
Peppermint planting technique

Published: 2024-09-19 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/19, Peppermint planting technique

Peppermint, alias wild mint, perennial herb, mostly born in the mountains and wetlands by the river, the rhizome is underground. The whole plant is green and fragrant, with opposite leaves, small lavender flowers, lip-shaped flowers, and small dark purple-brown fruits after flowering. Peppermint prefers warm, humid, sunny and rainy environments. Produced in north and south, born in waterside tidal wetlands, up to 3500 meters above sea level, peppermint is one of the commonly used traditional Chinese medicine, it is a cool antipyretic, treatment of influenza, headache, eye red, body fever, throat, gums swelling and pain and other diseases. External use can treat neuralgia, skin itching, rash and eczema.

Raising seedlings

1. Rhizome propagation: the cultivation of seed roots was carried out in late April or late August. The plants with strong growth and no diseases and insect pests were selected as mother plants in the field and planted according to the row spacing of 20 × 10cm. After the aboveground stems and leaves were harvested in early winter, the rhizomes were left in place as seed plants.

2. Split propagation: peppermint seedlings are about 15cm high, should be inter-seedling and supplementary seedling. The seedlings were transplanted by means of interstitial seedlings.

3. Cuttage propagation: from May to June, the aboveground stems and branches were cut into 10cm cuttings, and the seedlings were raised by cutting according to the row spacing of 7 × 3cm on the whole seedling bed, and then transplanted to the field after rooting and sprouting.


The main results are as follows: 1. peppermint was transplanted before germination in the early spring of the second year, early planting and early germination, long growth period and high yield. When planting, dig up the rhizome, select the strong, short Internode, disease-free rhizome as the seed root, cut into 7-10cm long segments, and then on the whole border surface according to the row spacing 25cm, open the deep trench of l0cm. According to the distance between 10cm plants, the seed roots were placed obliquely in the ditch to cover the fine soil, step on the soil and water it.

2. Pick the heart and hit the top, when the plant grows vigorously in May, the terminal bud should be removed in time to promote the growth of lateral branches, stems and leaves, which is beneficial to increase yield.

Head knife period management (from seedling emergence to the first harvest)

1. Check the seedling and replant: after the basic whole seedling in the field, the seedling should be checked in time, and the missing or sparse seedling should be replanted.

2. Weeding by mid-tillage: after the whole seedling, weeding between rows and artificial weeding among plants, in order to preserve soil moisture, increase soil temperature, eliminate weeds and promote seedling growth. Ploughing and weeding for 2 times 3 times before closing. Remove weeds from the field before harvest to prevent the smell of other weeds from affecting the quality of peppermint oil.

3. Timely topdressing: when the seedling height was 10-15cm, urea l0kg was applied per mu, and spraying 5ml + potassium dihydrogen phosphate 150g + urea 150g per mu was sprayed twice.

4. Scientific watering: more water is needed in the early and middle stages of peppermint, especially in the early stage of growth, the root system has not yet been formed and needs more water. Generally, one water is watered for about 15 days, and 4 rain water is needed for 5 times from seedling emergence to harvest. After sealing, it should be irrigated gently to avoid excessive growth of stems and leaves, lodging, resulting in the shedding of the lower leaves and reducing the yield. The water will be cut off for 25 days before harvest. It is appropriate to "whiten" the ground during harvest.

5. Disease control

① black shank disease, which occurs at the seedling stage, is characterized by shrinkage and depression at the base of the stem, blackening, decay, lodging and wilting of the plant. For prevention and treatment, 70% chlorothalonil or 40% carbendazim 100-150g can be sprayed with water during the onset of the disease.

② peppermint rust, easy to occur from May to July, is sprayed with 25% trimethoprim 1000ml 1500 times liquid blade spray.

③ spot blight, which occurs from May to October, can be controlled by spraying 65% of Dysen zinc 500 times at the initial stage of the disease.

6. Pest control

The main pest of mint is "bridge-building insect", and the damage period is about the middle of June and the end of August. In general, the population density is up to 10 heads / m2, which can be killed by 15-20ml per mu, sprayed twice with 1MUE, or sprayed with 1000 times of 80% dichlorvos.

7. Timely harvest

In early July, when 10% of the buds on the main stem of mint were in full bloom, the harvest began. The upper stems and leaves should be cut off during harvest, and the mint cut should be spread out to dry immediately. There should be no backlog so as not to ferment. Early harvest of peppermint will reduce the oil yield, too late harvest, peppermint furan content increases, affecting the quality of oil. Sun-wilted mint is bundled in time for distillation refining.

Second knife period management (after the first harvest to before the second harvest)

The main results are as follows: 1. The growing period of mint in the second knife period is relatively short, so it is necessary to clean the fallen leaves in time after the first knife is harvested for distillation and oil refining. It is necessary to hoe the stubble, weeds and stolons from the ground as soon as possible (usually 2-3cm), so as to promote the buds of two-knife seedlings to emerge from the rhizome.

2. Watering immediately after hoeing stubble to promote the early development and rapid growth of the two-knife seedlings, prolong the growth time and increase the yield. When the seedling height was 10-15cm, urea l0kg was applied per mu, foliar topdressing was applied twice, and weeds were pulled out twice before harvest, so that there were no weeds in the field before harvest.


1. The harvest time is from mid-September to mid-October.

2. When drying 80% of the sun, tie it into a small handful, and then dry it all. The dry body is full of leaves, dark green leaves, purple-brown stems or light green, strong aroma is preferred.