
Planting technique of Guan Fangfeng

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting technique of Guan Fangfeng

Guan Fangfeng, also known as Fangfeng, Umbelliferae perennial herbs, with dry roots in medicine, mainly produced in Heilongjiang, Liaoning, Jilin, the original three provinces of northeast Guan Fangfeng quality is the best, said that Guan Fangfeng, the best quality, let's take a look at the planting technology of Guan Fangfeng planting technology!

Planting preparation of Guan Fangfeng

1. Site selection: Guan Fangfeng does not have very strict requirements for soil, but sunny land with high and dry terrain should be selected, and sandy loam with loose, fertile, deep soil layer and good drainage is the most suitable. Clay, waterlogged, acidic or heavily saline-alkali land is not suitable for planting.

2. Soil preparation: Guan Fangfeng is a deep-rooted plant with a biennial root length of up to 50-70 cm. Therefore, it is required to turn the land more than 40 cm deep in autumn, flatten and rake fine in early spring, and pick up stubble and sundries, so as to create good basic conditions for the growth of Guan Fangfeng.

3. Fertilization: in order to meet the nutritional needs of perennial Guanfangfeng growth and development, we must apply sufficient base fertilizer, apply high-quality farm manure 3000kg / mu, add 20kg superphosphate or 8kg diammonium phosphate per mu. It is best to apply to the ground surface before turning deeply in autumn, and then turn into the ploughing layer. At the latest, it should be applied before the land is prepared. Fertilize evenly.

The planting method of turning off Fangfeng

Guanfangfeng can be propagated not only by seed direct seeding, but also by seedling transplanting. In the production practice, it is found that the method of raising seedlings in the first year and transplanting in the second year in spring can save seeds, facilitate centralized management and save land in many aspects. Where there are conditions, root segments can be propagated, and root segments can be germinated and rhizomes can be used. Intercept 5 cm long root section, trench in early spring, plant root section. 35-40 kg per mu of planted roots. After planting, cover the soil and water to preserve soil moisture.

The main results are as follows: 1. Border bed production: there are two kinds of border seedling: open field direct seeding seedling and protected plastic arch shed seedling, which can be selected according to the place.

① open field direct seeding border: the length and width of the border is generally determined by topographic conditions, and measures should be taken in accordance with local conditions to facilitate management. The border bed is required to be flat, straight and solid.

② middle shed: border width 2.4m, border length 1520m. Shed: the border is 1.2 meters wide and 1520 meters long. The border spacing is 40 cm, all of which are made into trail ditches 10-15 cm below the ground level.

2. Suitable sowing time

① seedling field: the time of raising seedlings in early spring with plastic arch shed is 7-10 days earlier than that of direct seeding in open field, because it has the effect of keeping moisture and increasing temperature after fastening the shed. The sowing method is mainly sowing.

② open field live broadcast: it should be carried out in early spring when the temperature is above 15 ℃, and it is appropriate to broadcast in long (strip) in the first and middle of April.

3. Seed treatment and sowing

① seed treatment: the selected seeds were soaked in warm water 3-5 days before sowing. Soak the seeds in warm water of 35 ℃ for 24 hours and soak in warm water of 40 ℃ ~ 50 ℃ for 8 hours for 12 hours to make the seeds fully absorb water and facilitate germination. Soak while stirring, while sowing seeds, fish out the shrunken seeds and impurities floating on the water, soak the sunken full seeds, dry them a little and sow them.

Sowing in ② seedling field: straighten the border surface, spray through the water, and then sow seeds artificially, using 2.5kg to 3.0kg per mu. After sowing evenly, use a bamboo or iron sieve on a 2.0 cm thick moist new soil to preserve moisture, cover the seeds strictly, and then insert the bow and buckle the film.

③ open field strip sowing: strip sowing is used to raise seedlings in the open field, artificial drug picks are used to open ditches, the row spacing is 15 cm 20 cm, and the trench depth is 2 cm 3 cm (slightly shallow loam soil, slightly deeper sandy soil). The seeds are evenly sown in the ditch with a point seeder, and the soil is 1 cm 1.5 cm thick.

Direct seeding in ④ production field: the sowing method is basically the same as that of raising seedlings in the open field, but the row spacing should be increased to 25cm, and the amount of seed used per mu should be reduced to 1.0kg to 1.5kg.

Field management of Guan Fangfeng

1. Seedling stage management: the seedlings are raised in the plastic film arch shed, and the stage from sowing to seedling emergence is a closed period. The temperature in the shed should be checked frequently and the temperature in the shed should be controlled well. Generally, 20 ℃ ~ 25 ℃ is the suitable temperature. If the weather is too hot and the temperature in the shed is too high, it is necessary to cover the grass shade to cool down. When the border seedling is green, the temperature in the shed can be adjusted by uncovering the film and releasing the air. With the growth of the seedlings, the vents were gradually enlarged and the seedlings were refined until the plastic film was removed. Weeds in the border should be weeded in time.

① resists drought and preserves soil moisture and strives for the whole seedling: open field seedling field and production direct seeding field, the management from sowing to seedling emergence is very important. During this period, all measures to resist drought and preserve soil moisture should be taken, such as pressing, trampling, cuddling, rolling, Shigen and time, so as to ensure that there is sufficient soil moisture in the sowing layer to meet its germination needs, and strictly prevent the occurrence of soil "drying" and seed "bud drying". Strive to achieve complete and strong seedlings.

② weeding and loosening the soil, preventing famine and promoting strength: weeds growing in the fields and borders will affect the growth of seedlings. It is required to get rid of the grass to prevent the grass from bullying seedlings. At the same time, ploughing and loosening the soil for 2 or 3 times should be carried out to improve the environment for the root growth of seedlings and promote the root system to be deeply rooted so as to achieve the effect of strengthening seedlings.

③ seedling thinning, pest control and seedling protection: 15-20 days after emergence, when the seedling is about 3-5 cm high, thinning the seedling and opening the "dead pinch" to prevent the seedling from overcrowding and weak growth. When growing to about a month, the height of the seedling is more than 10 cm, and the final determination of the seedling is carried out. The distance between the seedling in the nursery field and the seedling in the production field is 2-3 cm and 8-10 cm, respectively, to prevent the seedling from growing too much. At the same time, underground pests (mole cricket, grub, ground tiger, golden needle worm) and seedling pests (weevil, beetle) occur one after another at the seedling stage, so it is necessary to do a good job in field investigation and control to ensure that the seedlings of Fangfeng are not damaged. For prevention and control techniques, see Beishanshen chapter.

2. Growth period management: because of strong adaptability, cold resistance and drought resistance, as long as the whole seedling is guaranteed, the management during the growth period is relatively simple. Some promotion and control measures can also be taken to promote growth and development.

① topdressing and watering: in general, the first year of artificial cultivation Guan Fangfeng, rarely show the symptoms of lack of fertilizer and water. Only when sowing in sandy soil or in case of severe drought, the seedlings should be fertilized and watered properly. Topdressing urea 8kg / mu, potassium sulfate 3kg / mu, watering in time after topdressing to meet the growth needs of Guanfangfeng seedlings under the influence of bad soil and bad weather.

Weeding in ②: during the growth period, some weeds still grow at different times, and should be pulled out in time combined with ploughing and loosening the soil.

③ flood discharge and waterlogging control: the vigorous growth period of Guan Fangfeng is in June, July and August, which coincides with the rainy season. The occurrence of flood and stagnant water between fields (beds) should be eliminated in time, and then ploughing should be carried out to keep the surface soil of the field with good permeability to facilitate root growth.

3. Overwintering management: vegetative growth in the first year of cultivation, rosette-like plants on the ground, rarely bolting and flowering, but should be removed in time once found. Growing to the first and middle of October, the aboveground leaf stem began to wither and yellow and entered the overwintering dormancy period. In this period of management, one is to pour the frozen water before overwintering, so as to strictly prevent the shortage of water caused by the dry climate in the north. Freezing water should be poured at the end of October or early November and irrigated evenly. The second is to prevent grazing and trampling of livestock and poultry, and do a good job in field management and protection. The third is to manage and protect the seedlings in the seedling field, and do all the preparatory work before transplanting, such as soil preparation, fertilization, water source and so on.

4. management of returning to green period: after a long winter "dormancy" of Guan Fangfeng rhizome underground, in the following spring, with the warming of the weather and the rise of air temperature, the plough layer gradually thawed, and the rhizome began to sprout and enter the green period. Start a new life activity.

① Garden cleaning: clear the garden thoroughly before turning green, remove the withered leaves and stems from the ground and burn them out of the field, so as to reduce the occurrence and damage of diseases and insect pests.

② topdressing and watering: 1500kg to 2000kg of high-quality farm manure per mu, spread in the whole field, and then watered to promote turning green to achieve the goal of strong plants and roots.

③ seedling transplanting: before the seedlings turn green from March to April in spring, transplanting with horizontal trenching according to row spacing of 15 cm to 18 cm, trenching depth of 10 cm to 15 cm, plant spacing of 8 cm to 10 cm, soil consolidation and drought, transplanting with water, or hole planting. The distance between the holes is 10 to 20 centimeters, and two plants are planted in each hole. When planting, the roots should be planted correctly and stably, so that the roots can be stretched. After planting, the soil can be compacted, and the seedling water can be irrigated once after planting to improve the survival rate of planting.

5. vigorous growth period management: the purpose of the production field is to increase the root yield, so it is very important to strengthen the management, so it is necessary to meet the needs of the growth conditions in the exuberant growing period.

① ploughing and loosening soil: the duration of Guanfangfeng turning green to vigorous growth period is more than two months. In this period, the production field is still mainly to promote root growth and development, and field ploughing is often carried out to improve the root growth environment and promote root robust growth.

② weeding and famine prevention: pull out weeds in the field in time and control grass famine.

③ extra-root topdressing: according to plant growth, if nutrition deficiency is found, extra-root topdressing can be carried out, and potassium dihydrogen phosphate can be sprayed, "protect more harvest", root-increasing agent, etc., according to the instructions.

④ moss and promote root: because more than 80% of the plants will be bolting and blooming in the second year, after the above-ground plants blossom, the underground roots begin to lignify, seriously affecting the quality of medicinal roots or losing their medicinal value. For this reason, in addition to farming for more than two years, the flower moss must be removed as soon as possible. Generally, it needs to be carried out for 2 or 3 times, and the moss should be knocked off when you see it, so as to avoid the consumption of nutrients by flowering and affect the development of roots.