
Planting conditions of star anise tree

Published: 2024-09-16 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/16, Planting conditions of star anise tree

Star anise is an economic plant of star anise family, born in subtropical wet and warm valleys, distributed in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Guizhou, Yunnan and other places. Its fruit and seeds can be used as seasoning or medicine. It is also a spice for making toothpaste, soap, perfume and cosmetics. Its economic value is very high. Let's take a look at the planting conditions of star anise.

Temperature condition

Star anise is a warm subtropical tree species. It is required that the suitable growth temperature range is 20-30 ℃, the coldest daily average temperature is above 10 degrees, the hottest average temperature is 25-28 degrees, the annual accumulated temperature is above 6000 degrees, and the frost-free period is more than 315days. The short-term light frost period has no great effect on plant growth. The place where it snows in winter has a great impact on star anise tree growth. Star anise trees begin to sprout when the temperature reaches 10 degrees in February. When the temperature rises to 13-15 degrees in March, it enters the leaf expansion stage, forms flower buds when the accumulated temperature reaches 3200 degrees in July, and begins to blossom when the accumulated temperature is above 3400 degrees.

Humidity condition

Star anise trees like to grow in humid mountain climatic conditions, requiring annual rainfall of 1200-2000 mm, and uniform distribution, air relative humidity of more than 80%.

Light condition

Star anise tree is a kind of shade-tolerant plant. Seedlings like to grow in shady environment and avoid long sunlight, which is beneficial to seedling growth when shade degree is 70% and 80%. When shade degree is below 30%, seedlings grow poorly, leaves turn yellow and even die. It takes a year for seedlings to grow in shade conditions. As the plant grows, the demand for sunlight increases gradually, and trees that enter into flowering and fruiting need plenty of sunlight. But it is also taboo to direct sunlight, so it is suitable to grow in valleys and slopes where the sunshine time is short and the forest is closed.

Wind condition

The wind has a great influence on the growth, blooming and fruiting of star anise. Because the wood is soft, the branches are fragile, the main root does not grow deep, and the lateral roots are mostly distributed within 50 cm of the topsoil layer, so its wind resistance is not strong, and it is easy to be blown down by the strong wind. Moreover, the strong wind is very disadvantageous to the star anise blossom and fruit, because after the star anise tree enters the fruiting period, there is fruit on the branches all the year round, and it is flowering in the second half of the year, once there is a strong wind. It is easy to cause a large number of falling flowers and fruits, which leads to a reduction in yield. when choosing forest land, it should be arranged at the foot of the mountain and the lower part of the hillside as far as possible, and do not afforest at the tuyere.

Topographic condition

The topography has a great influence on the star anise growth, because the topography directly affects the sunshine length, temperature, humidity, rainfall, soil and other conditions are closely related to the star anise growth. From the large topography, the undulating low mountain is suitable for star anise growth. From the small terrain, it is required to have good drainage, and it is only suitable for star anise growth on the mountain with a slope of 15-25 degrees. Stagnant water in low-lying land, high groundwater level and poor drainage are also not suitable for star anise tree growth, which grows well in hilly and low mountain areas with an altitude of 300-700 meters.

Soil condition

The content of nutrients in the soil will directly affect the yield and quality of star anise. Star anise trees grow in soils rich in phosphorus, aluminum, zinc, sulfur, manganese and potassium, with high yield and high quality. therefore, it is suitable to grow in latosol with loose texture, deep soil layer, rich humus, fertile and moist soil.