
What are the characteristics of dandelion

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, What are the characteristics of dandelion

Dandelion is widely distributed in China. In many places in North China, Central China, East China and Northeast China, dandelion grows in fields, roadsides, hillsides, and houses in spring, summer and autumn. It is one of the most common wild flowers and plants. Is the plain dandelion really that common? Now let's take a look at the characteristics of dandelion.

Dandelion has high medicinal value.

Dandelion can cure diseases, ancient books have long been recorded. A large number of long-term facts have proved that dandelion is a precious Chinese herbal medicine with sweet, bitter and cold taste. It has many functions, such as clearing heat and detoxification, eliminating carbuncle, anti-inflammation, cooling blood, diuresis, cholagogic, light diarrhea, strengthening stomach, preventing cancer and so on. It mainly treats dozens of diseases such as acute mastitis, mumps, lymphadenitis, dysentery, acute conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, cold and fever, acute tonsillitis, rheumatoid arthritis, acute bronchitis, gastritis, hepatitis, pneumonia, cholecystitis, acute and chronic appendicitis, urinary system infection, osteomyelitis, vaginitis, pelvic inflammation, twelve finger ulcers, acne, acne, stones, and various cancers.

Dandelion has a good therapeutic effect.

Dandelions, whether wild or cultivated, are special vegetables with rich nutrients. The edible part of fresh and tender dandelion whole grass is about 84%, and every 100 grams The edible part contains 4.8g of protein, 1.1g of fat, 5.0g of sugar, 2.1g of crude fiber, 216.0 mg of calcium, 93.0mg of phosphorus, 10.2mg of iron, 7.35mg of carotene, 0.03mg of vitamin B10.03mg, 20.39mg of vitamin B20.39mg, 47.0mg of vitamin C47.0mg, 1.9g of nicotinic acid, which is not only nutritious, but also has high medicinal value.

Dandelion has a good cosmetic effect.

Dandelion is not only rich in nutritional value, high medicinal value, is a good vegetable and disease cure, but also has been widely used in cosmetology. Whether you have dry skin, oily skin, aging skin, freckles, pigmented spots, dermatitis, acne, acne, whiskers, white hair, hair loss, etc., dandelion can help you eliminate "imperfections", get rid of troubles, make you "flawless" and radiant, such as dandelion with forsythia and Equisetum can be used for skin health care, dandelion and purslane can be used to treat oil dermatitis. After frying dandelion juice, filtering juice and smearing face can be used to treat dry skin, dandelion mashed and mixed with honey can be used to wrinkle old skin, dandelion flower boiled juice can be used to treat freckles and pigment spots in the morning and evening. Dandelion juice and parsley juice mixed well can be used to treat albino pigment spots and so on.

Dandelion can be used as veterinary medicine.

Dandelion is not only a good vegetable and medicine for human beings, but also can be widely used in animal husbandry and veterinaries. it can not only be used as a precious feed additive, but also treat a variety of diseases of livestock. For example, dandelion whole grass plus boiled juice can treat upper respiratory tract infection of domestic animals, hot washing of dandelion decoction can treat mastitis of domestic animals, dandelion, purple flower and wax gourd seeds can treat emphysema, fever and asthma of domestic animals, dandelion and Artemisia annua L. can treat astringent pain in urine and abdominal distension of fever in sheep, dandelion and Wang Bailuxing can treat milk deficiency of female animals with yellow wine and brown sugar as introduction. Dandelion decoction plus white sugar can treat cattle and horse nosebleed, dandelion, almond, alum decoction warm clothing can treat cattle, horse laryngitis, dandelion, yellow chrysanthemum mash application can treat livestock carbuncle swelling and sores and so on.

Dandelion has higher ornamental value.

1. The inner show performance of dandelion: ① is simple and unpretentious, and its growth is very prosperous. ② blossoms twice in spring and autumn, and blossoms very early in spring. Although ③ flowers are not as large as peonies, roses and cherry blossoms, they are large and pure, unique and popular. ④ has a wide range of uses, but you can get more with one stone, half the work and twice the effort.

2. The performance of strong vitality: ① can be planted once and can be used for many years. ② flowers into catkins, flying because of the wind, falling into the wetlands. ③ does not choose the soil, although thin land, can also thrive. ④ is cold-resistant, heat-resistant, drought-resistant, waterlogging-resistant, disease-resistant and insect-resistant, with few natural disasters. ⑤ can fight against all kinds of weeds and win them.