
How to do honeysuckle powdery mildew?

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, How to do honeysuckle powdery mildew?

Honeysuckle is a perennial rattan shrub of honeysuckle family. It can be used in medicine with buds or flowers that will bloom. Leaves and branches can also be used as medicine, with the effect of clearing away heat and detoxification. Now many cities and counties in our country have planted it from the south to the north. Powdery mildew is a common disease on honeysuckle. All kinds of planting areas across the country occur widely and do serious harm. Let's take a look at how to do honeysuckle powdery mildew.

Symptoms of powdery mildew of honeysuckle

Honeysuckle powdery mildew mainly harms leaves and sometimes stems and flowers. The disease spot on the leaf is a small white spot at first, and then expands into a white powdery spot. In the later stage, the whole leaf is covered with a layer of powdery powder, and in severe cases, the leaf is yellow and deformed or even deciduous. The disease spot on the stem is brown, irregularly shaped, with white powder on the top, and the flowers are twisted and fall off seriously.

The regularity of powdery mildew of Flos Lonicerae

The pathogen of Flos Lonicerae powdery mildew is Lonicera Fungi. The pathogen overwinters on the residual body with ascomycetes, and the ascospores are released in the next year for primary infection. After the disease, conidia are produced for re-infection, warm, dry or shaded between plants, excessive nitrogen fertilizer, dry and wet alternating disease.

How to do honeysuckle powdery mildew?

1. Disease-resistant varieties: disease-resistant honeysuckle varieties were selected according to local conditions, and tree protection generals were sprayed in the field to reduce the source of disease.

2. Strengthen management: reasonable close planting, pay attention to ventilation, scientific fertilization, increase phosphorus and potassium fertilizer, improve plant disease resistance, timely spraying Flower Zhuangtiling before budding of Flos Lonicerae can promote strong buds, hypertrophy of petals, gorgeous color, rich fragrance, prolonged florescence, timely irrigation, timely drainage after rain to prevent moisture retention.

3, chemical control: spraying 50% colloidal sulfur 100g to water 20kg or 15% triadimefon wettable powder 2000 times liquid at the initial stage of the disease, at the same time, spraying new high fat membrane solution to improve the utilization rate of effective ingredients and consolidate the prevention and control effect.