in the Central Plains usually begins in the first and middle of November. At this time, the growth of the leaves stopped, the new leaves did not grow, and the outer leaves turned yellow and wilted. However, there is no strict harvest time for carrots, and as long as the market price is good, carrots can be harvested and listed in mid-late October.

High-yield cultivation techniques of carrots in spring

1. Select varieties

The variety selection of spring carrot is one of the keys to high yield. Varieties with early maturity, high yield, late bolting, cold tolerance and drought tolerance should be selected. All the varieties introduced by Minfa agriculture can be cultivated in spring, among which Japanese Ganghong seven-inch ginseng, Hanhong six-inch ginseng and Xinhong are the preferred varieties.

2. Arrangement of stubble and sowing period

Greenhouse cultivation in central China began to sow in late February, plastic film mulching cultivation began to sow in late March, and open field cultivation began to sow in early April. At present, the cultivation area is larger in spring in Inner Mongolia, Shandong and Hebei, and smaller in Henan. At present, it is only cultivated in the suburb of Zhengzhou with high benefit and plastic film mulching in Shangqiu area. The benefit of cultivation in early spring is better, and it can be cultivated successfully in the central region, so there is great potential to popularize spring-planted carrots in the central region.

3. Soil preparation and fertilization

Soil preparation has a great influence on the yield and quality of carrots, which requires loose soil conditions and sufficient fertility. The cultivation method of carrot in spring requires higher conditions of the plot, so it is more suitable to choose loam or sandy loam which is deep, fertile, rich in humus and good drainage. After selecting a good plot for deep ploughing and fine soil preparation, the depth is about 30 cm. After deep ploughing, rotary ploughing can be carried out, not just rotary ploughing, because the rotary tillage layer is too shallow, which is disadvantageous to the growth of carrots. In deep ploughing, 3 kg / mu of phosphorus was used as soil treatment, and 3000 kg of farm manure, 50 kg of phosphate fertilizer and 50 kg of compound fertilizer were applied per mu. Farm manure should be fully mature.

4. Sowing seeds

High border cultivation can be used in greenhouse cultivation, making a high border with a width of 1-2 meters and a height of 10 cm. The cultivation of plastic film mulching adopts single-ridge and double-row cultivation. Before sowing, the soil is ridged 10 days in advance to make a ridge of 15 cm high and 50 cm wide. Double-row cultivation is adopted, and the film is covered after sowing. The seeds of spring carrots are treated before planting, first of all, the hairs on the surface of the seeds are rubbed off. Can be direct broadcast and sprouting sowing. When sprouting, soak it in 40 ℃ warm water for 2 hours, control and clean the water, wrap it with gauze to ensure that the humidity is 20 ℃ and 25 mol for 7 days. When 60% of the seeds are white, they can be sown. When sowing, a hole punch with a diameter of 3 cm was used on the film surface, and the hole was sown on demand, with a row spacing of 16 cm, 5 rows per film surface, 20,000 plants planted in 667 square meters, a sowing depth of 1 cm, and 8 seeds per hole, and then covered with soil.

5. Scientific management

Watering the soil moisture before seedling emergence after sowing to keep the soil moist. Temperature management should be paid attention to in greenhouse cultivation. Plastic film cultivation should be observed in the field at any time, plastic film should be tightly covered in time, and necessary measures should be taken to promote seedling emergence. After the seedlings came out, the seedlings were fixed with two true leaves and three true leaves, and after the seedlings were fixed, they began to be watered and fertilized to promote the expansion of the rhizome. Always keep the soil moist to prevent the fleshy roots from being thin, rough or cracked. Carrot spring harvest diseases and insect pests are generally less, vulnerable to aphids in the growing period, you can use 40% omethoate 1000ml 1200 times liquid or once net spray.

6. Harvest

Spring carrots can be harvested in stages and batches 100 days after sowing. When the temperature rises to 30 ℃, carrots should be harvested in time in order not to affect the yield and quality of carrots.