
Cultivation prospects of Bletilla striata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Cultivation prospects of Bletilla striata

Bletilla striata belongs to three kinds of wild small medicinal materials, with the impact of the market economy resources are gradually exhausted, the contradiction between supply and demand and the gradual rise in prices have also begun to cause widespread concern. The following editor will introduce the planting prospects and benefits of Bletilla striata.

Planting prospect of Bletilla striata

Bletilla striata, also known as Gangen, Baigen, Baiwuertou, Yangjiao Qi, etc., is an orchid plant. The tuber of Bletilla striata is irregular oblate, with 2 claw-shaped branches and a yellowish-white or grayish-white surface, which is a rare species. In China, it is mainly distributed in Guizhou, Sichuan, Yunnan, Guangxi, Zhejiang and other places, mainly produced in Sichuan, Yunnan and Guizhou. The detailed producing areas are: Xichang region of Sichuan, such as: Muli Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, the main distribution center is the Sichuan Chengdu Lotus Pool Medicine Market; Wenshan, Simao, Lijiang and Chuxiong in Yunnan; Dushan, Zunyi and Anshun in Guizhou; and Huaihua in Hunan, Enshi in Hubei, Shangluo and Hanzhong in Shaanxi and Funiu Mountain in Henan also provide supplies for the market, but the quantity is very small. Bletilla striata grows for a long time in the shade of valleys or mountains where the climate is warm and humid. Once over-mining, it will take a long time to restore its output. In recent years, a large number of mining has led to a sharp decrease in the distribution of Bletilla striata, which has led to a serious shortage of resources and a gradual decline in production. At present, the supply of Bletilla striata in the market is very few, and the medicinal materials are much smaller, larger and less, with high moisture content and poor quality, the place of mining is getting farther and farther, the difficulty of mining is increasing, and the mining personnel are decreasing year by year, so the cost is constantly increasing. Tracking the origin shows that the volume of goods this year is much less than that of last year, and the gradual rise in the price of Bletilla striata is also reasonable.

2. The social stock of Bletilla striata. Although the city is mainly concentrated in July to October, but in fact, Bletilla striata can be dug except in winter, so that many people can not hoard the goods. Even if hoarding, businesses will consider the cost, because once hoarding warehousing, its storage costs will continue to increase over time, the cost will naturally rise, if the price increase is not large and unprofitable, naturally no one will be willing to hoard warehousing. A few years ago, due to the shortage of funds in the pharmaceutical department, ignoring the acquisition of Bletilla striata, the inventory of Bletilla striata decreased. When manufacturers needed large goods, there was often no goods available in the market, and sometimes there was an abnormal phenomenon of "price but no goods" in the market. At present, the social stock of Bletilla striata is relatively weak. With the rising demand, the continuous intensification of the contradiction between supply and demand will inevitably lead to a rise in the price of Bletilla striata.

3. Market demand. Cold, bitter, dry and astringent, with the function of astringent hemostasis, detumescence and muscle formation. It is a good medicine for treating stomach problems. For example, "Kuaiwei tablet", which is popular and widely taken by patients, is the largest variety that uses Bletilla striata as raw material; "Bletilla granule granule" and oral liquid produced by single Bletilla striata have remarkable curative effect and have a good market after marketing, and the annual demand for Bletilla striata from manufacturers is also relatively large. In addition to treating stomach problems, Bletilla striata is also widely used as an adhesive in industrial production. For example, in cigarette production, the cigarette butt is made of Bletilla striata, and the adhesive for mounting calligraphy and painting is also made of Bletilla striata. In addition, Bletilla striata polysaccharide gum can also be used in daily chemical products to replace chemical thickeners, and has the functions of reducing irritation, protecting skin, delaying aging and so on. With the deepening of research and development and utilization, the application of Bletilla striata is more and more extensive, which leads to the increasing demand of Bletilla striata. According to 2014 statistics, the annual domestic use can reach thousands of tons.

Market forecast of Bletilla striata

From 4.8 yuan per kilogram in 1992 to about 600 yuan per kilogram in 2015, it has risen all the way, especially in recent years, traditional Chinese medicine has been recognized by the international market, and the price has soared all the way. At present, the supply of Bletilla striata basically depends on wild resources, and the supply of goods from the market and origin has been seriously insufficient since 2014, so it is not suitable to organize supply. Now it is difficult to find ten mu of planting bases all over the country. Bletilla striata needs more than three years to develop and supply top quality products on the market. For this reason, it can be foreseen that the market of Chinese herbal medicine varieties of Bletilla striata will continue to rise in the past 4 years, which is shocking.

The market demand of Bletilla striata is huge, the wild resources are exhausted, and artificial cultivation is not yet mature, so it will be of great benefit to develop the cultivation of Bletilla striata, a traditional Chinese medicine.

1. Input: Bletilla striata input is divided into seed, fertilizer, management and other four aspects:

① seed: asexual reproduction seed. The amount of 300 jin per mu, the market price is 80 yuan per jin, it needs to invest 100 yuan, 300 yuan, 80 yuan, 2400000 yuan; sexual reproduction seeds (group training seedlings), 8000 plants per mu, the market price is 2 yuan per plant, need to invest 100 million 8000 yuan 2 yuan 1600000 yuan.

② fertilizer. It is estimated that 200 yuan of fertilizer and 100,200,000 yuan of fertilizer will be invested per mu every year.

③ manages salaries. It is estimated that the annual investment per mu is 400 yuan, and the investment is 100 yuan, 400 yuan, 4 yuan, 160, 000 yuan. Fourth, other expenses are about 1 billion.

Total investment of ④: 1940000 (1.94 million)-2740000 (2.74 million) yuan.

2. Income

① produces fresh Bletilla Bletilla per mu 2000muri 4000 jin, the price of fresh Bletilla striata on the market is about 45murmur50 yuan per jin (2014 market situation), and the expected income is 100,000,000,000,000 (9 million)-20000000 (20 million) yuan.

The net income of ② 100mu is 6.26 million yuan-18.06 million yuan, and the annual net income per mu is 15600-45150 yuan.

The changes in the ③ market, the impact of climate and the level of management directly affect earnings, so the above data are for reference only.