
Planting technique of Luohanguo

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting technique of Luohanguo

Siraitia grosvenorii is known as "immortal fruit". It is commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has the function of clearing away heat and moistening the lungs, smooth intestines and laxation. In addition to domestic medicine, it is also one of the traditional Chinese medicine exported by our country. With the development of traditional Chinese medicine in our country, the demand will increase. Only by developing production can we meet the growing demand. Let's take a look at the planting technology of Luohanguo.

Growth habits of Siraitia grosvenorii

Siraitia grosvenorii likes to grow in the climate of warm, long frost-free period and large temperature difference between day and night, and the suitable temperature range is 1832 ℃. The plant grows well under the moist and foggy condition of soil water content 2530% and air relative humidity 750.85%. The soil is suitable for loam with deep soil layer, rich in humus, loose and moist, and good drainage.

Planting techniques of Siraitia grosvenorii

1. Land selection and land preparation: according to the requirements of climate and soil conditions for the growth and development of Siraitia grosvenorii, sunny slopes should be selected for planting at 1000-1200 meters above sea level and north slopes at 300-500 meters above sea level. Ploughing and harrowing was carried out in the winter of the first year, and after winter weathering, the soil was ploughed again a few days before planting to make the soil layer loose and broken. The height of the bed is 15-20 cm, the width is 130-150 cm, the row spacing is 1.5-1.7 m, and the plant spacing is 1-1.3 m. Each hole is 5 kg of rotten barnyard manure. Mix the fertilizer with the soil and pile it into a mound of 60 cm in diameter and 12 cm in height to be planted.

2. Pressure vine propagation: Siraitia grosvenorii is produced by pressure vine propagation, which is carried out from July to October every year. In the peak fruiting period, high-yielding individual plants were selected as mother plants for vine propagation. These individual plants were not allowed to bear fruit in the shed, and vines with sturdy growth, short internodes and flower buds were selected to press vines in September, so that flowering plants could be avoided. When pressing the vine, dig a hole in the ground near it that is 15 centimeters deep and 18 centimeters wide, and press the top of 3 vines into the hole. The top seedling pressed into the soil is about 12 centimeters, and the covered soil is 8 centimeters higher than the ground.

3. Planting method: generally planting between March and April. When digging seed potatoes, we should pay attention to separate the female and male plants, and match one male plant for every 20 female plants, so that there is enough pollen during artificial pollination, and the seed potato can not come into contact with fertilizer. First, cover a thin layer of soil on the fertilizer in the hole, and then put the potato on the soil. When you put 2 seed potatoes in each hole, the distance between the plants is about 30 cm. When the bud is put up, the soil surface is exposed. The direction is consistent for management, and the final cover is 7cm thick.

Field management of Luohanguo

1. Build a shed to support the vine: Siraitia grosvenorii is a kind of vine, which needs scaffolding climbing. Only then can the plant grow well. After planting began to set up a shed, generally using bamboo as a support, the shed is about 1.7 meters high, the roof is covered with small bamboo or branches, and then insert a small bamboo next to the plant, so that the stem vines climb up and grow. When the seedling is 17-20 cm high, the lateral branches growing on the vine stem are removed and the main vine is left to facilitate the rapid growth of the main vine. When the seedling is 30 centimeters high, use straw or hemp rope to loosen and bind the main vine to the bamboo to help the stem on the shed. If the vines on the shed fall, they must be helped up in time to facilitate the growth of the vines.

2. Weeding and topdressing: Siraitia grosvenorii weeding and topdressing is carried out many times every year. Thin human manure was applied once when the seedling height was 30 cm from April to May, rotten stable manure and peanut bran were applied once after the main vine went up the shed in May, and during the flowering and fruiting period from June to September, mixed fertilizers such as barnyard manure, peanut bran and phosphate fertilizer were applied every 7-15 days to promote fruit growth. Fertilization method: open a semi-circular ditch 25 cm above the hillside from the tuber, do not apply fertilizer on the tuber.

3. Artificial pollination: artificial pollination is an important technical measure in Siraitia grosvenorii production, which can increase plant fruit rate and yield. When the plant blossoms from June to July, the male flowers are picked every morning. Scrape the pollen with a bamboo stick and gently place the pollen on the stigma of the female flower. The pollen of each male flower can give about 10 female flowers. Artificial pollination ends in the morning, but the effect of afternoon pollination is poor. The pollen collected should be used on the same day. If you want to keep it until the next day, it must be dried and stored, otherwise it will lose its germinating power.

4. Overwintering management: every year, before the Beginning of Winter, the soil is about 15 cm thick and covered with a layer of grass to prevent the tuber from freezing through the winter. Before and after the Qingming Festival in the second year, remove the mulch and peel off the soil to expose the tubers and dry them in the sun for 3-4 days. At the same time, cut off the withered vines to facilitate the growth of new buds.

Pest control of Siraitia grosvenorii

1. Root-knot nematode disease is a disease caused by root-knot nematode. After the disease, nodules of different sizes are formed on the fibrous roots, often in the shape of beads, and nodular bumps are formed on the tubers. The absorption of water and nutrients by the roots of plants with mild disease is affected. In severe cases, the roots and tubers are all rotten, so newly reclaimed land can be planted, disease-free tubers can be selected as seeds, and rotation can be carried out. After the onset of the disease, the tumor is cut off and then coated with tung oil has a certain preventive effect.

2. Huangshou melon is the main pest of Siraitia grosvenorii. The larva bites off the root in the soil, and in serious cases, the aboveground stem dies, and the adult bites out the leaves, or eats the whole leaves, causing the plant to die. When adults are endangered, they can be sprayed with 90% trichlorfon or 80% dichlorvos 1000-1500 times.

3. Fruit fly is an important pest that harms Siraitia grosvenorii fruit. From July to September, adults lay eggs in the fruit, the larvae eat the pulp, and the affected fruit turns yellow and early. If the injured fruit is found, it should be removed in time, and the fallen fruit on the ground should be cleared and burned centrally. During the active period of adults, 50 grams of 90% trichlorfon and 1.5 kilograms of brown sugar were sprayed on 50 kilograms of water where fruits and leaves grew luxuriantly to trap and kill adults.

4. Red spiders harm the leaves, tender vines and fruits of Siraitia grosvenorii. When they occur, they are sprayed with 80% dichlorvos 800 times or 40% dimethoate 800 times plus 20% triclofenac 800 times to kill adults.

Harvest and processing of Luohanguo

1. Timely harvest: Siraitia grosvenorii will blossom and bear fruit in the second year after planting. From August to September, the fruit can be harvested when the fruit changes from light green to old cyan or yellowish patches, the stalk is withered and yellow, and the fruit squeezed by hand has a sense of hardness and certain elasticity. Cut off with scissors and place lightly, spread the harvested fruit in a cool and ventilated place indoors, wait for the moisture to evaporate, spread it for 7-15 days, and process when the evaporated water accounts for about 15% of the weight of the fresh fruit and 50% of the surface is yellow.

2. Processing method: when Siraitia grosvenorii is processed, it is packed into the oven according to large, medium and small grades, and the baking temperature increases gradually from low to high, and then decreases again. Within the first 20 hours, the temperature is kept at 45: 50 ℃. After that, the temperature is gradually raised to 65: 70 ℃, and then baked for 48 hours. When the weight of the fruit is obviously reduced, the temperature is reduced to 55: 60 ℃, and then baked for 48 hours. In the process of baking, the boxes should be changed once every morning and evening, the positions of the upper and lower boxes should be changed, and the positions of the middle and edge fruits should be exchanged, and each fruit should be turned up and down so that it can be heated evenly for about 7 days, so that the moisture, which accounts for 70% to 75% of the fresh fruit weight, will evaporate. Gently tapping the fruit with your fingers is dry. Remove the hair from the fruit, that is, the finished product.

3. Commodity specifications: Siraitia grosvenorii is dry and brown, with no noise, no rotten fruit and sweet taste. Siraitia grosvenorii is divided into extra-large fruit (more than 20 cm), large fruit (more than 18 cm), middle fruit (more than 16.5 cm), small fruit (more than 15 cm), exocarp (more than 13.5 cm), outer fruit (less than 13.49 cm). The ringing fruit is treated according to the next level of the original level, and the broken fruit is calculated by weight.