
Cultivation techniques of Cordyceps sinensis

Published: 2024-09-20 Author: mysheen
Last Updated: 2024/09/20, Cultivation techniques of Cordyceps sinensis

Early winter caterpillar fungus is also called Cordyceps sinensis, Cordyceps sinensis and Cordyceps sinensis. It is the seed base of Cordyceps sinensis in ergot family and the dry body of its strange host. Gump, Wen. Nourish the lung and kidney, mainly treat tuberculosis, hemoptysis, asthenia, night sweats, essence, impotence, waist and knee pain. Most of them are born in alpine mountains, grasslands, river valleys and grass. Distributed in Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Yunnan, Xizang and other provinces and autonomous regions.

Plant characteristics

Cordyceps sinensis is a combination of fungi belonging to Cystis, Cordyceps, ergot and Cordyceps on the larvae of Lepidoptera. The whole shape is connected by the worm body and the fruiting body, and the appearance is yellowish brown or yellowish brown. The worm body is very similar to the silkworm, slender and cylindrical, with a length of 3 cm to 5 cm and a thickness of about 0.3 cm to 1 cm. There are 20 pairs of obvious links in the abdomen, especially 4 pairs in the middle. The fruiting body refers to the extension of the host insect. A reproductive organ that can be recognized by the naked eye after repeated knot and differentiation of hyphae. The texture is brittle, the cross section is yellow and white, the head is reddish brown, and there is a seed seat, which is more solitary, slender like a stick, 4 cm long, the top is inflated, the surface is brown, the texture is slightly tough, and the cross section is yellow and white and fibrous. The head of the ascus is scattered or densely covered with ascomycetes, and numerous ascomycetes are formed in the ascomycetes, which are ascospores capable of sexual reproduction.

Growth characteristics

The distribution of Cordyceps sinensis is closely related to topography, geomorphology and altitude. Its host weaving moth likes to grow on the topography and geomorphology with moist, low temperature, sufficient sunshine and good drainage.

Cultivation techniques

1. Cultivation conditions. The artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis is mainly based on the preparation of bacteria and insects.

① strain; the cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis must first have excellent pure bacteria, first, early maturity and high yield, the main purpose is to shorten the production cycle and reduce the cost. Second, it should be highly infectious, requiring the bacteria to have strong vitality, with a survival rate of 95%, which can quickly infect insects and die of disease as soon as possible. Third, it has a wide range of adaptation, especially it has a certain resistance to environmental temperature changes and other miscellaneous bacterial infections.

② insects: insects mainly use bat moth larvae as the parasite of Cordyceps sinensis. Larvae must be alive, large and obese, and the number is determined according to their own cultivation. Generally, 1 kg of larvae per square meter, one of the mother species, 50 kg of fine sandy soil, 0.5 kg of fresh Cordyceps sinensis, 0.05 dry grams of sun-dried products, worth 100 yuan.

③ environment: the artificial cultivation of Cordyceps sinensis can be regardless of altitude, the key depends on the temperature. Cordyceps sinensis is a kind of medium and low temperature fungus. The optimum temperature for mycelium growth and reproduction is 5: 32 ℃, the most suitable is 12: 18 ℃, and the suitable sclerotia and spore formation is 10: 25 ℃.

④ cultivation season: using natural temperature, it can be cultivated for two seasons a year, from March to May in spring and from September to November in autumn. If the indoor temperature is artificially controlled, it can be cultivated all the year round, and the growth period can be shortened.

2. Cultivation methods. There are many cultivation methods of Cordyceps sinensis, such as indoor and outdoor bottle planting, box planting, bed planting, open field cultivation and so on. No matter which kind of cultivation method, it is necessary to cultivate bacteria and insects before cultivation, so that the insects can be infected with this toxic bacterial liquid before human soil. when they enter the soil, they are seriously ill and should not climb at random, which is conducive to early death, quick emergence and uniform growth. The culture method of bacteria and insects is to spray the prepared liquid bacteria on the larvae with a sprayer and spray them twice a day until they are wet. After 3 days, the larvae affected by the bacteria appear slow and in a coma, and then they can be cultivated.

① bottle cultivation: suitable for family cultivation, after washing with ordinary cans, first put a layer of 2.5-3cm fine sand in the bottle, the soil water content is 60%, and then put the infected larvae on it, two in each bottle, requiring that the two larvae should not be close together, belly facing down, stretch out, and then cover the fine sand 3 cm above, slightly flatten the surface. In order to keep moist, seal it with plastic film and manage it at a suitable indoor and outdoor temperature to avoid direct sunlight.

② box planting: it is also suitable for family cultivation, which can be cultivated in large and small wooden boxes and plastic pots. There should be plastic film at the bottom and around the wooden box to prevent moisture loss. First, spread the fine sand 5-7 cm thick, and then evenly put in the bacteria and insects. Each insect is separated by 2-3 cm, and then covered with 3-5 cm of SARS. The surface is moisturized with plastic film. In order to save space, wooden cases can also be overlapped.

③ bed planting: bed frame cultivation is the development mode of mass production, which is generally suitable for indoor, and can make full use of indoor space to carry out layer frame cultivation and save space. The bedstead is 100 cm wide and long according to its own room design, made of bamboo and wood, with a height of 12 cm on the four sides of each floor for retaining soil. During cultivation, spread a layer of plastic film first, then pour fine sand soil 5 cm and 7 cm flat, put bacteria and insects, and cover sand 3 cm to 5 cm above, then cover it with plastic film.

④ open field planting: refers to outdoor cultivation, the key to outdoor cultivation is to choose a good site, first of all to avoid direct sunlight and Rain Water erosion, to achieve shade, drainage, drought prevention, human and animal stampede environment. There are two cultivation methods: flat type or border type. Flat cultivation is to uproot the surface soil 15 cm, 100 cm wide and unlimited length from the general flat land, cover the ground and wasteland, and then fill it with sand 5 cm thick, then put in the bacteria and insects according to the above method, cover the fine sand 5-7 cm, and cover it with plastic film. There should be drains on all sides, and there should be woods or shade above.

⑤ border cultivation: border cultivation can avoid the problems of sunshine and high temperature, so it is suitable for cultivation in rural areas. The border is 100 cm wide, 50 cm deep and unlimited in length, and can also be drained around. when cultivating, spread 5 cm thick fine sand at the bottom of the border, then put bacteria and insects in the above method, and then cover 5 cm of fine sand soil, and finally cover with plastic film. Bamboo arch is used next to the bed, covered with grass curtains to shade and cool down.

3. Management technology. The management technology of Cordyceps sinensis after cultivation is very simple, mainly in the management of temperature, humidity, light and air.

① temperature: Cordyceps sinensis requires a wide range of temperature, generally low at first and then high, but would rather be too low to grow slowly, not too high to be affected. The mycelial growth of 12-18 ℃ is better, the growth rate is slow when the temperature is low, but the survival rate is high with fewer miscellaneous bacteria. Generally speaking, it can not be frozen to death at-40 ℃, but it will die when it is higher than 40 ℃. The temperature of 20-25 ℃ is favorable for growth in the later growth stage.

② humidity: humidity management is the key to the growth and development of Cordyceps sinensis, the nutrition and humidity in the insect body can basically meet its growth requirements, it does not need external nutrition and humidity, it only needs external things to keep the temperature of the insect body not easy to dry, so keep the sandy soil moist at any time, and it is appropriate to spray a small amount of water to keep it moist if dry.

③ light: Cordyceps sinensis cultivation does not need strong light, it is better to avoid light, astigmatism is better in the later stage of seed development, but can not be exposed to the sun, especially outdoor cultivation should be shaded by tree shade, artificial shading shed, grass curtain cover and so on.

④ air: the mycelium growth stage of Cordyceps sinensis does not need a lot of air, especially when the constellation is about to come out of the ground, the plastic film should be removed immediately, the air should be increased, the growth of the constellation should be increased, and the relative humidity of the air should be kept at 75%-95%. It will mature 10-20 days after it is unearthed.

Harvest and processing

Under natural conditions, the growth period of Cordyceps sinensis is generally 9 months, and the mature standard for determining the nature of the variety is that the pedestal is unearthed and the height is 3-5 cm, and the tip can be harvested when the tip develops into a "brush tip".

① harvesting method: gently dig open the SARS with bamboo and wood pole, pick out the Cordyceps sinensis and put it in the basket, be careful not to break the insect body and the seed base, let alone plane the worm body or seed base, rinse the sediment with water after harvest, and dry it in the sun in time.

② processing method: packaging Cordyceps sinensis is made of loose Cordyceps sinensis as raw material. That is, after the Cordyceps sinensis has regained its moisture, it will be arranged straight, every 7 to 10 pieces of thread will be tied into small handles and baked over low fire until completely dry. 48 small handles will be loaded into iron grids, installed in three layers, more than 16 on each layer, squeezed and sealed, fumigated and dried, and the trademark will be tied firmly with red silk rope. The specification requires that each letter of Cordyceps sinensis should be kept at about 0.25 grams, packed in wooden cases, covered with moisture-proof paper in the inner village, bound with iron straps for external use and stored in a ventilated and dry place.