
Distribution of origin of Anemarrhena anemarrhena

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Distribution of origin of Anemarrhena anemarrhena

Anemarrhena anemarrhena is also called rabbit oil grass, dalushui, mother grass, garlic clover grass, sheep beard root, ginseng and so on. It is a perennial herb of the genus Anemarrhena liliaceae, and its rhizome is a famous traditional Chinese medicine. It is divided into "Mao Anemarrhena anemarrhena" and "Anemarrhena anemarrhena meat". It is widely distributed and cultivated all over the country. Let's take a look at the distribution of Anemarrhena anemarrhena.

Distribution of origin of Anemarrhena anemarrhena

Anemarrhena anemarrhena is mainly distributed in Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Gansu, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang, and is also distributed in North Korea. Anguo in Hebei Province and Bozhou in Anhui Province are the most famous.

Environment of origin of Anemarrhena anemarrhena

Anemarrhena anemarrhena was born on hillsides, grasslands or roadsides below 1450 meters above sea level. It has strong adaptability and cold tolerance. In the north, it can overwinter in the field, like warmth and drought tolerance. It is not suitable to water too much during the growth period, especially during the period of high temperature, such as excessive soil moisture, poor growth, and the rhizome is easy to rot, and the soil is suitable for loose humus soil. Low-lying stagnant water and overstretched soil are not suitable for planting.

The story and legend of Anemarrhena

Once upon a time there was a lonely old woman, childless and childless, who made a living by digging medicine when she was young. Because she didn't want money, she gave all the herbs she had gathered to the sick poor, so she had no savings when she was old. This hard life can endure, but the old man has a heart problem that no one can pass on her ability to recognize medicine. thinking about it over and over again, she decides to beg along the street, hoping to meet a reliable offspring, recognize her as a godson, and get rid of her heart disease.

One day, the old man came to a village to beg for food and told his thoughts to the onlookers. For a while, the news spread that the beggar old lady wanted to admit that her son had taught her the ability to collect medicine.

Soon, a rich son found her. The Childe has his own little abacus: "if you have learned to recognize medicine and cure diseases, aren't there many ways to curry favor with officials?" So he took the old woman home and waited on her clothes and food. But after more than ten days, he did not see the old woman mention the herbs. on this day, he pretended to call the old man "Mom" and asked about the passing of the medicine. "wait a few years," the old woman replied. " Now the Childe was furious, and he shouted, "raise you for a few years. If you want to cheat, eat and drink, get out of here!" The old man did not sulk, sneered, changed into his ragged clothes and left the Childe's house.

She began to beg along the street again. Before long, another businessman came to him and would like to recognize her as a godmother. What the businessman had in mind was to sell medicinal materials and make a lot of money. He brought the old woman home, first with delicious food and good hospitality, but after more than a month, he could not help it, so he drove the old man out of the house like a Childe.

In a flash, two years later, the old man still kept begging along the street, saying something on his mind, but he was regarded by many people as a madman and a liar. That winter, she hobbled to a remote mountain village, physically and mentally haggard, fell outside a house.

The noise alarmed the owner of the family. The owner, a young woodcutter, helped the old woman into the house and asked for warmth. Knowing that the old man was hungry, he hurriedly asked his wife to cook the meal. The old man was about to leave after dinner, and the couple stopped him and said, "where are you going on this cold day?" When the old man said he was going to beg, the kind couple sympathized and advised her, "at your age, it's not easy to beg. If you don't think we're poor, stay here!" The old man hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

The days passed quickly, and spring blossomed in the twinkling of an eye. One day, the old man said tentatively, "I feel sorry to live in your house like this. Let me go." The woodcutter was in a hurry: "you have no children, and we have no old people. Let's get together to live as a family. Isn't it good that we recognize you as a mother?" The old man burst into tears and finally told the details. But the woodcutter couple did not mind: "they are all sufferers. What do you want in return? you can always feel at ease."

From then on, the woodcutter and his wife were busy with their work and were very filial to the old man. The old man lived happily for more than 3 years, reaching the age of 80. That summer, she suddenly said to the woodcutter, "son, carry me to the mountain to have a look." The woodcutter didn't know where to go, but he promised the old man happily. He carried the old man up the hill and down the ditch, running east and west, sweating like rain, but he still amused the old man from time to time, and the old man was always very happy.

When they came to a grassy hillside, the old man went to the ground, sat on a stone, pointed to the weeds with linear leaves and purple striped flowers in white, and said, "dig up its roots." The woodcutter dug out a piece of tawny grass root and asked, "Mom, what is this?" The old man said, "this is an herb that can cure diseases such as lung heat, cough, body deficiency and fever." Son, do you know why I didn't teach you to recognize medicine until today? " The woodcutter thought for a moment and said, "Mom is looking for an honest and honest person to pass on his medicine, for fear that people with bad intentions will use this ability to get rich and harm the people!" The old woman nodded. "son, you really know your mother's mind." This medicine doesn't have a name yet, so you can call it Anemarrhena. "

Later, the old woman taught the woodcutter many kinds of herbs. After the old man died, the woodcutter changed his profession to collect medicine, but he always remembered the old man's words and sincerely gave medicine to the poor.