
Cultivation technology of cat claw grass

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation technology of cat claw grass

Cat claw grass is the root of Ranunculus Ranunculus. Except Ranunculus Ranunculus, most of them use whole grass as medicine, which can treat a variety of diseases and kill insects. Modern pharmacology shows that cat claw grass and its preparations are effective against tuberculosis, lymphoid tuberculosis and a variety of cancers and lymphomas, and can also be used as garden plants. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of cat claw grass.

Planting environment

Cat's paw grass is a neutral plant with strong adaptability, light and shade tolerance, warm and humid climate, and loose soil requirements. It is suitable to grow in loose, moist and fertile humus loam soil. It is more water-resistant and can be grown in plain wet grassland, field edge wasteland or hillside grass. Growth can also be seen in Zhongshan mountains above 1000 meters above sea level. China is distributed in Guangxi, Taiwan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Hunan, Anhui, Hubei, Henan and other provinces.

Original seed cultivation

The cultivation of cat's claw grassland began to prepare soil in August every year, applying 5000 kg of pigsty fertilizer, 50 kg of compound fertilizer and 10 kg of urea per mu. Deep ploughing and raking fine, leveling to make the border, the width of the border is 16.5 meters, the width of the ditch is 26.4 centimeters. The cultivation began in September, with a row spacing of 10cm × 13.2cm and a soil cover of 1.6cm. It was fully watered and harvested every year in the Beginning of Summer season.

Seed plant reproduction

The seed of Ranunculus paniculata was cultivated in the same way as the original species by fertilization and soil preparation. It was planted in spring and autumn, and was cultivated separately from January to April in spring and from August to December in autumn. The row spacing was 10 cm × 13.2 cm, the soil was covered with 1.6 cm, and the soil was watered enough to keep the soil moist during growth. During the peak growth period, a small amount of urea was applied and water was irrigated with 5 kg urea per mu to promote growth.

Seed and plant storage

After the Beginning of Summer's harvest, cut off the stems and leaves of Cat's claw grass for storage, spread a layer of 10 cm thick yellow sand indoors, and then spread the grass stem on top of the yellow sand, 10 cm thick, and then spread a layer of yellow sand, which can be covered with 5-6 layers to keep the yellow sand wet. It can also be naturally overwintered in the original growing field, watered in August, the cat claw grass broke out from the ground in September, seedlings in 15 days, and cultivated with digging in October.

Field management

Cat claw grass because of its shallow roots, do not use weeding, but need to pull weeds, often keep the soil moist, pay attention to watering during the growing period, and topdressing twice in the seedling stage. Cat claw grass has two best growing periods from Frosts Descent to Lesser Snow and from sting to Qingming Festival. After the cultivation survived, you should loosen the soil and weed in time, do not hurt the roots. As the cat claw grass is a winter-growing medicinal material, it can survive the winter safely at no less than-40 ℃ without special management.