
Planting techniques of Rabdosia paniculata

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Planting techniques of Rabdosia paniculata

Xihuang grass is a folk herb, commonly known as bear gall grass, blood wind grass, yellow juice grass, brook grass, camellia, soil Coptis, etc., mainly produced in Hunan, Sichuan, Yunnan, Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guangxi and other provinces and regions south of the Yangtze River. Xihuangcao has the effects of clearing heat and dampness, eliminating jaundice and removing dampness, cooling blood and dispersing blood stasis, and is used in the treatment of acute icteric hepatitis, acute cholecystitis, dysentery, enteritis, fall and stasis pain and other diseases. Xihuangcao is widely used in clinic all over Guangdong, and a variety of health products for prevention and treatment of hepatitis have been developed, such as Xihuangcao granule, Xihuangcao bag tea, etc., with great market potential.

Xihuang grass has a strong adaptability to the environment, can grow in areas below 1500 meters above sea level, and is often wild in stream wetlands, villages, ditches, fields and under forests. Xihuang grass is a long sunshine plant, which likes light. In sufficient sunlight, the seed germinates well and the plant grows healthily. Xihuang grass is afraid of waterlogging and soil consolidation, so it is suitable to be cultivated in loose, fertile and well-drained sandy soil. Low-lying flooded soil is easy to cause rotten roots.

Seedling raising and transplanting

Select sunny, convenient drainage and irrigation, moist and fertile sandy loam as seedling land, remove sundries after full or semi-reclamation, fully fine soil, and carry out disinfection. As the seeds of Xihuang grass are small, if the border soil is more solid, it should be well mixed with fine river sand when preparing the soil. The soil mass of the seedbed should be fine, the soil of the border should be flat, and ditches should be opened all around. The general width of the bed is 1.2 meters and the depth of the ditch is 20 to 30 centimeters. The propagation and breeding of Rabdosia angustifolia can be propagated by seed propagation, cutting propagation and separate plant propagation.

1. Seed propagation: sowing time should be carried out when Rain Water is sufficient in spring, when the temperature rises or when the fruit is ripe in autumn, either sowing or strip sowing. When sowing, mix the seeds with fine mud powder or fine sand according to the ratio of 5: 6 to 6: 1 before sowing. After sowing, it is covered with a layer of fine river sand and covered with straw to keep warm and humid. Water immediately after sowing and spray thoroughly with a fine-hole spray can. After emergence, the seedlings were applied with dilute fertilizer and water for 1 to 2 times, and the seedlings grew to more than 10 centimeters and could be transplanted with 8 leaves.

2. Cuttage propagation: generally, the cuttings can be cut from the reserved field or field, and the sturdy branches are selected to grow 10-15 cm, with 3-4 nodes, and the basal leaves are cut off, leaving the top slightly 1-2 pairs of leaves, and the lower end is obliquely cut into a horseshoe-shaped incision. The cut cuttings were soaked with rooting powder to ensure a higher survival rate. When the nursery bed is ready, open the horizontal trench, lean the cuttings against the ditch wall, and the upper end of the soil is exposed as the cuttings. The second row of cuttings was in turn, and the row spacing of cuttings was 4 cm × 5 cm. After the cuttage is finished, pour water thoroughly and cover the shade net with 50% shade to prevent direct sunlight. After insertion, it is often watered to keep moist, usually begins to root after a week, and can be transplanted after 15 days.

3. Ramet propagation: the stolon rhizome (old man) harvested in the same year can be concentrated and densely planted as a seed field, which should be protected from cold and moisture in winter. In the following spring, new seedlings with many tillers grew on the creeping rhizome, and these tillers were used as seedlings for transplanting.

4. Transplant: apply sufficient base fertilizer in the field, apply farm manure 3000kg to 4000kg per mu, rake the border surface and rake it flat, and it can be transplanted after finishing the land. When transplanting, the main root of the seedling should be cut off, which can make the seedling produce more lateral roots and form a developed root system, which is beneficial to its growth. Transplanting should be carried out in the evening on a cloudy day without wind or in a sunny day, generally according to the row spacing of 15 cm × 20 cm or 20 cm × 20 cm, hole planting or trench planting. After planting, the soil is compacted and poured through the fixed root water.

Field management

During the whole growth and development period, attention should be paid to uniform fertilizer and water, "forward promotion and middle control" of topdressing, timely drainage and waterlogging prevention, keeping soil moist, and timely prevention of diseases and insect pests.

1. Topdressing: 10 days after transplanting, the plant begins to grow new roots. at this time, N fertilizer should be applied once, 5kg urea per mu or thinly diluted human and animal feces and urine to promote early root growth and rapid development. 15-20 days after transplanting, dilute human and animal feces and urine were applied once again, about 1000 kg per mu. After that, organic fertilizer was applied once or twice a month. After the plant was closed, the granular compound fertilizer could be applied twice, with 30 kg per mu. It is necessary to loosen the soil and apply fertilizer after each harvest, which is beneficial to the sprouting and branching of the plant.

2. Water management: after transplanting, the seedlings need to be watered sooner or later, and they are covered with plastic film in early spring to keep warm and wet. At the seedling stage, we should pay attention to watering to protect seedlings, prevent drought and promote root growth, so as to facilitate the growth of seedlings; after the plant is closed, the water consumption increases, and the soil should be kept moist by regular irrigation. In the rainy season, especially after many days of heavy rain, it is necessary to remove stagnant water in the field in time to reduce the occurrence of diseases and insect pests and cause rotten roots.

3. Intermediate ploughing and weeding: generally ploughing 3-4 times a year to keep the soil loose, free of weeds in the field, reduce water and fertilizer consumption, keep the countryside clean, and control the breeding and spread of diseases and insect pests. Weeding in the middle ploughing is generally carried out before the row is closed, when the soil moisture is not too high in sunny or cloudy days. The root system of Xihuang grass is shallow, and the middle ploughing should be shallow. After closing the row, the plant has more branches, the branches and leaves grow luxuriantly, and the times of weeding should be reduced in order to avoid damaging the plant.

4. Pest control: the main diseases and insect pests of Xihuang grass are powdery mildew and aphids. The incidence of powdery mildew is more serious in autumn. if infected plants are found in the early stage, they should be pulled out and burned in time and sprayed in time to prevent the spread of the disease. You can use 70% methyl topiramate 800 times solution, or 25% carbendazim wettable powder 600 times solution, or 15% Fenru Ling powder 800 times liquid spray control, spray every 10 days or so, continuous spray 2 times 3 times. Aphids reproduce quickly and spread rapidly, so they must be controlled in time. Pesticide spraying with triple functions of contact, internal suction and fumigation can be used alternately with aphids, such as aphid fog, Lesbon, Nongdi Le, aphid nemesis, etc.

Harvest and processing

Xihuang grass can be harvested 2-3 times a year in the south, and can be harvested for the first time 90 days after planting in spring. If it is properly managed and there is plenty of fertilizer and water, it can be harvested for the second time 70-80 days after the first harvest, and the third time when the plant stops growing before winter. During each harvest, cut with a sickle at the base of the plant stem 2 to 3 centimeters above the ground, which is conducive to tiller germination. Harvesting is usually carried out on sunny days. It should be dried, dried in the sun, dried in the shade or dried in time after harvest. After drying, wait for the leaves to soften and then tie up and press into pieces, that is, to become a commodity.