
Planting techniques of Eucommia ulmoides

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Planting techniques of Eucommia ulmoides

Eucommia ulmoides, produced in central and southwest China, is endemic to China. Eucommia ulmoides has been introduced to botanical gardens in Europe and the United States, known as "Chinese rubber tree". Although it is not related to the rubber tree, the bark of Eucommia ulmoides is human medicine. The oil content of the seed is up to 27%. Wood is a valuable plant for construction and furniture.

Growing environment

In its natural state, Eucommia ulmoides grows in low mountains, valleys or sparse forests on low slopes at an altitude of 300 to 500 meters above sea level. it is not strict in the selection of soil, and can grow in barren red soil or rocky cliffs. Like sunny, mild and humid climate, cold-resistant. Soil requirements are not strict, hills, plains can be planted, can also use sporadic land or four sides of cultivation. Eucommia ulmoides is hardy and can withstand a low temperature of at least − 30 ℃.

Reproduction method

Eucommia ulmoides can be propagated by seeds, cuttings, striping and grafting. Seed reproduction is the main method in production.

The main results are as follows: 1. Seed propagation is suitable for fresh, full, yellowish brown and glossy seeds to be sown in November-December in winter or when the monthly average temperature in spring is more than 10 ℃. Generally, it is suitable to sow in winter in warm areas and in autumn or spring in cold areas, so as to meet the low temperature conditions for seed germination. Seeds should not be dry, so it is appropriate to sow seeds while they are fresh. If spring sowing is needed, the seeds should be stratified after seed collection, and the ratio of seeds to wet sand is 1:10. Or before sowing, soak the seeds in 20 ℃ warm water for 2-3 days, change the water 1-2 times a day, take out the seeds after expansion, dry slightly before sowing, the germination rate can be increased. Strip sowing, row spacing 20-25 cm, seed amount 8-10 kg per mu, cover grass after sowing, keep the soil moist, in order to facilitate seed germination. After the seedlings are unearthed, remove the cover grass on a cloudy day. It can produce 30,000-40,000 seedlings per mu.

2. Softwood cuttings propagate at the turn of spring and summer, cut annual twigs, cut cuttings of 5-6 cm, cut into nursery bed, penetrate 2-3 cm deep, and take root after 15-30 days at soil temperature 21-25 ℃. If 0.05 ml / L is used. When the cuttings were treated with acetic acid for 24 hours, the survival rate of cuttings was more than 80%.

3. When the root is propagated in the nursery, the seedling root is trimmed, the root with a diameter of 1-2 cm is cut into a root segment with a length of 10-15 cm, and the thick end is slightly exposed to the surface. The new shoots can germinate under the cross section, and the seedling rate can reach more than 95%.

4. Striping propagation in spring, strong branches are selected and pressed into the soil, which is 15 cm deep. When the tiller is as high as 7-10 cm, the soil is compacted. After 15-30 days, new roots can occur at the base of sprouting. Dig in late autumn or the following spring, separate the sprouting tillers one by one and plant them.

5. Grafting propagation uses two-year-old seedlings as rootstocks, selects one-year-old branches from excellent female parent trees as scions, cuts them on rootstocks in early spring, and the survival rate can reach more than 90%.

Sowing and raising seedlings

1. Pre-broadcast preparation

Put the seeds into a plastic souvenir bag, hang them in a cool and ventilated place, and sow them directly into the border in late December. The seeds of Eucommia ulmoides were collected at the end of October, hung and stored, soaked in clean water for 1-2 days in late December, changed the water once a day, and added less copper sulfate or ammonium benzoate (zinc) and carbendazim in the last change of water, so as to kill the bacteria and filter them so that they could spread without sticking hands when sowing, and sow seeds directly into the border. The life span of Eucommia ulmoides seeds is 1 year, and the seed germination rate is closely related to maturity and freshness. the germination rate of mature seeds is low, and the germination rate of spring sowing is even lower.

2. Soil preparation and fertilization

Choose Shatian or sandy loam field, plough and rake repeatedly for 2 or 3 times before sowing. The compound fertilizer "stubble" before the last ploughing and harrowing. Make a 1-meter border, cut 20-25 cm deep, apply ring fertilizer or sprinkle compound fertilizer and vegetable cake in the ditch, or use human and animal urine feces to make the bottom, covering soil 1.5-2 cm below the border surface.

3. Planting into the bed

In the ditch where the base fertilizer is applied, put a seed between 5 cm or sprinkle it sparsely and evenly in the ditch, and those who are too dense will pick up another sparse place. Cover vegetation ash mixed with soil or fine soil 1.5 cm. Along the ditch on the border, the rice and thatch are kept warm. The cover grass does not need to be too thick, so as not to bring out the seedlings when lifting the grass.

4. Rodent control, insect control and disease prevention

After covering the bed with straw, the rats were attracted very quickly, and the rats bit Eucommia ulmoides seeds very seriously. Rats must be trapped and killed immediately. 15 to 20 days ago, the seedlings were unearthed, that is, 1:3 carbofuran and loess were used to mix the border noodles and poison the tigers. Basically, the seedlings were ripped off the straw and thatch, and then sprinkled with 1:4 birthday parasite, plant ash and fine soil. Dry shrunken seeds or due to drought during the filling period of Eucommia ulmoides seeds, the meat inside the seeds is black, do not have the fluke mentality of "paving and watching", let alone raise seedlings together with strong seeds to prevent them from becoming infected with blight after emergence.

Seedling stage management

1. Intermediate seedlings

The seedlings that are too dense are transplanted separately to keep the distance between plants about 8cm. It is better to transplant before the seedlings come out before opening the true leaves, and there is almost no root in the roots without the true leaves. Gently pick out the hard bamboo (with mud as much as possible) in cloudy days or evening, plant with one handful, water after planting, and fertilize once with extremely light human urine feces or urea point after 7-10 days.

2. Spray to protect seedlings

In the whole seedling stage, it is necessary to spray to control locusts and subsequent pests such as Jiding and longicorn beetles.

Bordeaux liquid can prevent blight, but it is useless to spray Bordeaux liquid after the seedlings get blight, so Kangkuling and carbendazim should be irrigated. At the same time, it is necessary to hoe the surface shallowly to increase the ground temperature and irrigate more light fertilizer to enhance soil fertility.

Downy mildew leaves have black spots, the back looks like frost, deciduous leaves; Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is characterized by rotten roots and rotten stems. In the temperature of about 20 degrees Celsius, a long time of rainy, humidity, lack of soil fertility, and by the nearby Eucommia ulmoides young forest disease source infection, the nursery is also easy to get the above diseases. It can be sprayed or irrigated with mancozeb, mancozeb and carbendazim. Loosen the soil to increase the soil temperature, and sprinkle 1:4 plant ash and quicklime powder on the root of the plant, remove the diseased plant deeply or burn, pay attention to the field drainage.

3. Pull the grass and loosen the soil

After the seedlings are unearthed, they will pull up the grass to prevent grass famine; after 4 true leaves, they will loosen the soil and weed. Early hoe can increase the soil temperature and counteract the source of the disease, loosening the soil and weeding 4 times in the whole seedling stage, pulling grass but not loosening the soil in the high temperature period in August.

4. Fertilization

Fertilization at seedling stage should be "eat less and eat more", farm manure and compound fertilizer should be better, fertilization should be light, it is appropriate to pour thinly after each loosening soil, ammonium bicarbonate should not be used to prevent fertilizer damage. After the seedling height is 30 centimeters, you can spread urea on rainy days, with a dosage of 4-5 kg per mu. After the seedling height is 40 cm, urea can be sprinkled lightly every 15-20 days. Eucommia ulmoides seedlings grow sharply in autumn, fertilizer to keep up, the big one can grow 100 to 110 centimeters high, can cultivate high-quality seedlings.

Cultivation techniques

1. Land selection and land preparation

Select the sunny sloping land with deep soil layer, loose and fertile soil, acidic to slightly alkaline soil and good drainage, turn the soil deeply, rake flat, dig holes according to the row spacing of 2-2.5 meters x 3 meters, 30 cm deep, 80 cm square, and apply 2.5 kg of soil fertilizer, 0.2 kg of cake fertilizer, 0.2 kg of bone powder or calcium superphosphate and fire soil ash, etc. The seedbed is finely raked and flattened to form a wide bed of 1.2 meters.

2. Field management

① seedling management seeds after emergence, pay attention to ploughing and weeding, watering and fertilization. Seedlings avoid the scorching sun, should be properly shaded, sprinkler irrigation should be timely to prevent drought in the dry season, and attention should be paid to waterlogging in the rainy season. Combined with ploughing, weeding and topdressing for 4-5 times, applying urea 1-1.5kg per mu each time, or 3000-4000f g of mature dilute manure. If the trunk of the seedling is bent, it can remove all the aboveground parts along the surface in early spring, promote the development of new branches, and leave a strong and straight new branch as the new trunk, and all the rest can be removed.

When the height of 1-2-year-old seedlings of ② is more than 1 meter, it can be planted after defoliation to before sprouting in the following spring. According to the row spacing of the above-mentioned plants, 1 plant per hole. The growth of young trees is slow, so it is appropriate to strengthen tending, and intertillage and weeding should be carried out every spring and summer, combined with fertilization. In autumn or the following spring, the basal branches should be removed in time, and the overdense branches should be cut off. Adult trees should also be fertilized as appropriate. In the northern region, fertilization was stopped in August to avoid overgrowth in the late stage and reduce the cold resistance.