
The old pile of obscure Moon, who has been raised for 8 years, this father is not usually raised with succulent plants.

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Talk to succulent dads Phase 3 A succulent daddy now lives in Dehong, Yunnan, with a son and a daughter. "the pleasure of raising succulent plants is that if you are good to him, he will grow up well." There are many succulent dads.

A succulent nanny.

Dialogue Phase 3

The succulent father, who now lives in Dehong, Yunnan Province, has a son and a daughter who raise succulent plants.

"the pleasure of raising succulent plants is that if you are good to him, he will grow up well."

-- A succulent father

Many flower lovers say that growing flowers and family cannot be done at the same time.

If you pay too much attention to growing flowers, it seems to delay the time to accompany the child to grow up.

If you wholeheartedly accompany the child, but also reluctant to give up their own flowers.

So the balance swayed between the two.

However, there is a flower friend is not convinced!

Who says you can't have both?

Let's look at the succulent daddy. Let's have a chat with you.

Those left hand raise succulent, right hand raise baby daddy life!

The nanny's garden is called Lili Garden.

He said that he chose this name because his lover's name was Lili.

Well, I feel like I've been fed a mouthful of dog food!

And when it comes to the origin of the term "nanny"

Because he has two children at home and has more free time.

He basically attends every school parent-teacher meeting or other activities.

In addition, he loves to raise succulent plants, so the meat friends around him gave him the name of a nanny.

Unexpectedly, this name has now become synonymous with him.

Succulent plants on the first floor:

Succulent plants on the second floor:

Succulent plants on the third floor:

The nanny said that although there are so many succulent plants in the family.

But the treasure of the town, that is definitely all kinds of old piles!

Five-year pile of winter beauty, obscure moon, countless heads, hair like an old monster!

Five years of old jade affixation, every time it is very difficult to move, especially worried about the leaves falling off!

And the oldest one should be regarded as the obscure Moon pile for 8 years, right?

This old pile, which is 1.3 meters long, has to be tied up with strips of cloth, otherwise it will fall to the ground very easily.

The nanny said that in addition to Lao Zhuang, what he likes to raise most is jade affixing!

So as soon as I entered the door of the garden, I saw rows of jade affixes.

It really looks like a welcome to the guests.

Walk a few steps into the garden and you can see a piece of hanging jade affixes.

Under the sunshade, it is also a jar of jade decoration!

Other people's jade embellishments are calculated according to flowerpots, but those in his family are counted as big pots.

Sure enough, he is an expert in raising jade affixes!

Speaking of the original intention of raising succulent plants, the nanny said

He likes to raise succulent plants, and he was brought into the pit by his lover.

At first, he was quite opposed to his lover's raising succulent plants.

He always talks about wasting money and time.

Unexpectedly, in the end, I got into the pit!

After entering the pit, I found that it was not easy to raise succulent plants.

Many people say that Yunnan is an open area for raising succulent plants.

The nanny waved his hand and said, not necessarily!

The location of the nanny is in Dehong Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province.

There are two seasons of drought and rain all year round, and the precipitation is very heavy.

Basically, the succulent plants in the family are in no state from April to November.

So it takes a lot of effort to raise it.

If you are worried about black rot in summer, you have to put several umbrellas on it.

The big succulent ones have to pick the old leaves one by one every day.

Or you'll be black and rotten in minutes!

As soon as he talked about his succulent family, the silent daddy became active in an instant.

Because he knows everything about every pot of succulent plant in his family.

The nanny said that apart from Yuxiu, what he likes most is peach eggs.

This pot of peach eggs is the most delicate variety in the family, and it has been old for five years so far.

Look at the rows of peach eggs on the shelf, there is really a feeling of ten miles of peach forest!

Ping-pong Funiang was also controlled by him for the color of the water, but because it rained every day recently, she had to move upstairs from the garden!

The thin makeup in autumn is so beautiful that it looks like a little fairy.

The coral stick, which has been kept for a year, stretches its teeth and claws upward, and in a few years it can even reach the roof.

The orange dream powder in winter is tender, but as a result, the colors are gone after summer!

Treated like orange Monroe, there are pink and blue birds.

She was as beautiful as a fairy when she was out of shape, but it was all over after summer.

Although in the summer, but the green girl heart, looks like a lush.

The fluffy little white bear hasn't had black rot for a year, thank God!

The fastest growing in the family is basically Raul.

It takes almost three months to grow a large basin, and it has to be changed several times a year.

The nanny said that, in fact, he also had a basin of snow mountains, which was sent to Kunming for foster care.

I didn't dare to take it home all summer. I was really worried about the serious black rot at home!

However, the state of foster care seems to be good!

Next, let's talk about the big succulent ones in the family, each of which looks super enjoyable!

The drunken beauty, the green mage of the old pile and the red flower moon make people drool!

But the most enviable thing

Or the succulent ones raised in big vats at the nanny's house!

If I have a chance, I really want to move a pot home!

Someone wants to ask, does the nanny have any extra energy to raise flowers when he takes care of his children every day?

Of course!

Because of his love of gardening, his present job also has something to do with gardening.

For example, to build a garden for customers, to carry out later maintenance and planting flowers.

I have a lot of time to study growing flowers without delaying the care of children.

It's exactly the same!

And under the influence of the nanny,

The children at home also have a strong interest in raising succulent plants.

The father said that it took him three years to raise a rainbow and give it to his daughter as a gift.

The little girl should like the gorgeous color of rainbow.

And now the green peach with nearly 50 flower heads is seen.

He was hand-picked at the succulent base with the little man of the family.

The nanny said that no matter day or night, especially when it thundered late at night

He must get up and have a look at the succulent plants.

Maybe that's the pleasure of raising succulent meat.

If you treat it well, it will grow well.

May the nanny's garden continue to blossom in the future

May everyone who loves growing flowers find their own fun!
